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  1. D

    Growing earth Theory

    Ok so I found this video with a lot of views, it's about that the earth is growing, now to me thit seems like bullshit, however there isn't alot of debunking vids on this subject on youtube.. so what do you guys think of it?
  2. D

    What does LoR think about Norman Finkelstein?

    So what does LoR think about Norman Finkelstein? he seems very radical to me, but he does bring some good points. I just learned about him 1 hour ago or so and am now watching some material of him. what I have seen so far is, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7tupJRSi7M...
  3. D

    Politic Test,

    EDIT: repost, close & remove. I'm not sure if this has been posted before but it's a nice test, And I would like to see the Political preferences of LoR. http://www.politicalcompass.org/test So come on come on, make it and post the picture on here.
  4. D

    Climate warming hoax?

    Well the title should get you people interested to click on the thread hehe. Anyhoo I'm reading the piece atm, I would like some other thoughts on this. Since I don't know anything of the subject, I will not change my mind without some other thoughts on this :)...
  5. D

    ehh lol? uk needs to insult/free speech more?

    http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/669521/76c2a9da/haatbaarden_in_engeland_tegen_wilders.html it weirdly feels like a joke, but this is some scary shit..
  6. D

    Allahs miracles!

    Experience allahs greatness, in the small things of life! http://www.backtoislam.com/category/allahs-miracles/ Now accept islam, for this is evidence of it's dominance!
  7. D

    Well he is preaching the bible..

    http://crooksandliars.com/node/30652 listen to the audio, It's really sick. it's really shocking. there were just parts where i had to laugh at the idiocy. (i was abit to brief on the title, it doesn't fit)
  8. D

    obama = hitler!

    learned another thing today! http://obamaisliterallyhitler.tumblr.com/ EDIT: and another thing. http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/603951/5185ebe0/deze_is_voor_fatima_elatik.html http://crooksandliars.com/node/30652
  9. D

    Freedom of the internet, or the end of it.

    Today a verdict was released of a lawsuit from an organisation that wanted the dutch goverment to block thepiratebay. They succeeded. (more info: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2009/07/northern-europe-provides-perfect-climate-for-drama-llamas.ars) Even though the piratebay has already...