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Colloidal Silver

ArthurWilborn said:
khronikos said:

Be sure to rip this apart too. I'm just a relayer for the other side here. I don't want to be on your side. I have no affiliation with either. It must be noted that anything that can pass the FDA in the US must be backed up with Scrooge like money bins. Not a lot of 'drugs' have this backing. http://www.silvermedicine.org/colloidalsilverstudytexas.html

Happy to be of help! These are agar plate studies, not in vivo trials. The sample sizes appear to be too small to be significant; five in the first link, not mentioned in the second. If we accept the result, all this does is prove that silver is toxic - which we already know. That doesn't mean it's safe or effective to use in a living system.
Show me how toxic silver is, and this kind of silver in general. Not the kind of silver that is made this way or that way. Show me that the silver we are talking about here, 99.99%, does any harm to anybody in the methods described on the site I gave a link to.

Here you are:


Eh, if you're allergic to antibiotics and not too worried about heavy metals, maybe a topical solution could work - but you can get peroxide at the dollar store for a lot less.

This literally proves NOTHING! NOTHING! NOTHING! It's your opinion of the study! HELLO! You might get away with this but not with me. Show me proof. I gave you proof in the limited studies that have been done. You link me to quackwatch lol with zero and I mean ZERO information about what is what or who is taking what at what times. There is absolutely zero credible scientific reference in your links. Because the FDA says something it is truth. They haven't even said anything but that these people ate silver and got sick over a huge amount of time. Try drinking fluoride at 450ppm and we will see if silver or THAT which is in all your water is MORE TOXIC. Laughing all the way!

And yet you take the ACTUAL scientific study I gave you and pronounce it useless. This is no longer an argument worth having. You have stated that you have a belief and nothing can change this but yourself. You are no longer wanted in this discussion. It is not a discussion for you. You have shown that you will take anything negative, accept it as fact, and yet anything positive is derided and looked at as false without any say. Nice. Where did you learn to debate again? Parliament?

LOFL! A 38-year-old man developed argyria after ingesting approximately 16 ounces of 450 ppm colloidal silver three times a day for 10 months to treat his arthritis and other conditions. He made the solution with a simple battery-operated chamber that leached silver from pure silver wire. He had obtained the plans from information on the Internet [10]. The photograph to the right shows how his skin color compares to that of normal skin.

Wow, all this truth and factual evidence against colloidal silver is striking. How does one even brew a 450ppm product. I have no clue and neither do 99% of the users of this solution. You would have do some serious tinkering. Of course this is not safe. What is safe in water 450ppm in 16 oz. every day of your life. If this were fluoride lol it would have killed you long before it turned his skin blue OH NOHs! And it has never NEVER killed ANYONE! You cannot say that for lead or arsenic or fluoride and that is a fact you can take to the bank! So much for your toxicity argument you just killed it yourself. If it was anywhere near as toxic as lead or fluoride it would have killed him within this time period easily.
Extremely controversial and --derided-- conspiracy theories. Off topic for a sec here.

Listen bud, short detour. I haev had some fun debating with you guys for the most part. Most of what 9/11 truth espouses isn't a theory it is a proven fact. The only thing that isn't answered is who was behind it all in specific detail besides the obvious cronies and business men that have been outlines and loosely and sometimes accurately connected. There are literally thousands upon thousands of real world, verifiable documents that anybody can access at any variety of websites, libraries, etc.


When you are done with your pithy statements with zero credibility and you are done reading the entire website in a couple of months you get back to me on your comical little joke there.

This is obviously for another topic. Don't believe anybody is deluded when they talk about that unless you damn well know what the hell you are talking about. I know a couple leading researchers and have devoted hundreds of hours myself. Family members are in the majority by far 9/11 truthers themselves this is fact. It is a Highly organized consortium of scientists, engineers, demolition experts, and experts in general in many different fields. And if you are not even from America, unless you have a verified expertise in the whole ordeal, I would not even talk about something that is passionate still in millions of our minds like it is some whackjobs from a bunker proclaiming this. Who derides this whole system of people. Bankers in on the job? The Bush adm? Dick Cheney? Zionist interests in Israel that want perpetual war in the Mideast? People who watch TV and gather their facts from Fox News or debunked BBC stories in which they claim that a building has fallen when it is standing in the background? We don't really appreciate people across the pond or in our own country especially calling well over half of america who questions this incident severely a bunch of nutjobs whining over some 'tiny' derided conspiracy. This whole ordeal has led half the world to war in a complete and utter lie over WMD's which were proven long ago not to exist in Iraq at all. As history judges its rulers fairly harshly so will the US and Israel and even Britain be judged as the most corrupt of all rulers post WW2. The Iraq invasion is still completely illegal as is all the other territories occupied. They basically have made laws up as they go and this is proven for all to see. In 50 years people will look at 9/11 with shame.

Back to the story. As for the whole knowledge thing I wasn't saying 'that' I worded my sentence poorly and went to bed. I was saying it exists for us to peruse in the outside world by most opinion. Not that is was not knowable although that is a theory worthy of debate somewhere else.
arg-fallbackName="Anachronous Rex"/>
I'm calling poe.

I know I do this fairly often on these forums, perhaps there's some part of me that refuses to accept people really be that stupid.
khronikos said:

I was once deriding natural news and joked that they probably think salt is poisonous. Then on a whim, I searched google and lo, they do! Not only that but apparently
Natural News said:
Commercial salt is refined by drying at a heat in excess of 1,000 degrees which destroys beneficial substances in salt. This heat also causes chemical distortions that turn salt into sodium chloride, a substance that does no good in the body.

Salt (NaCl) is heated in its processing, which turns it into... dun dun duuuuuuuun... salt...
Also note that sodium is essential in the body.

Really guy, natural news has basically everything completely backwards. They think tanning booths prevent cancer. No fucking joke. I hate to dismiss anything out of hand approaching an ad hominem type fallacy, but in the interest of practicality, it is safe to assume that natural news is completely and totally wrong about every single thing they publish.

If you want to convince anyone of anything, get some better sources.
They will make [herbs] into some kind of pill with dozens of other ingredients and then they will patent it and try to fund a study with their trillions.

Err... yes, they use science to find the part of the herb that actually matters and make it work better. Out of curiosity, do think the producers of homeopathic and herbal remedies don't make profit? Shit, you can make a billion year supply of Oscillococcinum with a single duck liver. Talk about a scam...
New slogan!
Silver: not as bad as arsenic :lol:

And to top it all off the guy believes in the 9/11 truthiness movement :facepalm:

More FDA conspiracy stuff trying to excuse the complete lack of evidence for safety of effectiveness data. The only thing he has presented is one study showing that silver kills a species of bacteria. This principle was accepted way back on the page. Where's the evidence that silver solutions make for good internal medicines?

Although this guy is amusing, I'm with australopithecus he could easily be a niocan sock puppet. Definitely a good example of the loony faction on the political left.

A take on colloidal silver from some anti-quack sites
Anachronous Rex said:
I'm calling poe.

I know I do this fairly often on these forums, perhaps there's some part of me that refuses to accept people really be that stupid.

Kinda bordering on the personal offense bit thing. The argument might be stupid, but the most intelligent person in the world can put forth a stupid argument.
Aught3 said:
Although this guy is amusing, I'm with australopithecus he could easily be a niocan sock puppet. Definitely a good example of the loony faction on the political left.
I don't think so, different styles, different IP.

Poe seems most likely. Or still rather immature teenager (or maybe an adult). I think I'd bet on the latter due to "LOFL" and his incessant whine of "prove me wrong!"
arg-fallbackName="Anachronous Rex"/>
Squawk said:
Anachronous Rex said:
I'm calling poe.

I know I do this fairly often on these forums, perhaps there's some part of me that refuses to accept people really be that stupid.

Kinda bordering on the personal offense bit thing. The argument might be stupid, but the most intelligent person in the world can put forth a stupid argument.
Noted. My apologies for being offensive.

I still think we're dealing with a poe, however.
Meh, fuck it, why not.
khronikos said:
Whoa, whoa. There is absolutely ZERO! ZERO! ZERO! information as fact that would in any way state that colloidal silver in the form of what WE ARE TALKING ABOUT--NOT FREAKING 450PPM or some other kind of hyper salt solution.... GOOD GOD HAVE SOME COMMON SENSE!--is helpful from anecdotal evidence from literally thousands of people that have made claims as to its efficiency in reducing cold and flu symptoms and also from some of the studies I listed.
If you wish for your position to be given any credence at least try and type in a manner that resembles English. A little bit of punctuation goes a long way.

That aside, information as fact? What does that even mean? My best guess is that you mean evidence, but then that can't be correct since you would have just said evidence. Please clarify the meaning of that statement.

I've now read that statement 5 times (or tried to). If we presume that you mean evidence when you say "information as fact", if we remove the stupid punctuation, and if we remove the little aside referencing other concentrations, we are left with the following. This is what you stated.

"There is absolutely zero evidence that colloidal silver is helpful from anecdotal evidence from thousands of people and from the studies I listed"

Now, since this would seem to be a complete contradiction to the position that you are advocating I would suggest that the word salad that you presume to call a sentence was so badly formed that even you misunderstood it, hence promoting the opposing position. I shall leave it to you to edit accordingly.

Lets move on
khronikos said:
You can't just backhand those studies. Those are professional studies. Simply saying they are too small proves nothing.
You have no proof that they are too small. Start showing me what you are asking of me before you make your outrageous claims. This can go back and forth again and again. You gave literally two weaker than sin websites of purely anecdotal evidence!!!!!!
Actually quite the contrary. A study on the efficacy of a particular substance with health benefits must have a null hypothesis (that it doesn't do what is claimed) and a rigorous methodology in order to invalidate the null hypothesis. Inadequate sample size is one of the easiest ways to fail to invalidate the null hypothesis. When we go and visit your link we don't find rigorous methodology. We don't even find a peer reviewed article. We find a simple web page. I've tried to find it in the peer reviewed literature, it isn't present. I found two citations of a work by that name, one of which was a paper on agriculture, the other was in a language I don't read.

I can invalidate that study for the purposes you are proposing it for on several grounds. 1, it's not applicable invivo. 2, it's not been subject to peer review. 3 It doesn't even start to address the claims you are making for it. 4. Sample size is far too small... etc etc

In short, I can invalidate it based on simple criteria without ever even going near the results obtained. Seemples.
khronikos said:
You can't just list a website and then act like everything on it is true. I never did but it seems to be the norm here.
Yes, you did, and you continue to do that over and over again. Just read any of your posts. Projection is a common failing of those holding a weak position.
khronikos said:
Your arguments are all literally the same.
Look up the definition of literally.
khronikos said:
You just negate whatever else anybody else says and then agree with each other and accept the subject matter as truth.
I ain't the one making a positive claim, I certainly don't refer to proof or truth. The onus is on you, or anyone else supporting next level homeopathy, to demonstrate that it actually works in a controlled manner.
khronikos said:
The FDA give me a break! I could literally sit here for hours naming sites about the FDA and their basic hegemony of the whole business in which they are in.
What was that you said a moment ago? "You can't just list a website and then act like everything on it is true. I never did but it seems to be the norm here." Oh dear.
khronikos said:
If you gathered all the colloidal silver users in one you would have more than a couple million people.
And if I gather up all the people who believe in God I end up with over a billion. Gather up the Allah followers and I get another billion. Prayer, then, must be 500K more effective since so many more people believe.
khronikos said:
There can be no study because it would cost millions of dollars and no single person is ever going to get approval where they need it even if they could put up the absurd amount of money.
Yeah right, because there are no ridiculously rich people who wouldn't like to solve all the worlds health problems overnight and turn themselves from extremely rich to KING OF THE FUCKING WORLD...
khronikos said:
Since most people like to trust the opinions of their fellow humans when they gather to discuss something seriously most of us do in fact take these things as some factual evidence of the efficacy and safety.
Trust peoples opinions? Hell no. I might, at a push, respect them, depending on previous interactions and there ability to earn my respect. But trust? Trust of opinion is probably the best way to stifle real scientific progress, it's akin to relying on common sense to determine truth. Pretty fucking idiotic, in short.
khronikos said:
People have been taking low doses of this stuff for over a decade without one instance of notably blue skin. So what does this say? It says that all this information is bunk and there needs to some serious insight into the whole thing. IT DOES NOT MEAN in any shape way or form that you and the gang here are right or wrong.
Any evidence of any positive effect, ever, in any way, that has not damaged health, published in a respected journal?

khronikos said:
Do you people not understand this thing called money?
Thats the stuff that grows on trees, right?
khronikos said:
This is why there are very few studies on herbs, even though it is generally accepted as fact that there are herbs everywhere around the world that solve any variety of symptoms for any variety of ailments. Yet there are next to Zero major studies released on the majority of these herbs. Who is going to fund them? The drug companies that need patents for these herbs to sell them in pill form? Uhh, I don't think so. They will make it into some kind of pill with dozens of other ingredients and then they will patent it and try to fund a study with their trillions. und us.... that was meant as in most people's opinions it does. You are reading the words in a different way.

I just keep wanting to scream penicillin for some reason. Clearly there isn't a market for a naturally derived product that works. Oh, hang on, wait a sec...

Anyway, thats why I don't bother refuting your arguments on silver. Your entire knowledge base would appear to be full of ignorance. So that's me done :D
khronkinkos said:

If this guy wasn't trying to troll, why would he bump this thread, of all threads, and why would he just start with a WHARRGARBL that shoots in the same general direction that nioB&D did.

I'd be glad to address all of his arguments, but I ALREADY DID, so I'm not going to c/p my older posts.
Truth is a pathless land.

If colloidal silver were to solve most health problems it would be reviled. You have not the common sense to see this. It can be made by anyone anywhere. It would be akin to free electricity. You have to see that. No rich person could take advantage of it. This should be obvious.

It's really about time you guys quit with the journal bullshit. This takes time and acceptance. Colloidal Silver whether you like it or not is viewed as a threat to established medicine for what reason it is yet to be revealed. If a large full study comes and says that it works or it doesn't work I accept both of these. But carry on as if I have some sort of cash flow coming in from this or something. I told you why I am here. I am not replacing the previous user. I am showing a different viewpoint in light of certain information. Yet you people confuse me for something you would rather make me out to be instead of what I am.


This is yet another study on colloidal silver. I am still waiting for you guys to give me a study showing how toxic it is and how it kills so fast or debilitates the body when made into a proper suspension of particles. Again, I am sorry for the loose editing but it's a lot of text unlike some people on here who utter two word phrases and then propose from them that they have solved the whole thing with their opinion and the FDA's quite neutral stance on Silver.

As I said before, something that happened in America and hardly has a damn thing to do with any other country other than Israel and theMEast, not Europe, and is rightfully tearing our country apart in no way inclines you to your quite idiotic opinion and smiley banter that 9/11 is some how a farce. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME, Sally. You are not cool for that remark, nobody worth a grain of salt that knows anything about the whole ordeal would respect you for that comment but Silverstein or Cheney, and that includes the majority of first responders and family members who had people die on that day the government decided to push its war agenda into countries it had no business in, except to finish up loose ends the CIA made in the 80s and 90s and to save some cash on asbestos laced building not to mention cleverly destroying covert information as well as large amounts of accounting information in both the Pentagon and towers. I would respectfully ask you to read all documentation possible on 9/11 truth and then make an informed opinion or politely STFU so as not to show us how really ignorant this board can be when its members refuse to even acknowledge anything other than what they think they know.

I feel there are quite a few intelligent people on this board, and colloidal silver is a passing interest, but 9/11 hits home pretty hard and is well documented, researched, preserved, and in the end will inevitably be shown for the farce it is. There are studies that were just published by the U of Copenhagen showing Thermite directly in dust samples taken from the site. This cannot be refuted by you or any other person of well regard. Thermite does not wander into buildings that collapse upon themselves. This is new knowledge on a mound of irrefutable evidence 100 miles long. All I have to say is you make yourself look pretty goddamn stupid by uttering something you clearly have ZERO knowledge about.
khronikos said:
It's really about time you guys quit with the journal bullshit. This takes time and acceptance. Colloidal Silver whether you like it or not is viewed as a threat to established medicine for what reason it is yet to be revealed. If a large full study comes and says that it works or it doesn't work I accept both of these. But carry on as if I have some sort of cash flow coming in from this or something. I told you why I am here. I am not replacing the previous user. I am showing a different viewpoint in light of certain information. Yet you people confuse me for something you would rather make me out to be instead of what I am.


This is yet another study on colloidal silver. I am still waiting for you guys to give me a study showing how toxic it is and how it kills so fast or debilitates the body when made into a proper suspension of particles. Again, I am sorry for the loose editing but it's a lot of text unlike some people on here who utter two word phrases and then propose from them that they have solved the whole thing with their opinion and the FDA's quite neutral stance on Silver.

As I said before, something that happened in America and hardly has a damn thing to do with any other country other than Israel and theMEast, not Europe, and is rightfully tearing our country apart in no way inclines you to your quite idiotic opinion and smiley banter that 9/11 is some how a farce. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME, Sally. You are not cool for that remark, nobody worth a grain of salt that knows anything about the whole ordeal would respect you for that comment but Silverstein or Cheney, and that includes the majority of first responders and family members who had people die on that day the government decided to push its war agenda into countries it had no business in, except to finish up loose ends the CIA made in the 80s and 90s and to save some cash on asbestos laced building not to mention cleverly destroying covert information as well as large amounts of accounting information in both the Pentagon and towers. I would respectfully ask you to read all documentation possible on 9/11 truth and then make an informed opinion or politely STFU so as not to show us how really ignorant this board can be when its members refuse to even acknowledge anything other than what they think they know.

I feel there are quite a few intelligent people on this board, and colloidal silver is a passing interest, but 9/11 hits home pretty hard and is well documented, researched, preserved, and in the end will inevitably be shown for the farce it is. There are studies that were just published by the U of Copenhagen showing Thermite directly in dust samples taken from the site. This cannot be refuted by you or any other person of well regard. Thermite does not wander into buildings that collapse upon themselves. This is new knowledge on a mound of irrefutable evidence 100 miles long. All I have to say is you make yourself look pretty goddamn stupid by uttering something you clearly have ZERO knowledge about.

Yes, that's right. 9/11 was a termite job!
Again, to user several above, you are taking all of my quotes and taking them out of context in relevance to why I am here. I have already reiterated several times that I do not claim anything, only that knowledge currently is in favor of colloidal silver when properly made. And there isn't a whole lot of scientific knowledge either way and obviously what there is in favor of it as I have demonstrated more than twice. This does not mean anything. But many of you are still on this negative bandwagon that at times is interesting but ultimately brought down by one or two that have no clue really as to why they think they are so intelligent, they just appear to believe this.

And again, when I go to any web pages given by others on this board I don't even find a study. I find random quotes from the FDA regarding people that are clearly overdosing on some substance with little relevance to one being discussed at hand which is much less potent, should be a hell of a lot more pure, and which should allow for the user to follow a simple but effective way in preparing the substance.

PEER REVIEWED. Read at your own risk. You see what I have done. I have let you have your time. You cannot refute this one with the simple science of opinion. You can get others to agree with you but it still doesn't hold much water. This is the 3rd scientific study I have posted. Still waiting for the first that says how dangerous this substance is when made correctly. I'll be waiting for some time.


Another overview, mainly with topically administered silver products. As you will see on this site they give a for and against. Tucked away are some articles that are no longer up. One of them from USA Today commenting on FDA advisors being tied to Pharma companies. GASP! NO! REALLY?

Again, I don't want to hear how this proves something. I am out to prove nothing so I will save you from being redundant though I do expect the same posters to keep up with their bollocks. --The others have already disproven everything with rigorous and tested self induced propaganda fueled negation from their very own scientific methods involving hierarchical hearsay and uncredible dissertation. A mouthful of nonsense. No need to bother, heh.
arg-fallbackName="Anachronous Rex"/>
Yes, it's all just a huge medical conspiracy designed to make profit by keeping people sick and vulnerable. I guess that 'exterminating smallpox' thing was just a fluke then.

I'll tell you what wasn't a fluke though, when medical conspiracists like you spread the lie that the MMR vaccine causes autism, and thus opened the door for measles, mumps, and rubella (potentially life-ruining illnesses) to make their way back into the general populace.

I'll tell you what else wasn't a fluke. When equally inane religious zealots in Sudan and Yemen declared that the oral polio vaccine was a conspiracy to render Muslim children sterile. Resulting in the re-emergence of the disease in the Middle East and Africa.

Maybe you think of yourself as the brave whistle-blower shielding us all from the malevolent ends of government and industry, but all your kind is good for is false hope punctuated by occasional death or retardation.

You're not the solution. You're the problem.
Thank you for using paragraphs, but kindly refrain from your excessive vitriol.

Frankly, what makes me suspicious of this whole subject is the term "colloidal" silver. Sure, the sites do mention what a colloid is, but why call it this? It's not like it's going to stay a colloid once ingested; it's just silver. It just seems suspicious.
Whoa, whoa. There is absolutely ZERO! ZERO! ZERO! information as fact that would in any way state that colloidal silver in the form of what WE ARE TALKING ABOUT--NOT FREAKING 450PPM or some other kind of hyper salt solution.... GOOD GOD HAVE SOME COMMON SENSE!--is helpful from anecdotal evidence from literally thousands of people that have made claims as to its efficiency in reducing cold and flu symptoms and also from some of the studies I listed. You can't just backhand those studies. Those are professional studies. Simply saying they are too small proves nothing. You have no proof that they are too small. Start showing me what you are asking of me before you make your outrageous claims. This can go back and forth again and again. You gave literally two weaker than sin websites of purely anecdotal evidence!!!!!!

Like with many toxins, the key word is "concentration". There's probably a safe level of silver to ingest. That doesn't mean that it's an effective treatment for anything.

I'm not doubting the studies are professional, but they don't show what you claim. They prove, at best, that silver can kill bacteria in an agar plate. That's not nearly the same thing as killing bacteria in a human. Humans have a number of systems to regulate metal content in the blood, and even you admit silver can be toxic at too high a level. The question then becomes, can a human ingest an amount of silver at a high enough concentration to kill bacteria without harming the human and before the body flushes it out? You'd need a better study to demonstrate that.

Anecdotes aren't good enough evidence; they can, at best, suggest a line of research. By all means, someone should do a study on this.

I used anecdotal evidence because you seemed to accept it; if it is valid to show benefit, is it not also valid to show harm? Your hypocrisy is mildly amusing.
If you gathered all the colloidal silver users in one you would have more than a couple million people. There can be no study because it would cost millions of dollars and no single person is ever going to get approval where they need it even if they could put up the absurd amount of money. Since most people like to trust the opinions of their fellow humans when they gather to discuss something seriously most of us do in fact take these things as some factual evidence of the efficacy and safety. People have been taking low doses of this stuff for over a decade without one instance of notably blue skin. So what does this say? It says that all this information is bunk and there needs to some serious insight into the whole thing. IT DOES NOT MEAN in any shape way or form that you and the gang here are right or wrong.

That last sentence is correct; anecdote does not demonstrate that anyone is right or wrong.

You wouldn't need millions of people to do a study; a few hundred would suffice. Also, think about it; people are already selling silver as a medicine, that means there is in fact a profit to be made. Have those people do a study to show their product was safe and effective; it would increase their business.
Do you people not understand this thing called money? This is why there are very few studies on herbs, even though it is generally accepted as fact that there are herbs everywhere around the world that solve any variety of symptoms for any variety of ailments. Yet there are next to Zero major studies released on the majority of these herbs. Who is going to fund them? The drug companies that need patents for these herbs to sell them in pill form? Uhh, I don't think so. They will make it into some kind of pill with dozens of other ingredients and then they will patent it and try to fund a study with their trillions. und us.... that was meant as in most people's opinions it does. You are reading the words in a different way.

Many modern medicines are, in fact, herbs which have been refined to make them safer and more potent. Aspirin, for instance, used come in tea form and caused ulcers. Penicillin is derived from molds. Opiates are derived from a sweet-smelling flower that causes feelings of relaxation. If an herb actually does what it claims to do people will be more then eager to put it in a pill and sell it. General acceptance isn't proof of anything.
PEER REVIEWED. Read at your own risk. You see what I have done. I have let you have your time. You cannot refute this one with the simple science of opinion. You can get others to agree with you but it still doesn't hold much water. This is the 3rd scientific study I have posted. Still waiting for the first that says how dangerous this substance is when made correctly. I'll be waiting for some time.

This third study is, again, a study in agar plates which, again, only serves to demonstrate that silver is toxic. Noone is disputing that. The question is whether it is safe and effective to use in humans. In this case, there's already a battery of toxic stuff you can inject into cancer cells to kill them, it's not like silver is any better at this particular task.
As for vaccines I do not generally care for them. I do not agree or disagree with the autism theory. I think it may happen is susceptible individuals but then again a lot of things can happen in these people. I do believe that you should definitely not be getting too many of these shots back to back and that not all of them are needed. In general I think about things and make educated decisions based on information from a variety of sources and I believe in nothing no matter who said it. I do think AIDs may have been created in a lab. I can verify that certain Rockefellors have openly said they want to reduce world populations. Is there a connection. Who the hell knows. There is a healthy balance that needs to be reached. Being abused by pharma companies left and right with ads is not a healthy balance. Being told by your doctor that there are no alternatives is not a healthy balance. There are always alternatives. Whether they work in the question. Because of funding this is not the easiest question to answer. What can be answered is that for thousands of years people lived without the problems in the quantity we are now seeing. Many of these things never existed or were so remote as to be nil.

I think the general consensus so far has been that colloidal silver (you know I think that name is not even proper) is in general safer than the extremely toxic treatments being used for cancer. I think the main points that need to be made are if it really works and at what dosages. As I have been saying, this is going to be EXTREMELY unlikely to happen, even if it did and was proven in smaller studies, as it would warp the foundation that the pharma companies sit upon. It is already banned in Europe and is now sold as water treatment or some such thing. You guys have some of the harshest fucking laws on the planet how and we in the US can only hope that our now pissed off people start to show even more hatred for the people in the lobbies trying to pass the same said laws. So far it is a draw. Things do seem to be changing but how far people are willing to go is not understood yet. The people that run our country are still the most despicable and rich people on earth. Yes, they are that bad. Yes, Dick Cheney runs on freon.

Again, I am curious to know how many believe in truth that the drugs marketed today are so well tested. Yes, they have financial backing but why again do many of them kill so many people after they are approved. Because they are not rigorously tested and when they are not fit for the market half the time they are still sold because of the enormous profit to be made. Again, colloidal silver is not meant to be taken for the rest of your life on a day to day basis. It is meant to be treated like any other antibiotic. It can kill your intestinal bacteria. You should always supplement with probiotics after dosing with the stuff. It is in some ways toxic but not in the way people are making it out to be. I could say penicillin is toxic. I can say that it heals, too. In reality it kills the pathogens, but only some of them, and that number seems to be dropping somewhat, whereby we need to find other methods that may improve upon the formula.

Those kind of antibiotics are proven to not be long term therapies within safe reason. CS is just one of the alternative ways being looked at, and it may be that it needs to be used in combination with other things, and it may be that it is indeed much safer than common cures when used precisely and safely. It is all up in the air. What is not up in the air is the potential for it to be a major breakthrough for a lot of things. Of course this will be held back with authority and fear by people who think, and very rightly, that it will crush their profits. I will not give outrageous stories but it does seem to eliminate cold and flu symptoms very fast and that is within my own opinion and knowledge to say. Other things I am not quite so sure of unless isolated and purified and given in high dosages by professionals. I don't think it is going to fix cancer and other things unless it can shown that the person changes their way of life and uses CS, if it is affirmatively shown to help, on top of other dietary changes.

I would also like to say that using pharma companies and drugs they produced in a completely different age is not a good comparison to make against what giants we have now. The world is a much bigger and different and greedy place than it was way back then. Sure, people were the same, but only a few held a lot of power as compared to today where many elite business hold power and are fighting for it at every step. It can still be said that few hold the cash reins, but that in no way diminishes the fact that the day of polio and measles and such are long gone. No longer do we make cures we make diseases by withholding information and knowledge and making it difficult and obscure. To even believe that these people (the CEO's of pharma companies) really want to help you is ridiculous. If they did then our education system would be different because they would invest more of their profits into knowledge building for common people and poor people.

This goes into a whole stratum with all the supergiant companies, especially oil, not investing back into communities but taking everything for themselves while others get poorer and poorer. Notice how I do not attack the entire medical industry. I have nothing against the people that keep technology going. But the age where we all must be dependent on drugs is ridiculous. And that IS what they want otherwise they would not spend billions on ads. As long as you are sick they are making money. It has been said before that we teach ourselves and I agree we must learn to not be dependent and that is something that they should not have to teach us. People are sheep, though, and the herd needs to be taught by somebody. THEY realize that that somebody, if they never come, will never harm their profits. Hence, broken education equals broken body.

They would not be destroying america like they are with their constant sick or not take this drug and feel better policy. Watch MSNBC and at any given time in a commercial span you will see one or two drugs advertised. Yet Marijuana, totally safe and helpful in most cases, is looked at as heroin. Why, because it can be free and it cannot be patented and successful when something is free. I am not saying it will cure cancer but it would take the place of pain meds and a whole shitload of money that goes into softer pain meds.
khronikos said:
If colloidal silver were to solve most health problems it would be reviled. You have not the common sense to see this.
Yes, pure logic. If it works, great! If it doesn't work it's because it works so well that people are rejecting it. Btw, I have a perpetual motion machine you might be interested in. No one will believe me that it works but we both have the common sense to know that it's only because they hate the idea of free energy.
khronikos said:
http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cac ... fjBcxoILsQ
Actually this is quite interesting, congrats on doing what niocan couldn't do in 20 pages and provide some peer-reviewed scientific evidence to back up at least one of your claims (on the cancer issue). Now, if you could just provide some evidence that silver is safe at medically relevant concentrations...?
khronikos said:
You are not cool for that remark, nobody worth a grain of salt that knows anything about the whole ordeal would respect you for that comment but Silverstein or Cheney, and that includes the majority of first responders and family members who had people die on that day the government decided to push its war agenda into countries it had no business in, except to finish up loose ends the CIA made in the 80s and 90s and to save some cash on asbestos laced building not to mention cleverly destroying covert information as well as large amounts of accounting information in both the Pentagon and towers.
Wow invoking the dead as if that makes the point for you. A new low for the truthiness movement? Naw, they crossed this bridge years ago.

See, what actually happened on 9/11 was two hijacked planes were flown into the world trade center towers causing them to collapse and thousands of people to die. There are mountains of documentation including video evidence to back this view up. Please read and watch what actually happened on that day before you spread your ignorant opinions around. Thanks!
khronikos said:
Thermite directly in dust samples taken from the site. This cannot be refuted by you or any other person of well regard. Thermite does not wander into buildings that collapse upon themselves.
Thermite was not found. Iron, aluminum, and sulphur compounds were found. Out of interest I had a walk around to see if the same compounds could be found after a plane crashed into my house. Not only do I have various items made from compounds containing those elements I also have some thermite that did indeed just wander in one day and hasn't left. So if a plane crashed into my house tomorrow presumably a truthite would have to conclude based on the thermite reidue that it was a controlled demolition not a plane crash! Talk about stupid. Incidentally thermite isn't even used for controlled demolitions because it's difficult to direct. Plus you would need a metric fuck-tonne of the stuff to make any impact on the massive steel skeleton of the WTC.
khronikos said:
All I have to say is you make yourself look pretty goddamn stupid by uttering something you clearly have ZERO knowledge about.
Actually, I take that remark back. That was wrong. Thermite has not been determined to be in the dust sample by a true peer review. Must have been some media spin I let in. I really do not pay much attention to 9/11 any longer as I feel that any truth that will come out will be in 30 or so years when everybody involved is dead or dying.

Any real information should be gotten here: http://www.ae911truth.org/

They are the most and determined people on the planet involved with the whole ordeal. If you cannot take the time to read what they have to say, if you are interested, than you might as well not have an opinion.

And as if I need somebody to fucking post an internet meme or some shit because I have made an honest mistake. I have put over a hundred hours of research into this but much it has flown out the door like anything you no longer have an ongoing interest in. It would be nice if you fucking people could stop with the I am so much better than you I must prove this with silly comments and pictures bullshit. As if thermite matters anyway for christ. There are literally piles of shit that are stacked and much more important than some fucking small time study done a year ago and just now released in haphazard fashion. Good god, it would take 20 minutes of your time to look over a couple sites and you could have more an advanced opinion than you do now.

What I said was in truth. If you are going to be silly go someplace else and fuck off. Some people do care about the subject but if by now you still have no clue what happened except what you saw on your fucking television than god help you no one else will but yourself.

Who the fuck honestly believes that some hobos (first reported dead but alive) with wire cutters fucking hijacked aluminum planes filled with kerosene and did a bunch of super pilot maneuvers over the the states and then decided to crash them straight into two of the most volatile and quite secret information centers of the government all the while single planedly (with fire! even though we have seen about 15 buildings in the last ten years completely engulfed in fire yet still standing) crushing two skyscrapers into fine dust (wait three even though there were two planes what?) that were laced with asbestos and in need of billions of repairs (but now need not be repaired as insurance will give back those billions and more to the zionist Silverstein) and also just for fucking fun jump started the world wide terrorist (OIL) war perpetrated by the most vile scum on the planet that will be going for another 10 or twenty years until the the middle east no longer controls any of its resources relative to another little corporately fucked nation we call Africa. Raise your hand if you are fucking retarded.

Good Night.
khronikos said:
They would not be destroying america like they are with their constant sick or not take this drug and feel better policy.
You know, I kind of get where you are coming from. Health care in the US is pretty terrible (or non-existent) for many people. You have to put up with ridiculously expensive drugs that aren't properly regulated and are allowed onto the market way to early. And the big US pharmaceutical companies seem more interested in making a big profit than testing that their drugs are safe.

But the answer is not to turn other untested alternative treatments. They usually won't do much harm, but they don't do that much good either.

Instead why not advocate for universal health care like most other countries have? A more stringent and objective regulatory agency? A higher standard of proof on knew drugs coming out of pharmaceutical companies?

So I agree with a lot of your criticisms but don't see how they are at all related to a conclusion that silver is a panacea. Your argument is just a big non-sequitor.