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  1. C

    the EU elections

    voted for the socialist labour party as there was no CPB representation. amongst the parties, no fewer than 4 wanter rid of the EU. there was a party called "the christian party" or something (i loled) i hope the BNP dont get any seats
  2. C

    Plane lost in the Atlantic

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/8076848.stm aside from stupid "its the aliens AGHRRR!" theories. can someone explain how a lightning strike could down an aircraft? i have known of many planes that have been hit and nothing went wrong.
  3. C

    The Noble Gasses

    so this thread is just to ask questions about some useful (yet slightly boring chemicals) namely, the noble gasses. my question. we can ionise the noble gasses easily (mass spectrometer etc) for instance: Ar+, Ar 2+ etc. If a negative chloride ion (Cl-) was introduced to a sample of ionised...
  4. C

    the CPB policies

    here are some of the policies of the Communist Party of Britain (which i am a member of), tell me what you think: *Redistribute wealth from the rich and big business to working people and their families with a wealth tax, higher corporation tax, cuts in VAT and higher pensions and social...
  5. C

    the country filter

    everytime i log in to you tube up pops the country filter saying: we have placed you as unighted kingdom etc etc. click ok to accept. i do again and again, i log on with the same computer, yet it doesnt remember what country im from and the thing still pops up. any ideas?
  6. C


    cant see the topic (sorry if this has already been brought up) is there anyway of having direct image uploads from your computer for posts? or is that not possible?
  7. C

    age limits

    So, on saturday (23rd may) i turned 18! didnt go out drinking as i had a gig with my orchestra today. however, im going out drinking later in the week (oh dear). this bring up the topid of age limits. what are your views? too old/young or just about right. im talking about all limits for...
  8. C


    I have all of the 60's tv show on my computer..... its AWSOME and so is the music =P
  9. C

    Blood donations

    so i just came back from giving blood for the second time. who else here gives blood? what are your thought on it? i think its something everyone should do if they are physically able to.
  10. C


    who has twitter here? if we all give our twitters we can follow each other it will be fun. mine is http://www.twitter.com/COMMUNISTFLISK
  11. C

    nuclear power

    give me your opinions, NUCLEAR all the way for me
  12. C


    i think we should have this thread as completely random junk, kind of like the chat, just a thread to mess around with rather than have any meaning for it. to start: how do you keep an idiot occupied? answer at the bottom of the post > >> >>> >>>> >>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>...
  13. C

    how to move the earth and how to destroy the earth

    http://qntm.org/?destroy#sec3 http://qntm.org/?moving if all else fails, these will be our specie's mass suicide methods, none of which are really feasible haha they are however interesting, especially the Total existence failure one, chance is less than a googleplex to one haha.
  14. C

    water vs fire

    why does water put out fire? is it that it starves the flames of oxygen? also why does something damp/wet not catch fire. and on the same sort of subject, bedsheets/clothes etc can be made flame resistant... how?
  15. C

    mental health disorders

    not sure where to put this.. discussion on general mental health etc. i want to state that i have aspergers syndrome , a behavioural spectrum autistic disorder. (albeit a mild case, its get better over time) i encourage others to share, its voluntary of course... maybe this thread could be a...
  16. C

    uk meetup (other than the TAM)

    i say.... BIRMINGHAM :P any questions?
  17. C

    0.9999999999.... vs 1?

    so... are they equal? (this is a revival of the old forum thread) lets reach a conclusion properly this time lols.
  18. C

    sound systems

    stereos/speakers etc, use a vibrating plate, usually made of strong carboard, plastic etc, that vibrates, sending sound to your ear via air particles... my question... how does it produce more than one sound at once? (the vibrating plate i mean) for instance, on a track, a drummer is hitting...
  19. C

    Final fantasy music

    i know fina fantasy is a game series, but its the music im on about so it can go here ^_^ what do we think of the music from the series? FF7 + FF9 had awsome music in my opinion