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  1. I


    I would like to hear your thoughts or arguments on, for or against a spirit. Do humans have a spirit? Do animals? If so, how do you or anyone else know? If so, why and what for? If not, why do people think they do? My current opinion is that the complex phenomenon of a consciousness lead early...
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    Favorite books

    Yeah, there were a few threads about this, but they were really old. I wanted to start my own, anyway. I think you should post your two favorite books from three categories: Novels, religion and current affairs/economics/politics. There can be series, trilogies or sagas. Obviously, I will...
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    The Obama Deception

    Have you seen it? -----Thoughts? A few of my friends, previously respected, saw it. In their newly stoner state, they decided it was a mind blast and suggested me to watch. I did. Do I regret it? Kind of. I regret being subjected to such .... stuff. Yet, I am glad to further know what some...
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    The end has come...

    The link is here. And here. I'm just speechless. Just look at her channel page if you think it is a joke.
  5. I

    Athiests more peacful

    A lot of threads seem to be about this, and I found this blog about some peace index released recently. I just thought this would be a nice addition to the information available to people arguing for the atheistic stance. If anyone wants to add anything, go ahead.
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    National Ignition Facility: Fusion Laser

    I found this article in the guardian via a random website about this laser I had vaguely heard about on Colbert Report. Apparently, it is likely to revolutionize energy production with a breakthrough in fusion technology. Is anyone else excited? I just went from six to midnight!
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    Topless Coffee Shop

    I saw on digg.com this article about a topless coffee shop in Maine which was burnt down by arson. Apparently it was an eighteen year old and over establishment, and they did not hire by appearance at all. I saw the same article in U.S. News online and found that a lot of the feedback was...
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    Global Warming.

    I put it in this index just to mess with the people that think it is not propaganda. Anyway, I would like to hear the opinions and or evidence for or against. I think pollution in the first place is ruining the Earth, and respectively harms the atmosphere, as well as other systems, which have...
  9. I

    What has changed with you?

    I kind of got the idea from TJ, the Amazing Atheist, in his video of five questions to VFX. So, what have you changed in convictions or opinion since your entry to LoR, or even YouTube? Please be specific if it is YouTube, as I assume most will talk about in LoR. Maybe you were not decided on a...
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    Genetically engineering evolution of humans.

    I guess I do not know if I worded the title particularly correct, but here it goes: As in another thread I just created, I found this video by AlienScientist particularly interesting. Now, I would like to hear the opinions on genetically altering and modifying of humans in the future for the...
  11. I


    I came across this guys channel a while ago and thought some of the videos has some really interesting content for discussion. Perhaps others have seen these already. Also, I had no idea where to put this one since it could possibly go in conspiracy theories and pseudoscience. He explains how...
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    /retry New World Order discussion.

    I tried to get into the last thread about this concept, but it seemed to be a cluster-fuck. I do not know much about the New World Order theories, mostly because everyone who believes in it seems to have a differing opinion from each other. So, I would like to hear some discussion on what...
  13. I

    What is this, amateur hour?

    Do you not wish you could be a guest on this episode?
  14. I

    How prevelant is this belief?

    I was having a conversation today about how crazy people like VenomFangX and Dr. Kent Hovind are in their disinformation and misinformation campaigns when the other person said he was skeptical that that many people actually share such beliefs or are in such a following. I was under the...
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    Jesus Camp

    I am quite sure many people here have already seen this. If you have not, watch it and be afraid. If you have, tell what you think - feel free to be as specific as you want.
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    Consumption tax

    I do not know much about the FairTax, but so far consumption tax systems sound much better than income tax systems. What does everyone else think? Again, I still do not know much about it.
  17. I


    I find this topic quite fascinating since the majority - not by far at all - of men in America are circumcised yet the vast majority of men in the world are not, as well as many other reasons such as everyone's overwhelming concern for and disdain towards female circumcision in contrast to their...
  18. I

    Police and or censorship.

    This video really boosted my love for police. It is quite a good example of how those in power will abuse it and refuse to investigate themselves. I thought it might provide for some interesting conversation This might be boring for some or most people, but I am just trying to make some new and...
  19. I

    GoGreen18 and VFX/PCS on the Bible.

    Laci Green decided to spark a discussion about the validity and the dirty history of the Bible with PCS, to which he already responded. I did not have the masochistic tendencies to actually sit through his entire reply, but it seemed like he pretty much diverted any real reply to the matter and...
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    Your field of... Expertise?

    Just curious to see what everyone here does for a living and what field they are in, or what everyone studies in order to do. I presume there will be a majority of science related people here. Me, I am an economics major in university.