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  1. D

    the gay marriage issue

    It is weird, but we as as species love ceremonies, rites of passage, set milestones in our lives; i cant think of a human culture that doesn't celebrate Iconic events of a persons life in a memorable fashion. Births, reaching "adulthood", deaths, graduations and marriages. Ive heard the...
  2. D

    Your thoughts on procreation....

    Thoughts on procreation?... magnificent process... Questionable outcome
  3. D

    Prayer to the rain god

    how extremely uninteresting of them, maybe instead of boring silent pleading they should try something like an elaborate dance to the god Tlaloc, at least that way the "show" value of it might make it worth your while
  4. D

    France attacks Libya

    As an update to this thread The US engaged in military action by launching more than one hundred missiles from their war ships, crippling Qaddafi's ground-air capabilities. In addition to this it was reported that French fighter jets also attacked an additional 5 tanks in the vicinity of...
  5. D

    Timezone wrong

    Just a thought. The time on the forum see mes to be kind of problematic (personally I haven't been able to set of properly). wouldn't of be much easier if the time was fixed on UTC and be done with it?
  6. D

    About to officially anounce my atheism...

    Since in my family religion not only has it not been important,but never even a topic of conversation,the whole concept of "coming out atheist" is to me a royalty foreign concept. But anyway, congratulations on a favorable outcome
  7. D

    Lost in thoughts

    That sound a awful lot like ADD, you might want to considering a visit to a professional and potentially medication
  8. D

    Ptolemy makes a comeback.... in Russia

    I can almost see the motivational poster "in soviet Russia, sun revolves round you"
  9. D

    Mandatory military service

    The mandatory military service doesn't constitute the body of the military (like it does in Israel in some part), it only goes to form untrained and frankly useless reserves. I can't stress the word MANDATORY enough. Would you like to be forced to join the reserves and perhaps be called to...
  10. D

    Mandatory military service

    Mexico, like other nations (maybe most other nations) has a system of mandatory military service under the name of "national military service" which I maintain is the most institutionalized euphemism I've heard, since what it stands for is enlisting as a reservist on the military. The law...
  11. D

    Working out a percentage

    This reminds me of something I worked out a few month ago (apparently I had nothing better to do at the moment)
  12. D

    Guns, Germs, and Steel. The fate of Human societies.

    OMG! Head hurts"¦ feel need to jump of building
  13. D

    Egypt... and California

    You got to give them credit, a couple of them almost got the location right (though I think they made it far too easy with a map of only Africa)
  14. D

    fictive place, birthplace of fictive person gets on the list

    Re: fictive place, birthplace of fictive person gets on the The decisions of UNESCO as for the world heritage sites in not always clear. As a personal example, the campus of the national university of Mexico (UNAM) was added to the list in 2007 although I can't really say that it's all that...
  15. D

    O'Reilly's Tide$ problem

    Re: Tide$ problem I don't understand why is this guy not consumed by the shame and misery that such blatant will full ignorance should bring about in a human being. This is a man who apparently has the capability so speak, write, get dressed, eat, make a video for YouTube and a television show...
  16. D


    I find it to be unfathomable how an organization can take pride in calling themselves fair and unbiased while prohibiting the use of BCE-CE notation for dates dismissing it as "anti-Christian" and basically to be Jesus denialism
  17. D

    Science contest!

    He was also smart
  18. D

    Conspiracies you think are plausible

    I think it was Penn Jillette who said (come to think about it I really have no idea who it was) that there is no necessity for a formal conspiracy when interests converge, this is the only way that I think a relevant "conspiracy" would be plausible, if you have a group of people in power...
  19. D

    evolution fairy tale forum

    I actually tried to register and see what I could do in there, first I find very weird the kind of information that they require, but after I filled everything it returned an error with the message To which my reaction was WTF I wonder which of the parameters they are screening for I was...