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mental health disorders


New Member
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not sure where to put this..
discussion on general mental health etc.

i want to state that i have aspergers syndrome , a behavioural spectrum autistic disorder. (albeit a mild case, its get better over time)

i encourage others to share, its voluntary of course...
maybe this thread could be a general advice thread or a thread to show others how our minds work?
Very cool idea. I know a number of people with disorders but have yet to be diagnosed. Does aspergers effect your social ability in some way? I've only read 1 chapter about it in a abnormal psychology book for school.
I believe I may have a very very mild case of OCD. But it doesn't really interfere with my life.
my son has aspergers and my youngest daughter is autistic. It is not fun for either of them and I know it is hard to develope relationships for some people with aspergers. It is for my son. If you need to talk I am here.

I live with OCD (fairly mild case, mostly comes out in physical cleanliness and counting, touching and occasionaly counted movements) and chronic depression.

I've been medicated for the depression twice in my relatively short life (I'm recently 26) and at 19/20 I tried to comit suicide after a year or so of self harming (there was a lot that contributed to it - but you don't need the sob story). I still struggle with the self harm (though I actually haven't 'done' anything for a number of years) and am rather ashamed of the scarring.

Comments about teenagers and self harm are not particularly welcome if they run along the lines of goths, emos and general missunderstandings/stereotypes. Thankyou.
I had a rather bad case of depression, but when I dropped my religious beliefs the depression seemed to clear itself up. I think it had something to do with me knowing in the back of my mind that if an omnipotent God exists, He is responsible for basically everything that happens.
GoodKat said:
I had a rather bad case of depression, but when I dropped my religious beliefs the depression seemed to clear itself up. I think it had something to do with me knowing in the back of my mind that if an omnipotent God exists, He is responsible for basically everything that happens.

I've read a lot of cases where people were depressed ruing their 'de-conversion' years. I've noticed it seems to be a running theme.

Myself, I was never religious, so I can categoricaly say it wasn't anything like that XD
HomoOfficioHomini said:
Maybe it's a good thing that you have a psychologist in the house ;)

could be XD

And amusingly, I LIVE with one. Well - a Forensice Psychiatrist, anyway c.c
A couple related things:
Depending on your definitions for addictions you might say I'm an addict. I at least have a history of drug abuse and since it's a diagnosable disease I suppose it counts. I haven't used any kind of drugs other than caffeine in years though. For the record I do not consider addiction an excuse for substance abuse, I mention this because a lot of people have a hard time with the "disease model" of addiction. I don't complain about the stupid choices I've made.

I have chronic depression. It runs in my family but it was a lot worse when I got clean from drugs than it ever was before I started using.

Unrelated, and I'm not even sure it's reasonable to call it a mental disorder:
I have a tic. That's what the neurologist called it. Sometimes I lose muscular control of my jaw/tongue/mouth area for a period lasting 5-20 seconds. It's very annoying and only started a couple years ago.

It doesn't follow some of the classic definition of a tic though because I cannot delay it happening, it does not feel like relief when it happens, and it happens in my sleep. They're pretty sure it isn't small seizures of strokes though so it shouldn't kill me unexpectedly.. just very annoying.
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felixthecoach said:
Very cool idea. I know a number of people with disorders but have yet to be diagnosed. Does aspergers effect your social ability in some way? I've only read 1 chapter about it in a abnormal psychology book for school.

when i was younger working in groups would have been impossible for me, my social behavoir was..... questionable, i couldnt take any form of authority (the teachers couldnt control me either)
i had violent mood swings etc etc....

now though im alot better, my social interactions are almost what you could call "normal", i still find it hard to make eye contact with strangers, my speech sometimes is a little gargled, i still have a short fuse and can get upset over silly things, working in groups is difficult still as i sometimes find it hard to understand why someones viewpoint differs from mine. my mind works extremely logically, so i find it hard when somone does something illogical and i often avoid illogical actions. im still pretty clumsy, as aspergers affects my motor movements too (although for the most part you wouldnt notice, its things like i often spill drinks etc.)
Varistra said:
my son has aspergers and my youngest daughter is autistic. It is not fun for either of them and I know it is hard to develope relationships for some people with aspergers. It is for my son. If you need to talk I am here.


im here too if you need advice, my case has got better with age and i have learned from my past. how old are your children?
im here too if you need advice, my case has got better with age and i have learned from my past. how old are your children?

My son will be turning 11 in June. My daughter is 5. They have a 7 year old sister who doesn't have their problems. She is very pacient and understanding of their problems especially with the five year old. Which is a big help. :)

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do you know what caused thier autism?
mine was because the umbillical chord was wrapped round my neck for a short time after birth
We think it is genetic on their father's side. My husband thinks he is undiagnosed aspergers. His uncle and one cousin as well have it.

My half-sister has a mild case of aspergers. They thought it was full blown autism at first, but when she got older the symptoms turned out to not be so severe.

I've met her only once and if I hadn't been told beforehand that she had a "disorder" (is that what it's called?) I wouldn't have known. I knew another guy in secondary school with asperger's and the same thing happened- didn't notice a thing until my mother (a psychiatric nurse) guessed he had it. This was before he knew himself.
I'm still alive.. Yeyyyy

I've never been diagnosed with anything... Yeyyyy again. But then again I kindly avoid professional medical care most of the time. I had some suspicious zits removed from my nose, and ofcourse have had antibiotics on a few occasions.. and tetanus shots... But mentally, I'm OK. Or just hopeless.

I did manage to push my parents into therapy... Their therapist tried to contact me a number of times but I managed to ward her off... Yeyyyy again, again!

I stole prozac and seroxat and used that... I also tried LSD - which was, in fact, originally intended for psychiatric uses - but after my junkie phase I mellowed out and found new peace... in ever louder music.

A good mellowing drug btw is endorphin. Works like a charm.

I bear the scars of many fights and struggles with depression and self-destructive paranoid/psychotic episodes but I won't linger on them. I've redirected my energy to constructive endeavours, and if all else fails I can still crawl in the bottle. Smokehead whiskey FTW :ugeek: :eek: :lol:

mental disorders = illness?
or from what level can we talk about (mental) illness?
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hookah said:

mental disorders = illness?
or from what level can we talk about (mental) illness?

anything from depression to autism to alzeimers to split brain patients
Disorder tends to mean something present from birth, while illness might be due to something external (e.g. a disease); however, I think we're referring to any and all mental problems.