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Looks to me like any good christian arguments are just deleted or hidden here...

I am open to debate atheists on Skype, Ventrilo, Teamspeak 3, and other VOIP programs/services, or by phone. Post here if you're interested. I'm certain you will lose.
Looks to me like what?

Have you seen the two huge debates with Bob Enyart and Dotoree?

I'm not entirely sure what you will want to debate on but yeah, I'll debate you on here.
Firstly, no threads are deleted here. Nor are any threads "hidden". Perhaps the lack of any "good Christian arguments" is down to the fact none have been made.

Secondly, don't come here with an attitude are start acting the big man with your first post. It makes you look childish, and who wants to debate a child?

Thirdly, the fact you've already assumed you've won any debate indicates that you're unwilling to accept when you're wrong. Who wants to debate someone like that?

I've seen enough debate threads with christians here to know how this will end.
Jwillz46 said:
Looks to me like any good christian arguments are just deleted or hidden here...

I am open to debate atheists on Skype, Ventrilo, Teamspeak 3, and other VOIP programs/services, or by phone. Post here if you're interested. I'm certain you will lose.

There are good ones? If that's so, I think the whole world is in on a cover up. Making this forum a drop in the ol Olympic sized swimming pool.
Completely fair

Jwillz46 said:
Looks to me like any good christian arguments are just deleted or hidden here...

The paucity of good Christian arguments is likely because there are no good Christian arguments, and as already noted, nothing is deleted or hidden on this forum. There are plenty of feeble Christian arguments you may browse, though. Perhaps you have something special you'd like to share...

By the by, there also no good Scientology or Hindu arguments, but I don't hear you moaning about that. Why not?

Thinking about it, did you really actually look? You do know that generally, only scumbags and small children lie, right?
I am open to debate atheists on Skype, Ventrilo, Teamspeak 3, and other VOIP programs/services, or by phone.

Debates are only useful when held in public.
Are you afraid of text?
Afraid of discussion?
You are welcome to converse on any topic that tickles your fancy here, but I'm interested in knowing why you've come only to offer to speak using other venues. It looks to me like you're not interested in an actual debate at all, rather, an attempt to try your hand at conversion. Your subterfuge is risible, sunshine :lol:
Post here if you're interested. I'm certain you will lose.

Hubris isn't very Christian, is it? Well I suppose it might be... it's hard to keep track of the 38,000+ varieties on offer. Which are you? Presbyterian? Catholic? Calvinist? Coptic? Methodist? Baptist? Adventist? Jehovah's Witness? Branch Davidian? Mormon?

If you're interested in an actual debate, we have the facilities to set one up for you, just say the word. My pirate friend above has already offered, seemingly on a topic of your choice... Put your certainty where your mouth is.
So hostile... Must be because you know you're wrong and have to defend your faithiesm.
I prefer live debate over voice chat than posting on a forum because I know I'm just going to get jumped on by 10 people consulting with eachother trying to figure out how to deal with me.
I think you'll find the hostility is entirely down to your childish confrontational and arrogant attitude. Also, we don't have to defend anything. Firstly, you're the one who has come here stamping your feet. Secondly, atheism (not everyone here is an atheist, just so you know) is a negation and burden of proof lies with whoever claims to positive position. That would be you.

If you want a debate here then do so, though I expect no one to jump through your arbitrary hoops. If you want a debate with one person only then we can arrange that, though I don't expect much in the way of cogent argument from you that hasn't been address and rebutted before. Perhaps actually read some past debates before you re-heat the same bad arguments? Also, we don't need to consult each other to refute bad arguments. Facts and evidence do that perfectly fine without committee meetings.
Jwillz46 said:
So hostile... Must be because you know you're wrong and have to defend your faithiesm.
I prefer live debate over voice chat than posting on a forum because I know I'm just going to get jumped on by 10 people consulting with eachother trying to figure out how to deal with me.

You can always have a private debate in the debate forum, only two people can post: You and your opponent.
Live debates are always problematic because you can claim basically anything without having to produce any evidence whatsoever. That's not possible in written format, because you can always go and check your opponents claims.
For example, check out either my debate thread or Aron's. Both are good examples of how you can verify the other person's claims, but the beginning of Aron's thread looks slightly messier because the thread was created and then moved.

Frenger's already shown his willingness to debate you, but notice that he wants it to be in written format. I think that's a good decision for the above mentioned reasons, but also for one other reason:
There is a record of the debate, no edits possible. Everyone can see it and learn from it.
Inferno said:
Jwillz46 said:
Frenger's already shown his willingness to debate you, but notice that he wants it to be in written format. I think that's a good decision for the above mentioned reasons, but also for one other reason:
There is a record of the debate, no edits possible. Everyone can see it and learn from it.

I am absolutely willing but as Inferno says, I want it to be in written form. That way it's not about gotcha points or who can spout the most rubbish, it's actually about the topic in hand.

I leave the decision in your hands.
Jwillz46 said:
So hostile...

You expected something else when your first post accuses us of deleting or hiding so-called good Christian arguments? You've even titled the thread "unfair", because (like many things, I suspect) you make a presumption and assert it as true.

Imagine for a moment going into a public convenience and saying, "my sexual organs are massive, show me yours, 'cos I reckon they're Lilliputian".
What kind of a reaction would you expect? Courtesy? Deference? Respect?
Must be because you know you're wrong and have to defend your faithiesm.

The arrogance! The hubris! The empty bravado!

They mean nothing here (even my own).

Another pointless and unqualified assumption. I'd bet a whole pound coin we'll be seeing lots and lots of these from you... that is, of course, if you stay long enough to put your arguments under a microscope.

I have my doubts. It looks to me like when God gave you teeth he ruined a perfectly good arsehole. Prove me wrong. Ahh go on. Go on. Go on go on go on go on go on...
I prefer live debate over voice chat than posting on a forum because I know I'm just going to get jumped on by 10 people consulting with eachother trying to figure out how to deal with me.


We have a debate sub-forum where posting (and editing) are restricted to the participants. If your arguments are so strong, they will benefit from hard copy, available to all and sundry.

What's the matter, McFly? Chicken?
arg-fallbackName="Dragan Glas"/>
Welcome to LoR, Jwillz46! :)
Jwillz46 said:
Looks to me like any good christian arguments are just deleted or hidden here...
Firstly, as australopithecus has pointed out, no threads are deleted or hidden.

Secondly, as others have pointed out, there are no good faith- or belief-based arguments for God(s) and/or life-after-death.

Also, the title you chose for this post is unfortunate, given that you express a wish to discuss ideas with others.
Jwillz46 said:
I am open to debate atheists on Skype, Ventrilo, Teamspeak 3, and other VOIP programs/services, or by phone. Post here if you're interested. I'm certain you will lose.
Again, as others have pointed out, debates in text held here are better than unrecorded video/audio ones.

And your certainty that others will "lose" is misplaced and misguided.

It also depends on what you intend discussing.

Kindest regards,

Jwillz46 said:
Looks to me like any good christian arguments are just deleted or hidden here...

I am open to debate atheists on Skype, Ventrilo, Teamspeak 3, and other VOIP programs/services, or by phone. Post here if you're interested. I'm certain you will lose.

I'll debate you here.

But be warned I lose my politesse when faced with such arrogant accusatory attitudes like those displayed in this post...
perhaps what this guy would describe as "good christian arguments" have been made sooo long ago, that they have been lost into older pages.

im curious what he would describe as a "good christian argument".

that there are none would be impossible, tough i doubt many will be found in this section.
Maybe he is the first person to make "good christian arguments". Maybe these "good christian arguments" are buried somewhere deep in this forum. Or maybe there are none. We won't know until Jwillz46 tells us these arguments.
Duvelthehobbit666 said:
Maybe he is the first person to make "good christian arguments". Maybe these "good christian arguments" are buried somewhere deep in this forum. Or maybe there are none. We won't know until Jwillz46 tells us these arguments.

I bet ,£100 that they're not good arguments and another ,£100 that we've heard them before...
Jwillz46 said:
So hostile... Must be because you know you're wrong and have to defend your faithiesm.
I do believe I smell a troll. Two short accusatory posts lacking in substance; it would seem to me the goal is to rile us up.
Laurens said:
But be warned I lose my politesse when faced with such arrogant accusatory attitudes like those displayed in this post...

The debate by voice would be recorded, ofcourse, but I see every last atheist here is too cowardly to dare have a real one on one debate. What did I expect, coming on a forum that only exists so a certain group can sit there and tell eachother how much they agree with one another, clearly I am intimidating to everyone here seeing as you all post nothing but a barrage of fear-filled excuses.

Funny how atheists tremble in the presence of actual reasoning while claiming to be "rational" all the time.
Yeah, pretend to laugh and will yourself above me as a person in your mind, but just as God does, we both know the real truth.

I for one am willing to put my money where my mouth is, how about you self-proclaimed masters of reason?
Jwillz46 said:
The debate by voice would be recorded, ofcourse, but I see every last atheist here is too cowardly to dare have a real one on one debate. What did I expect, coming on a forum that only exists so a certain group can sit there and tell eachother how much they agree with one another, clearly I am intimidating to everyone here seeing as you all post nothing but a barrage of fear-filled excuses.

Funny how atheists tremble in the presence of actual reasoning while claiming to be "rational" all the time.
Yeah, pretend to laugh and will yourself above me as a person in your mind, but just as God does, we both know the real truth.

I for one am willing to put my money where my mouth is, how about you self-proclaimed masters of reason?
Yep, troll (yet another accusatory post that lacks substance).
Oh no, what next, are you going to call me a poo-poo head?


If you refuse to even attempt to reason, how the heck am I suppose to show you why and how you're wrong?