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  1. S


    My Little Pony Physics Presentation This is just too awesome.
  2. S

    Happy birthday AndromedasWake

    Apparently it's AndromedasWake's birthday, so here's a congratulations on living another year and some cake. Cake! note: if it's not his birthday, happy week-to-rapture time.
  3. S

    How to neutralize nuclear waste

    Ran into this awhile ago, now saw it again and figured I would post this here. I havn't actually watched it, but changing decay rates and the selling of devices convinces me it's a scam. It sent my BS sense tingling but am I wrong and is this just BS. Anyways, enjoy it. On a side note, should...
  4. S

    Kyrgyzstan parliament expels evil spirits

    http://www.kyivpost.com/news/world/detail/102610/ It's not a long article so I'll just quote it all here: Saw it on the Dutch news site I always read and figured I'd post it here, this is probably just an appeasement to the masses, trying to unite the country under a common flag so that it...
  5. S

    Accupuncture helps take the edge of menopause

    http://health.usnews.com/health-news/family-health/womens-health/articles/2011/03/08/acupuncture-may-take-edge-off-menopause-symptoms I would think that the small size of the study might have something to do with the results.
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    More so then throwing this into chat I figured I'd post the link in here. http://www.gapminder.org/ Brilliant look at statistics from hans Rosling who also made the documentary the joy of stats and gave 2 intresting ted talks. It allows you to look at statistics in a different way, you can check...
  7. S

    Wikileaks is a terrorist organisation?

    http://www.aolnews.com/surge-desk/article/is-wikileaks-a-terrorist-organization-rep-peter-king-thinks-so/19736963 So, they should be tried as a terrorist organisation now? I'm slightly scared, but also slightly amused. Also great fun, the fox news article on it, so fair and balanced as...
  8. S

    Arrest warrant for wikileaks founder Julian Assange

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11831519 I tend to think that this is a smear campaign, mainly because of the timing of this and how much better off the US would be if he was in jail. Though the US government is going to take down wikileaks any ways with some new copyright legislation...
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    Difference between a cult and a religion?

    As the title states, I wonder what the difference is between a cult and a religion. $cientology is apparently a cult, but as far as I get it, a cult is just a small religion.
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    Carla Bruni is a prostitute and immoral woman

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11133178 http://liveshots.blogs.foxnews.com/2010/08/30/iran-calls-french-first-lady-a-prostitute/ (For the "Fair and balanced" perspective) http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jGKdAlGxhi2IiOMIsA_QzFtphGdAD9HTUOM80 TL;DR So she signed the...
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    Stork Apologetics

    So, as people continually propagate the falsehood of biological procreation, people need to be told! You might say, why should I believe you? Why should you believe biological procreation. Its either biological procreation theory or the stork fact, so if biological procreation isn't true, stork...
  12. S

    Science. it works, bitches!

    So, there's a lot of variations on http://xkcd.com/54/ To name a one: Science, it works bitches! So, does anyone have any witty one liners about Science?
  13. S

    Life on air

    http://bodyodd.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2010/05/10/2299480.aspx Apparently they are trying to analyse this man for military applications, also for astronauts. Trying to figure out how he's doing it. I'm still wondering when he'll be proven a fraud. It would be cool if it was possible, but I doubt...
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    Death to south park

    http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/death-threat-for-south-park-creators-over-muhammad-satire/article1541956/ I just find this funny, the entire episode is a mockery of his ability to not get mocked and now they threaten them over it. Does anyone see the irony?
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    Leading cause of earthquakes found

    http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/andrewbrown/2010/apr/20/religion-iran-earthquakes-adultery-sodom Ladies and gentlemen, we got it, he's got it. Woman dun it. Repent. This must by why there are earthquakes in LA, but not in texas.
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    Statistics on Child Abuse in the catholic church

    http://www.newsweek.com/id/236096 (referencing: http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0405/p01s01-ussc.html & http://www.nytimes.com/1991/06/12/us/presbyterians-adopt-guidelines-to-curb-sex-misconduct-by-clergy.html ) Does anyone know any numbers on sexual abuse and by catholic priests or other...
  17. S

    Pope's No. 2: Pedophilia linked to homosexuality

    http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/04/12/AR2010041202959.html I know this looks like someone is taking the onion too seriously, but it appears to be legit :lol: It is nothing short of what was expected, and I didn't know they hadn't done this before. The second...
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    Dwarf Fortress

    Well, it's a ASCII game, so it has no real graphics. But the mechanics of the game are deeper then any other game I know. You can put tilesets on it to give some sense of graphics, atleast thats what I did. I'm currently playing it, and I can see myself building fortress's for awhile. Showing...
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    Atheism = hate

    I just noticed that I had 3 unread messages on youtube, normally I never get messages, so I started to read them. Turns out someone had sent a PM to a lot of the people who mirror'd zomgitscriss's video. I figure I would post it here since it gave some entertaining positions. By now the...
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    ZOMGitsCriss video flagged

    About 3 hours after it got uploaded: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upTeL3oxENQ Got flagged and removed for TOS violation, plenty of mirrors going up now.