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  1. S

    Bad Science?

    http://neurobonkers.com/?p=2056 So scientists mixed up the doses of Ecstasy with Crystal Meth, whilst concluding that it badly damaged the brain/cause parkinsons...?
  2. S

    Evidence for microbial life trapped inside meteorites...

    ...as old as the solar system http://journalofcosmology.com/Life100.html Seems relatively legit... jaw is firmly dropped. Or have I been hoodwinked by fancy titles?
  3. S

    This is not the freedom we fight for :/

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-12566027 While his accounts could I guess be false, or exaggerated.... Seems like he is genuine and Guantanimo is a dodgy place....
  4. S

    New Zealand 22nd Feb 2011 Earthquake

    http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2011/02/earthquake-in-new-zealand/100013/ Some drastic images about the ChristChurch earthquake. I feel it's my duty to post something here as a Kiwi... Sad times :( The glacier falling into the lake was pretty dramatic, and I think there's some video...
  5. S


    I don't know if anyone has watched this movie (nicholas cage) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0448011/ I just watched it with my family over the holiday break.... and I can't help but feel like it was a sad attempt at some modernisation of a religious myth.... I won't say too much due to spoilers...
  6. S

    Reindeer "fly" high on Magic Mushrooms

    http://www.heraldsun.com.au/lifestyle/the-other-side/reindeer-eat-magic-mushrooms-to-escape-winter-boredom-scientists-say/story-e6frfhk6-1225975330982 :lol: :lol: :lol: Haha, that's the sort of Christmas "miracle" that you can believe in.
  7. S

    Evidence hints at multiple universes

    :shock: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn19887-microwave-radiation-map-hints-at-other-universes.html Edit: A side note; there's more to look forward too :D
  8. S

    Can Atheism be hazardous to your health?

    http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/world/video-shows-man-tortured-killed/story-e6frf7lf-1225940470065 The story is more about the political/security situation in Indonesia and in particular a recent video of some gruesome stuff... But until this I hadn't really heard of people killing someone...
  9. S

    Evolving before our eyes.

    http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn19366-zoologger-live-birth-evolving-before-our-eyes.html But then even this would somehow prove God exists and evolution is wrong to a creationist I guess.
  10. S

    E/X/Ecstasy goes Medical

    http://www.newscientist.com/blogs/shortsharpscience/2010/07/ecstasy-may-help-trauma-victim.html It's nice to hear people actually do this kind of research with drugs that get banned. So many drugs have been banned and for so long, we don't get a proper chance to see what possible benefits...
  11. S

    Fix AGW or Manipulate the Weather

    Interesting read on an article about research aimed at manipulating the weather in order to help "control" Anthropogenic Global Warming. http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/how-to-regulate-climate-control-2019095.html I found this following quote to be quite disheartening. :(
  12. S

    Moonbase Games

    I only recently became aware that Nasa through Steam/Valve are putting out an online moonbase game soon. Soon as in Tuesday (the 6th), supposedly for free. http://www.nasa.gov/offices/education/programs/national/ltp/games/moonbasealpha/index.html Ontop of that, it looks like some company is...
  13. S

    Help send Justin Beiber to North Korea

    http://tweeter.faxo.com/Justin_Bieber_My_World_Tour You don't have to sign in to twitter to vote, just click "I am Human" do some captcha and vote. North Korea is tied first/second with Israel at the moment, but you can vote multiple times. (initially found here)...
  14. S

    God Vs Satan

    So I haven't actually read the bible, well maybe a kiddy version when I was a kid and forced into church by the parents... But I can't recall anything except the basic stories (from which at no point in my life I could distinguish their realism from normal fairy tales)... ANYWAY, I was...
  15. S

    Russian Creationism....

    :shock: http://www.newscientist.com/blogs/shortsharpscience/2010/06/godless-communists-embrace-cre.html It's spread to the UK > Northern Ireland's wanting a piece, now Russia... How are these guys possibly growing in support/numbers >.< I'm so confused.
  16. S

    Saudi Clerics Advocate Adult Breastfeeding.

    http://www.aolnews.com/world/article/saudi-clerics-advocate-adult-breast-feeding/19504280 I had to take a double take on this one. The logic is crazy, in fact the entire thing is just crazy.