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Atheism = hate


New Member
I just noticed that I had 3 unread messages on youtube, normally I never get messages, so I started to read them. Turns out someone had sent a PM to a lot of the people who mirror'd zomgitscriss's video. I figure I would post it here since it gave some entertaining positions.
This video is a response to the ZobyCriss (P.G.S) video. ~Islam is so wonderful and sciency and peaceful
I sent this reply to all those who mirror this video!

For some time, the word hatred became synonymous with atheism, because the only way the atheists know to express themselves, is by promoting hatred.

Atheists promotes hatred, against anyone who in their minds, has the nerve to reject atheism.

What is the most strangest, is that Atheists consider that ~Islam it is the most dangerous religion and that "Islamic countries are the most violent and oppressive countries in the world" but in response to this, atheists fight to destroy the Christian culture & civilization.

In these conditions atheism appears as a monster who is eating his own mother. Atheists are not fighting against Islam ~the most dangerous religion but against Christian civilization.
Christian culture and civilization created the today's society, but atheist prove that they hate this society.

There is no secret that that everything we today call "modern society" was born in a Christian environment.
Neither Africa nor Asia, or the American indigenous, are responsible for today's civilization!
The attitude of this user ( ZOMGitsCriss ) which was determined by atheism, to hate her own country, and all the people who have taught her what she knows today, is amazing.
Yes people who "taught her " .
The Today's most atheists went to universities, founded by the church in the past, and yap the University is a Christian concept (still have to mention that Zomby, has no degree, the idea of universities, as used by me is a generally example).

About "free speech"
For an atheist "free speech" is when another atheist wants criticize something, and only when an ATHEIST wants to criticize something.
About a year ago, I had a YouTube channel with issues of history, the channel have about 100 videos made by me in two years, I said "I had" because the channel was suspended, after I accused ZombyCriss that she promotes hatred.
Obviously Zomby blocked me
and she sent her army of subscriber against my channel,and the channel has been suspended.
a few films have been saved

Here is what Zomby hates the most in my country

Then I realized what atheism is.
If you do not hate anyone, why are you atheist?
Atheism = hate
Stop Atheism Stop the hate!

"For some time, the word hatred became synonymous with atheism."
Only in your mind.
"For some time, the word hatred became synonymous with atheism, because the only way the atheists know to express themselves, is by promoting hatred."
Your assertion is so ass-backwards it's not even funny. The KKK, The Nazi Party, Hamas, White Aryan Brotherhood, al-Qaeda, The Taliban.....the most hateful people on Earth. All of them staunchly loyal to their bloodthirsty deity. An attitude of "Blood for the Blood God and Skulls for the Skull Throne" seems to always go hand in hand with "Kill the Zionists, Gays and [Insert at least two more ethnic groups] for they are subhuman!"
"Atheists promotes hatred...."
You repeat this nugget of inanity multiple times as if you can't understand why its not obvious to everyone. Listen: repeating a lie over and over again does not make it any more true.
"What is the most strangest, is that Atheists consider that ~Islam it is the most dangerous religion and that 'Islamic countries are the most violent and oppressive countries in the world'...."
Which is true.
"...but in response to this, atheists fight to destroy the Christian culture & civilization."
Not exactly true. The war of ideas is against Fundamentalism. Its the evil at the core of both Arabic Wahhabi-ism and Evangelical Christianity. The poison that turns both of those religions into vile millenialist doomsday cults bent on ending human civilization.
You don't want us destroying your imaginary vision of Mayberry and Walmart....then stop trying to destroy the reality of...human civilization continuing.
"In these conditions atheism appears as a monster who is eating his own mother. Atheists are not fighting against Islam ~the most dangerous religion but against Christian civilization.
Christian culture and civilization created the today's society, but atheist prove that they hate this society."
This redundant paragraph is merely a carbon copy of the tissue of lies posited in the previous paragraph. Again: repeating a lie does not make it true.
"There is no secret that that everything we today call "modern society" was born in a Christian environment."
No. It exists IN SPITE of theistic interference. If the Christians had their way, this would still be the time of the Puritans....or the Dark Ages.
"Neither Africa nor Asia, or the American indigenous, are responsible for today's civilization!"
Your historical ignorance betrays you. But It's not my job to teach you World History. Read a fucking book, you clown.
"The Today's most atheists went to universities, founded by the church in the past, and yap the University is a Christian concept."
Bullshit. The Lyceum was Ancient Greek, and Confucious was Chinese. Your propaganda is getting lamer and lamer the more of it I read.
"About a year ago, I had a YouTube channel with issues of history, the channel have about 100 videos made by me in two years, I said "I had" because the channel was suspended, after I accused ZombyCriss that she promotes hatred.
Obviously Zomby blocked me
and she sent her army of subscriber against my channel,and the channel has been suspended."
Ahhhhhh. NOW I Remember You. You're that guy in Bosnia who spams everyones channel with ads for a Automated Bible Software.
"Then I realized what atheism is. If you do not hate anyone, why are you atheist?"
Its a sad statement about your self esteem when even the imaginary strawman in your head hates your guts.
"Atheism = hate"
Repeating Lies != Make it True.
"Stop Atheism Stop the hate!"
Repeating Lies != Make it True.

It was theists who smashed planes into the twin towers.
It was theists who blamed it on the gays and liberals.
It was theists who beheaded infidels.
It was theists who picketed funerals of soldiers.
It was theists who picketed funerals of that lesbian couple murdered by firebomb.
It was theists who caused the Jim Jones mass suicide.
It was theists who caused the Heaven's Gate mass suicide (not the name)
It was theists who resort to car bombs.
It was theists who bomb abortion clinics.
It was theists who want to prevent condoms.
It was theists who want to stop the HPV vaccine.
It was theists who want to stop stem cell research.
It was theists who molested the altarboys.
It was theists who stood by and did nothing while the Holocaust happened.
It was theists who perpetrated the Holocaust.
It was theists who perpetrated the Salem Witch Trials.
It was theists who perpetrated the Spanish Inquisition.
It was theists who perpetrated the Auto da Fe.
It was theists who perpetrated the 'Troubles' in Ireland.
It was theists who escalated the bloodshed in Serbia/Bosnia-Herzegovina.
It was theists who escalated the bloodshed in Kashmir.
It was theists who continue the bloodshed in Israel/Palestine.
It was theists who ban and burn books.
It was theists who blow up the temples and mosques of rival sects.
It was theists who ordered Socrates poisoned.
It was theists who jailed Galileo.
It was theists who killed Giordano Bruno.
It was theists who ordered that Salman Rushdie be murdered.
It was theists who killed Theo de Raadt.
It was theists who made excuses for Slavery in the Confederacy.
It was theists who keep moving those paedophile priests to new parishes.
It was theists who moved all those Nazi war criminals to Colonia Dignidad.
It was theists who made Peter Popoff and Benny Hinn rich.
It was theists who got Reagan and both Bushes into office.
It was theists who starting the false flag campaigns on YouTube.
It was theists who starting the votebotting on YouTube.
It was theists who starting the DMCA abuse on YouTube.
It was theists who pray when they should be doing something constructive.

Every single statement above is provably true. Every single statement shows violence, intolerance and hatred on the part of the theist. In fact, if the perpetrators didn't have "God Demanded It" as a catalyst and an excuse, do you seriously think any of that would have ever happened?
Do you know why?
Because without theism, there would be fewer reasons for intolerance, arrogance and ignorance. And without fundamentalism and dogmatism, the conflicts that led up to these atrocities would have been dealt with via rational and civilized means.

I defy you to debunk that VyckRo.

By now the format for youtube PM's starts troubling this:
"I defy you to debunk that VyckRo"
if I am not already blocked, I will answer:

"It was theists who smashed planes into the twin towers.
It was theists who blamed it on the gays and liberals.
It was theists who beheaded infidels.
It was theists who picketed funerals of soldiers.
It was theists who picketed funerals of that lesbian couple murdered by firebomb.
It was theists who caused the Jim Jones mass suicide.
It was theists who caused the Heaven's Gate mass suicide (not the name)
It was theists who resort to car bombs.
It was Atheist who invented Communism -is true-
It was Atheist who caused the Holodomor
It was an atheist "George Bernard Shaw" who invented the concept of mass genocide ( Holocaust. & Holodomor) see my video "RE: Islam is so wonderful and sciency and peaceful"

"Your assertion is so ass-backwards it's not even funny. The KKK, The Nazi Party, Hamas, White Aryan Brotherhood, al-Qaeda, The Taliban.....the most hateful people on Earth. All of them staunchly loyal to their bloodthirsty deity. An attitude of "Blood for the Blood God and Skulls for the Skull Throne" seems to always go hand in hand with "Kill the Zionists, Gays and [Insert at least two more ethnic groups] for they are subhuman!"

your Atheist brother Vladimir Ilici Lenin said:
~Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism
They destroyed churches, killed priests, cut and killed in the name of this concept

""...but in response to this, atheists fight to destroy the Christian culture & civilization."
Not exactly true. The war of ideas is against Fundamentalism. Its the evil at the core of both Arabic Wahhabi-ism and Evangelical Christianity. The poison that turns both of those religions into vile millenialist doomsday cults bent on ending human civilization."

Atheis used this for legitimize hatred, against at all: Christians & Muslims
You Do not fight a radical segment, you fight against all teist who refused atheism

Arabic Wahhabi-ism and Evangelical Christianity. you are Iooking for reasons to justify your hatred?

"There is no secret that that everything we today call "modern society" was born in a Christian environment."
No. It exists IN SPITE of theistic interference. If the Christians had their way, this would still be the time of the Puritans....or the Dark Ages.

"Neither Africa nor Asia, or the American indigenous, are responsible for today's civilization!"
Your historical ignorance betrays you. But It's not my job to teach you World History. Read a fucking book, you clown.

Middle age has nothing in common with Christianity that is just an Atheist myth! And "The Dark Ages".never existed, it is a concept invented by the humanists!

If culture and civilization ( Warning! Two totally different concepts) are indepenndente of theistic interference.
So why only Christianity developed "modern society"?
where it is India Asia and Africa? Should be in the cosmos until now ( they do not had a "Dark Ages" -remember-)

"and she sent her army of subscriber against my channel,and the channel has been suspended."
Ahhhhhh. NOW I Remember You. You're that guy in Bosnia who spams everyones channel with ads for a Automated Bible Software."

I'm a guy from romania, hatred by ZombyCriss as she hates her own culture.

This is the longest post I've made so far. Perhaps he will come on here and defend his views, I'll pass the link to this thread.
Here, lemme bring this thread up to date:

Re: VyckRo and his whiny nastygram.
He answered back....and this is the drivel he chose to answer back with...

"It was Atheist who invented Communism -is true-
It was Atheist who caused the Holodomor
It was an atheist "George Bernard Shaw" who invented the concept of mass genocide..."

You ignored all 30+ of my examples. You didn't even attempt to rebuke or justify them at all.
As for yours, yes, I understand you grew up under Communism and you have every reason in the world to hate it. Any sane person will despise the inglorious clusterfuck that was the USSR (especially the version under Stalin.) BUT....and it's an important BUT....blaming Atheism for that is like pinning the blame for Vampiriism on every Romanian in the world. I defy you to find a single atheist alive you has anything nice to say about Commie Russia....or Stalin....or the mass starvations of the Holodomor.
Conversely, I can, with a quick google search, find theists who will gleefully expound on why the Holocaust and clinic bombings and beheading of infidels are absolutely peachy-keen and why we should have more of them.
Also: George Bernard Shaw didn't "invent mass genocide"; he merely was a member, at one point, of the Fabian Society....a group who wad many stupid and pointless ideas....and who got more press then they deserved.
Notice: I was able to think up 30+ examples all in one quick flowing torrent but you had to wrack your brain for over an hour to come up with 3 examples, 2 of which are strawmen and all 3 are overly broad assertions.
So again, instead of answering with another "tu quoque" (or another scurrilous accusation of commie sympathy); Why don't you explain how the Love of Jebus makes all the theist atrocities A-O.K.?
Or even better, why don't you just admit that theism has caused more death and more horror for much longer, and apologize for supporting evil for the sake of your own "Personal Salvation" in the loving arms of your imaginary friend.

"your Atheist brother Vladimir Ilici Lenin said...."
....shit that's not fucking relevant, especially to me. This is part of your Strawman. Not all atheists are deranged commies or commie sympathizers. In fact, I've not met a single commie-symp atheist. Most of the ones I've met are Libertarian.
And quoting Lenin (shit, even quoting John Lennon) would start a fist-fight among these Libertarians.
To clairify and reiterate: Calling all atheists commies is as broken and wrong as me calling all theists Nazis.
Though I can get away with calling all Nazis Theists. Because it was true.
I'm sure you've heard of Venn Diagrams. The circle that reads "atheist" and the circle that reads "commie" are barely touching; whereas the circle that reads "nazi" is INSIDE the circle that says "theist".

The next chunk in an example of fractal wrongness, and thus I'll have to debunk it 3 different ways.

Atheis used this for legitimize hatred,"

Again, you keep repeating that bald-faced lie as if somehow repetition makes it true. You can't use the assertion to prove the assertion. That's called begging the question. Its lame and its annoying. Either back up the statement or stop repeating it like a mantra.
Also, that sentence is unclear: Atheist used WHAT to legitimize hatred? The provable fact that there are powerful theists who actually STRIVE to destroy human civilization? Are you trying to tell me that we shouldn't begrudge the Wah'habi/Evangelical urge for global scale self-seppuku?
Fuck...That! They want to gloriously kill themself off, fine....let them do it without access to nukes and germ-bombs. Let them self-pwn with a shotgun and leave the rest of us to actually progress in peace.

"Atheis used this for legitimize hatred, against at all: Christians & Muslims"
Christians and Muslims do a fine just of legitimizing hatred. Christians and Muslims find reasons to hate and butcher and massacre each other every day without the slightest help from the atheist community.

"Atheis used this for legitimize hatred, against at all: Christians & Muslims
You Do not fight a radical segment, you fight against all teist who refused atheism."

Did you even read what I wrote?
Did you? Because I coulda sworn I spoke specifically and directly about the Wah'habi and the Evangelicals. I was very clear about this.
Contrary to your paranoid fear of atheists under the bed coming to take away your sainted grandmama and turn her into soylent green against your will....I am not interested in deconverting 99% of believers; because 97% of believers are not a problem. It's that 3% of frothing headcases that'll get us all killed.
That's who I target because that's a fight that can be won.

"Middle age has nothing in common with Christianity that is just an Atheist myth! And 'The Dark Ages'.never existed, it is a concept invented by the humanists!"

Wait...WHUT!? Are you fucking serious?
Are you seriously proposing that Dark Ages never happened?
Wow! A Dark Ages Denialist. I've never heard of that!
So lemme guess, the moon landing was a hoax perpetrated by freemasons and the zionists faked the holocaust.....RIGHT?
Shit. I've never seen somebody try to pass off a 900 year period of well established and verified history as Imaginary.

"it is a concept invented by the humanists!"
Maybe you haven't been keeping up on not-so-current-events pal, but back in the 1330's when Petrarch wrote of the Dark Ages, there were little if any 'Humanists'. And the few that did exist ended up as kindling in bonfires.
Your assertion is as silly as me blaming the "Myth of the Roman Empire" on the TeaBaggers.

"where it is India Asia and Africa? Should be in the cosmos until now ( they do not had a "Dark Ages" -remember-)"
I can't debunk this because I can't even decipher what your saying here.
(Though I am now picturing a Lolcat asking if "I can has Dark Ages?")

"I'm a guy from romania, hatred by ZombyCriss as she hates her own culture."
Maybe she has a grievance against bible-thumping history-denying spam-spewing loons. Although I don't support overuse of the Block User button. All the posts I've seen you make ARE SPAM.
So, how much does eSword pay you to bombard random boards with adverts for it?

The 'Please Learn Shit' Movement MIRRORED!!!
The 'Please Learn Shit' Movement MIRRORED!!!
Sent to: vyckro, scootsalongcrib, turbodally, voyagervsbor, ohmyfsm, njb444, tyrongkojy, divineoverlord666, fhb71, sapereaudeffs, carolblanchard1
I remembered.

Here's what tyrongkojy said to him.....


Re: Re: VyckRo and his whiny nastygram.
"It was Atheist who invented Communism -is true-
It was Atheist who caused the Holodomor
It was an atheist "George Bernard Shaw" who invented the concept of mass genocide ( Holocaust. & Holodomor) see my video "RE: Islam is so wonderful and sciency and peaceful" "

You're aware, yes, that the ONLY thing atheists have in common is a lack of belief in Gods? Yes? And certainly the holocaust was the very first genocide. Certainly. And what's the Holodomor?

"your Atheist brother Vladimir Ilici Lenin said:
~Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism
They destroyed churches, killed priests, cut and killed in the name of this concept "
Fuck Lenin. What does he have to do with this? First off, he was an ass who happened to be atheist. He didn't do things in the name of atheism. The USSR veiwed religion, quite rightly, as a controlling aspect hat kept people ignorant, hateful, and scared.

Atheis used this for legitimize hatred, against at all: Christians & Muslims
You Do not fight a radical segment, you fight against all teist who refused atheism
Arabic Wahhabi-ism and Evangelical Christianity. you are Iooking for reasons to justify your hatred? "

I admit I'm not fond of the moderates either. Who lays the groundwork fr the fundies to keep comming? And besides, it's not like I NEED to LOOK for reasons. The're pretty evident.

"Middle age has nothing in common with Christianity that is just an Atheist myth! And "The Dark Ages".never existed, it is a concept invented by the humanists! "
Watch out for those black helicopters, man.

If culture and civilization ( Warning! Two totally different concepts) are indepenndente of theistic interference.
So why only Christianity developed "modern society"? "
Bhuddism and Shintoism did pretty well, I think.

"where it is India Asia and Africa? Should be in the cosmos until now ( they do not had a "Dark Ages" -remember-) "
I don't even understand what this means.
Sent to: vyckro, lordcustos3, scootsalongcrib, turbodally, voyagervsbor, ohmyfsm, njb444, divineoverlord666, fhb71, sapereaudeffs, carolblanchard1
arg-fallbackName="tyrong kojy"/>
Thank you.

There was also a thing he sent which had quotes from Darwin showing me he was an agnostic. I gave him the point, saying if he was he was likely an agnostic-atheist. I mean, I hadn't heard of those quotes, but I also didn't care enough to look.
I think you meant Theism=hate not atheism

edit: my bad, I concluded from those It was theists who sentences
what a nutjob, he really is coockoo for cocaopuffs!
i have seen some crazy humans before, but this one takes it to a different level.
arg-fallbackName="tyrong kojy"/>
"Your example are absurd "practically begs the answer" You combine all religion under the label "theistic" Atheist were always a minority "theists" were always a majority. "
And with this majority theists tortured, enslaved, and killed in the name of their God.

"All civilization on earth were religious, and between these civilizations, there were wars, and conflicts"
No one's saying none of this would have happened, or that all f these were caused by religion, by a large number were. And how many were caused by those in the name of their lack of beleif in the local deity?

" The claim that: in a world 99% theistic. there were wars and crimes it is not: a claim but a observation.
What you have failed to demonstrate, is that religion was the cause for these facts, or even better the only cause. "
Crusades? The Middle East? Shintoist wars? Bhuddist wars? The bhuddists were REALLY bad at this, and THEY'RE technically atheistic.

"Your beloved brother: ~George Bernard Shaw "
I don;t even know who this is, so how could he be my "brother"? You know who YOUR brother is? Adolf Hitler, a fellow Christian.

"Life you are so few is .. Robert W. Thurston's .. an Atheist.? "
Neither do i know who this is, or what the hell you mean with that "life" line. I understand english isn't your first language, but please either refrain from these, or try harder.

"yes he did ( asked the chemists to fiind "a human gas" to exterminate large groups of people: is a fact recognized by many historians. "
So the VERY FIRST genocide ever commited was by the Nazis. Wow. Okay.

"I have other things to do than yt (I used these examples, before in my movies"
You still didn't respond to his.

"this has any meaning? for you? "
If you're asking me what he means, then he's asking you to tell him why you have not adressed his points. Why those seem okay to you, or less so, than some poor management by Stalin.

"All atheist whom I met ar communist, and atheism in general lean toward socialism"
I'm not communist. And what's wrong with socialism? Yay, free health care.

"Since atheists want a reason to hate someone, So they choose a few extreme cases to can hate a whole group. "
I don;t. The moderates don;t help anything. They do nothing to prevent the fundamentalists from becoming so, often from their own numbers, so as far as I';m concerned, they're just a guilty. And in the past, ALL were memebrs of the fundamentalists, while the moderates were the tiny minority.

"show me one video of Thunderf00t or ZOMGitsCriss where they specified, these groups.
No! the actions of these groups are used for promoting hatred against all!!! "
F00t is often critisised about this, in fact. YOU obviously HAVEN'T looked when you search for atheist in the search bar. Check out rozeboosje. He JUST made a vid about this. But even if he doesn;t blatantly mention it, F00t doesn't mean all, he USUALLY refers to the fundies. As for Criss, usually te same thing, though if YOU'RErepresentative of the moderates, then I agree that we be against your kind as well. You have consistently shown a huge ammount of ignorance and rudeness from message one. if ANYONE has been promoting hatred here, it's yourself.

"Then just attack that group, do not accuse everyone, for that group , which in my view are followers of a heresy! "
YOUR view. Very good. Not most. And I don;t see YOU standing up against them. Which is why we don;t care if you're hit in the critisism crossfire. And if you don;t like what we say about your reigion, MAYBE you shouldn;t be a part of it, because we're not lying when we point out the fallacies and inconsistencies, and the evil, evil God that the Trrah, quarran, Bible, etc. portray.

"No "Dark Ages" never existed. There was a Middle Ages a period of transition since the fall of the glorious Roman Empire until the Crusades. "
And what time do we call the dark ages?

"up to the Renaissance (Which was triggered by the looting Constantinople"
Which occurred despite of the church's continued opression and threat of burning and the inquisition, which was still orcurring. Think about those that were allowed to keep their work.W hat did those inventors and scientists do? They made weapons for the church. ONLY reason they weren't burned for heresy. Gallileo, anyone? And he would have been USEFUL to the church's conquring. inf act it's probably GOOD they told him to shut up, because if not they would have become THAT much more powerful.

"then you barbarians from the West you came in contact with the Christian culture and civilization) "
"WE" barbarians? Huh? Are you thinking atheists are an actual people? Please give me what YOU think the definition of atheist is, please.

"You mean Francesco Petrarca (alias Petrarch) the Father of Humanism?"
Don;t even know who this is.

"If Christianity is guilty of the ~Dark Ages who stopped Asia, Africa, Australia, to colonize the universe?"
Well,A frica remained backwards, and Austrailia advanced at the same rate, as did Asia. Besides, al three had religious issues of their own holding them bac.A ustrailia had the aborigines who had limited technological advancements, and more Christians.The mid east was at constant war, and hadn't had an advancement since recovering from the mongol invasion. Asia basically did the same thing as europe, and advanced as much as them. Africa, well, last I checked they were either loose tribes or christian settlements.

But you know what? All this is moot. It doesn;t matter who has the worst track record (Christianity and Islam) or who killed more (Again) or caused the most wars (Again). It doesn;t have any effect on the validity of one's claims to their system, and to say the least both Islam and Christianity, as well as every ther faith out there, even buhddism and other atheistic faiths, has failed. Miserably.
arg-fallbackName="tyrong kojy"/>
For some reason the PMs on youtube are dissapearing when I open them. The message is THERE, and if I copy it into a word file it shows up, but in youtube the text vanishes. Annoying when trying to hit the reply button and it just dissapears.
never thought I will answer on this forum due to Atheist campaign
to flag christian channel :(

But I see that not all my messages appear ! so....
So before I am blocked, I will post them myself :ugeek:
The above message was a reply to this:

~He answered back....and this is the drivel he chose to answer back with.


~You ignored all 30+ of my examples. You didn't even attempt to rebuke or justify them at all.

Your example are absurd "practically begs the answer" You combine all religion under the label "theistic" Atheist were always a minority "theists" were always a majority.
All civilization on earth were religious, and between these civilizations, there were wars, and conflicts.
The claim that: in a world 99% theistic. there were wars and crimes it is not: a claim but a observation.
What you have failed to demonstrate, is that religion was the cause for these facts, or even better the only cause.

~I defy you to find a single atheist alive you has anything nice to say about Commie Russia....or Stalin....or the mass starvations of the Holodomor.
Your beloved brother: ~George Bernard Shaw
Life you are so few is .. Robert W. Thurston's .. an Atheist.?

~Also: George Bernard Shaw didn't "invent mass genocide"
yes he did ( asked the chemists to fiind "a human gas" to exterminate large groups of people: is a fact recognized by many historians.

~Notice: I was able to think up 30+ examples all in one quick flowing torrent but you had to wrack your brain for over an hour to come up with 3 examples, 2 of which are strawmen and all 3 are overly broad assertions.
I have other things to do than yt (I used these examples, before in my movies.

~So again, instead of answering with another "tu quoque" (or another scurrilous accusation of commie sympathy); Why don't you explain how the Love of Jebus makes all the theist atrocities A-O.K.?

this has any meaning? for you?

~This is part of your Strawman. Not all atheists are deranged commies or commie sympathizers. In fact, I've not met a single commie-symp atheist. Most of the ones I've met are Libertarian.

All atheist whom I met ar communist, and atheism in general lean toward socialism.

~Also, that sentence is unclear: Atheist used WHAT to legitimize hatred? The provable fact that there are powerful theists who actually STRIVE to destroy human civilization? Are you trying to tell me that we shouldn't begrudge the Wah'habi/Evangelical urge for global scale self-seppuku?

Since atheists want a reason to hate someone, So they choose a few extreme cases to can hate a whole group.
Read your comments, theistic, ~Love of Jebus. Etc

~Did you even read what I wrote?
Did you? Because I coulda sworn I spoke specifically and directly about the Wah'habi and the Evangelicals.

show me one video of Thunderf00t or ZOMGitsCriss where they specified, these groups.
No! the actions of these groups are used for promoting hatred against all!!!

~.I am not interested in deconverting 99% of believers; because 97% of believers are not a problem. It's that 3% of frothing headcases that'll get us all killed.

Then just attack that group, do not accuse everyone, for that group , which in my view are followers of a heresy!

""Middle age has nothing in common with Christianity that is just an Atheist myth! And 'The Dark Ages'.never existed, it is a concept invented by the humanists!""

In this situation you show up extremely ignorant!
Especially for me who I am a historian.
No "Dark Ages" never existed. There was a Middle Ages a period of transition since the fall of the glorious Roman Empire until the Crusades.
A transition period, in which humanity has evolved, from the ashes of the ancient civilization (Caused by the invasion of barbarians) up to the Renaissance (Which was triggered by the looting Constantinople, then you barbarians from the West you came in contact with the Christian culture and civilization)

~Maybe you haven't been keeping up on not-so-current-events pal, but back in the 1330's when Petrarch wrote of the Dark Ages, there were little if any 'Humanists'. And the few that did exist ended up as kindling in bonfires.

You mean Francesco Petrarca (alias Petrarch) the Father of Humanism?

"where it is India Asia and Africa? Should be in the cosmos until now ( they do not had a "Dark Ages" -remember-)"
I can't debunk this because I can't even decipher what your saying here.
(Though I am now picturing a Lolcat asking if "I can has Dark Ages?")

If Christianity is guilty of the ~Dark Ages who stopped Asia, Africa, Australia, to colonize the universe?
Sent to: lordcustos3, scootsalongcrib, turbodally, voyagervsbor, ohmyfsm, njb444, tyrongkojy, divineoverlord666, fhb71, sapereaudeffs, carolblanchard1
This is the response that I sent 5 minute ago

"Name one bad deed that has been done in the name of religion.
Yes, that is pretty easy ...
Name one bad deed that has been done in the name of atheism.
Yes, there is none..."
Well, Velcro is kinda, sorta right in an "Itzak Perlman is a Fiddle player" sense.
A few atheists are culpable in the existence of Communism. And they deserve some stick for that. But theres a difference between "some dead asshole, 75+ years ago, somewhere on the other side of the world, who shared a one or two (out of a hundred) beliefs in common with me... did bad things" and "you and the dead asshole are exactly the same and therefore are culpable for his misdeeds."
If Lenin and Stalin and Marx were here in the room with me I'd call them douchebags to their faces, and then shoot them

No! That is not true!
Let me explain!
You divide the world between atheists and theists (This is not correct), because obviously there's no comparison
between Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and some ancient religion that practiced the human sacrifice.
Each should be discussed in their historical and geographical contest.
In human history we talk about human beings, from the moment we have evidence of culture and spirituality. Tens and tens of thousands of years and no trace of atheists not even in ancient Greece "no atheists in the modern sense, that which denies any possibility of the existence of a deity.
Militants Atheist appeared after Nietzsche, so it's simple you look at human evolution and you choose what you want, wars, genocide. anything you want to legitimate your hatred. But the conflicts between different cultures generated progress (No conflict does no progress).
But if I turn the question in my benefit: Why did atheists do, for this world? The answer would be nothing!
Universities, hospitals, libraries ... invented by atheists? NO!
Obviously some contemporary atheists, have contributed to science, but where were these atheists, educated? In Christian Universitys

So your question begs an answer, and I do not like when a question suggests an answer.
But If you want to talk about it, I propose so:
We choose a religion ( as Christianity ) and we discuss all aspects: art, literature, philosophy, music, architecture and compare it with atheism. LOL
Here is a message that probably has not reached everyone


"Your downplaying the contributions to civilization by all non-Europeans is beneath contempt. Rather than waste time with a tour of awesome feats achieved by the browner peoples of the Earth, let me leave it at this: Christianity had complete and unfettered control of the western world for centuries. We call those centuries the Dark Ages. If Christianity is such a boon for civilization, why weren't we driving cars in the eleventh century, or managing the Black Death in the fourteenth with the awesome power of modern medicine?"

Middle age has nothing in common with Christianity!
is just an Atheist myth! LoL!
The Dark Ages.never existed, Dark Ages is a concept invented by the humanists!
they wanted to separate the period between the fall of the Roman Empire, and their period by a obscure and dark period.
The collapsed of the Roman empire was caused by barbarian invasion!

"why weren't we driving cars in the eleventh century"
If this hypothesis is true then the Arab countries, Asian countries and indigenous peoples of America and Australia, ought to be more civilized than the Christian civilization, but they are not.

I know the atheist myth according to which, Christianity brought the "Dark Ages" and the atheism has brought: the renaissance.
It's just a myth
The Revival was influenced by two crucial moments, Fourth Crusade ( the Sack of Constantinople) When Europe was invaded by books of philosophy, medicine, mathematics, prohibited in the Catholic world for centuries, and the collapse of the Byzantine Empire.
After the collapse of the Byzantine Empire scholars from Byzantium, invaded Europe, they were too many, to be controlled by the Catholic Church, and because they were orthodox,they had nothing to do with the Pope.

if you're really interested,of the truth: search on YouTube for my videos: Why do people laugh at Atheists and on the Byzantine Empire ( nice documentary) How to DISTROY a state:The lessons from the fall of the Byzantine Empire

This is what I do on Youtube: I teach atheists, if you want to learn, I am here for you, if you want to stay with your atheistic myths (LoL) is your problem
arg-fallbackName="tyrong kojy"/>
"You divide the world between atheists and theists (This is not correct), because obviously there's no comparison
between Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and some ancient religion that practiced the human sacrifice. "
Few mean it in such a limited sence. Most are simply too lazy and figure their audience is (Wrongly so in my opinion) inteligent enough to read around this. As for human sacrifice, Both Islam and Bhuddism did practise it. And Bhuddism is atheistic.

"and no trace of atheists not even in ancient Greece "
Most of their philosophers were atheists, and most of those were threatened with death if they kept it up in the name of the gods. Many WERE killed.

"Militants Atheist appeared after Nietzsche, so it's simple you look at human evolution and you choose what you want, wars, genocide. anything you want to legitimate your hatred. But the conflicts between different cultures generated progress (No conflict does no progress). "
You know nothing of human ingenuity. Though I'll give you te point that atheists actually comming out and speaking out didn;t happen untilt he last century. mostly because we would have been KILLED before.

"But if I turn the question in my benefit: Why did atheists do, for this world? The answer would be nothing!
Universities, hospitals, libraries ... invented by atheists? NO! "
You. Are. An. Idiot. All three of those are quite often funded by atheists. In fact more often nowadays. What did atheists do? Do you know of MArrie Currie? Carl Sagan? Einstein? Hell, DARWIN? Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens. We have done MUCH in this last century, and before. Da Vinci? Soctrates? Shit, how about Bhudda? And those are the only ones who'se names I can think of.

"Obviously some contemporary atheists, have contributed to science, but where were these atheists, educated? In Christian Universitys "
As I said, many universities are nowadays built and funded by atheists. And most of those schools built by christians, just as an example, were long ago removed from their hold. If they weren't, you think they'd be as good as they are? Hell no. Thankfully, even the Church, again using christianity as the example, has become more liberal and more intelligent. Give atheists 2000+ years, and we'll see how much we end up doing.
arg-fallbackName="tyrong kojy"/>
"they wanted to separate the period between the fall of the Roman Empire, and their period by a obscure and dark period.
The collapsed of the Roman empire was caused by barbarian invasion! "
So please tell me why it was continued for 9000 years? Yes, the barbarian invasions STARTED it, but what continued it? Oh, and those historians that labeled it "dark ages"? Christian.

"I know the atheist myth according to which, Christianity brought the "Dark Ages" and the atheism has brought: the renaissance. "
Atheism didn't bring that.

"The Revival was influenced by two crucial moments, Fourth Crusade ( the Sack of Constantinople) When Europe was invaded by books of philosophy, medicine, mathematics, prohibited in the Catholic world for centuries, and the collapse of the Byzantine Empire.
After the collapse of the Byzantine Empire scholars from Byzantium, invaded Europe, they were too many, to be controlled by the Catholic Church, and because they were orthodox,they had nothing to do with the Pope. "
So in other words the Christian church tried to stop the advancement of humanity? To continue the dark ages? Your own words.

"This is what I do on Youtube: I teach atheists, if you want to learn, I am here for you, if you want to stay with your atheistic myths (LoL) is your problem "
Yes, "teaching".

But again, it's all moot, as it has no effect on the validity on the claims by either side.
arg-fallbackName="tyrong kojy"/>
Oh, and that link to the list of theists? Not once in there did the poster say to flag those individuals. However on several CHRISTIAN wiki sites, they DO have a page like that, TELLING people to do that. So, um, hypocrite?

That list is informational, reference material. Unlike yours.
Velcro responds...

"Re: Re: Re: VyckRo and his whiny nastygram.
Mar 24, 2010
"Name one bad deed that has been done in the name of religion.
Yes, that is pretty easy ...
Name one bad deed that has been done in the name of atheism.
Yes, there is none..."

Well, Velcro is kinda, sorta right in an "Itzak Perlman is a Fiddle player" sense.
A few atheists are culpable in the existence of Communism. And they deserve some stick for that. But theres a difference between "some dead asshole, 75+ years ago, somewhere on the other side of the world, who shared a one or two (out of a hundred) beliefs in common with me... did bad things" and "you and the dead asshole are exactly the same and therefore are culpable for his misdeeds."
If Lenin and Stalin and Marx were here in the room with me I'd call them douchebags to their faces, and then shoot them"
and Custos rebuts, thusly....

"No! That is not true!"
Which part is not true?
Why don't you stick to trying to debunk stuff I actually say?

"You divide the world between atheists and theists (This is not correct)"
Don't YOU DARE presume to tell ME what I believe or how I think. You just WANT to pretend I think that way so that the imaginary strawman in your head will be easier to "fight".

"...because obviously there's no comparison between Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and some ancient religion that practiced the human sacrifice."
All the religions you listed (except possibly Buddhism) as based on human sacrifice. No. Really.
The Muslim suicide bomber is a human sacrifice.The ancient Zealots of Judaism sacrificed themselves. Oh, and Jesus. Jesus was a human sacrifice!
I dare you to deny that.

"...because obviously there's no comparison between Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and some ancient religion that practiced the human sacrifice."
Bullshit. All of these belief systems are based on belief in supernatural entities without evidence....or despite evidence to the contrary.

"Tens and tens of thousands of years and no trace of atheists not even in ancient Greece."
Do you not know of Diagoras of Melos? Have you ever heard of a guy named Epicurus, whose Skepticism is the core of modern Atheism? Or Protagoras, Or Critias? How about Democritas....who not only dabbled in atheism but was a damned filthy, filthy Atomist and Materialist!? I wonder what Socrates would have to say about this....oh, wait...theists demanded he poison himself for not believing in Zeus.
And Thats just Ancient Greece.
What about the Carvaka school in ancient India? Or Occam? Or Giadorno Bruno?
What history books have YOU been reading?
O professor of history. I begin to suspect that you are a history professor the same way an undertaker has "many fine men beneath him."

"Militants Atheist appeared after Nietzsche, so it's simple you look at human evolution and you choose what you want, wars, genocide. anything you want to legitimate your hatred."
Unlike a theist, who bases his hatred on the voices in his head and the strawman living beneath his bed.

"But if I turn the question in my benefit: Why did atheists do, for this world?"
Whua!?....your question is broken. Are you asking 'WHAT did atheists do for this world?' or are you asking 'WHY did they do it?'
Babelfish must me failing you.
As for "WHAT did atheists do for the world"....refer back to my previous tirade about the great philosophers of Ancient Greece. Ask yourself this: "Who did the world more good....Socrates....or Torquemada?"

"....but where were these atheists, educated? In Christian Universitys"
Where they learned truth and logic IN SPITE of the their education.