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obama = hitler!

Man you gotta love that Republican party... Man has vision to embrace a necessary and long overdue social change, evil party doesn't want him to so they lie... man wants to clear up lies and deception so they accuse him of launching a witchhunt against 'dissenters', why are these jokers still taken seriously?

Furthermore, I also find it childish, its 'guilt by similarity'... "M1: I have a good idea, how about ..." "M2: Yeah, that is a good idea" "M3: You know Hitler had that idea too" "M2: Really, I hate it now"...

At first I thought it was a serious slander campaign, after finishing reading it I'm left with the impression someones having a joke.
The thing is, i'm not sure if this is ment seriously.
or as a joke, as a reaction to the hole political blackmailing game.

I think it's ment as a joke anyhoo.
Bill Maher on last week's Real Time had two republicans on and he brought this up and said "This should be off limits", and they agreed of course.

I say when Obama kills 6 million Jews, then we will talk.
I love bill maher, and that was a good episode. I did think that Bill was unnecessarily hostile in a few segments but hey that is just me (btw im a progressive)
That has to be a joke but on the other hand some Americans are pretty dumb

Some people just have far too much time alone in their bedroom with the curtains drawn sniffing glue
Who else celebrated Christmas...?
Who else liked children...?

I'd say fairly likely its a joke, and even if it isn't 99% of viewers will take it as one so it probably doesn't matter if it isn't.
CVBrassil said:
I say when Obama kills 6 million Jews, then we will talk.

I'll be open for talks when Obama murders his FIRST Jew.

Seriously, they find the funniest things to compare him to.
JacobEvans said:
I'll be open for talks when Obama murders his FIRST Jew.

Seriously, they find the funniest things to compare him to.

Only if he murdered him because he was a jew.
And if it's meant to be joke, then I'm still looking for it.
I hate it if people start making fun of Hitler, fascism and the Holocaust
That's not a joke, nothing to be made fun with, because then people will forget the horrors.
Giliell said:
Only if he murdered him because he was a jew.
And if it's meant to be joke, then I'm still looking for it.
I hate it if people start making fun of Hitler, fascism and the Holocaust
That's not a joke, nothing to be made fun with, because then people will forget the horrors.

look at it this way, as long jokes are being made of it, it won't be forgotten.
Q-Hack! said:
Wasn't it just a couple of years ago that this site was created?


Ah, the times, they are a changing.
The difference is, you found an obscure site no one has ever heard of, created by someone with no influence. The idiots on your side who call Obama "Hitler" are the power-players like hosts on Fox News, people with bestselling novels, and some large minority of the Republican party. Democrats have an extreme fringe. The Republican extremists are in control of the party. You've committed the logical fallacy known as "false equivalence."

Correct yourself.
I'd go even further than that and say he's being completely dishonest. I wonder how long it took him to dig that site up compared to flipping on the TV to FOX NEWS. Or watch pretty much any video of recent townhall meetings.
Giliell said:
Only if he murdered him because he was a jew.
And if it's meant to be joke, then I'm still looking for it.
I hate it if people start making fun of Hitler, fascism and the Holocaust
That's not a joke, nothing to be made fun with, because then people will forget the horrors.

There is a very big and important difference between making light of the atrocities committed by the Nazis, and satirizing the ridiculous comparisons made by some between Obama and Hitler.
Gnomesmusher said:
I'd go even further than that and say he's being completely dishonest. I wonder how long it took him to dig that site up compared to flipping on the TV to FOX NEWS. Or watch pretty much any video of recent townhall meetings.
Well, anyone who votes Republican or claims to be "conservative" in America has suspect ethics by definition. :cool:

But, beyond that there's a sense that they have created a false reality to live in. In that reality, right-wingers murdering abortion doctors is just like left-wingers raising their voices. The expiration of temporary tax cuts is really a "tax increase," and any real tax increase is automatically "socialist." Tax cuts are the answer when times are good, AND when times are bad, and when tax cuts fail the answer is... more tax cuts!

And, in this case, obscure websites calling Bush "Hitler" is just like the Republican Party and Fox News making "Obama=Hitler" their official position.
ImprobableJoe said:
Well, anyone who votes Republican or claims to be "conservative" in America has suspect ethics by definition. :cool:

But, beyond that there's a sense that they have created a false reality to live in. In that reality, right-wingers murdering abortion doctors is just like left-wingers raising their voices. The expiration of temporary tax cuts is really a "tax increase," and any real tax increase is automatically "socialist." Tax cuts are the answer when times are good, AND when times are bad, and when tax cuts fail the answer is... more tax cuts!

And, in this case, obscure websites calling Bush "Hitler" is just like the Republican Party and Fox News making "Obama=Hitler" their official position.

Wow, everybody fits into a stereotype for you don't they. My point was only that mud slinging always goes both directions, obscure or not really doesn't matter.

I know you were just being snarky, however, with regards to your comment about ethics of Conservatives... let me punch a small hole in your logic...

Contributor Candidate or PAC Amount Date FEC Filing
NEW YORK, NY 10022
primary 09/12/08

The above information is Public Record. Bernard Madoff was a registered Democrat and contributed tons of money to the Democratic party. Not exactly the role model of ethical behaviour. Shall I lump all Democrats in with this fine citizen? :twisted:
JacobEvans said:
There is a very big and important difference between making light of the atrocities committed by the Nazis, and satirizing the ridiculous comparisons made by some between Obama and Hitler.

You're right and the wrong lies with those who make the comparison.
Then to satirically exploit such an idiocity might actually help.

But my problem lies with the general trend to compare each and everyone with Hitler, and since those people don't even play into the same leage as him, that makes Hitler and Nazi-Germany seem less and less evil.
It freaks me out when I hear (or read) somebody saying "Oh, we really need to take that idea into consideration, just because they did that in Nazi-Germany doesn't mean that we, as intelligent people, shouldn't think about the posibility"

Those people want some of Hitler's "badness" to rub off on Obama, but I'm afraid the opposite will be true: Obama's "goodness" will rub off on Hitler.
Q-Hack! said:
Wow, everybody fits into a stereotype for you don't they. My point was only that mud slinging always goes both directions, obscure or not really doesn't matter.
Yeah, it really does. You can stuff your little personal comment, because it doesn't change the fact that you used a dishonest and fallacious argument, as seems to be your only method of discussion. You made a phony and irrelevant comparison, in order to make a fake "point." Your correct course of action would have been to say "yeah Joe, you made a good point, I should not make bad arguments in support of my position." The minute you looked at what I said, and decided to ignore it and repeat your fallacy, you decided to lie.

Then you chose to tell another lie, by bringing Madoff into the conversation for no other reason than to prove your ethical bankruptcy. Everything with you is fallacy and dishonesty. Why can't you engage honestly with other people? What's so difficult about that? I'm not surprised... there are Democrats who are liars, but I'm not sure there's a right-winger capable of telling the truth. You certainly didn't break the stereotype.
Giliell said:
You're right and the wrong lies with those who make the comparison.
Then to satirically exploit such an idiocity might actually help.

But my problem lies with the general trend to compare each and everyone with Hitler, and since those people don't even play into the same leage as him, that makes Hitler and Nazi-Germany seem less and less evil.
I've heard it described as a form of Holocaust denial. By spewing out the false equivalence between Obama and Hitler, and between providing health care with murdering people, what the Republicans are really doing is minimizing the deaths of millions of people. They are also exploiting those deaths for purely political reasons, in the most cynical and dishonest way possible. It is an insult to the entire generation of human beings to claim that Obama is just like Hitler, based on nothing but irrational hatred towards Democrats and black people.
The difference is, you found an obscure site no one has ever heard of, created by someone with no influence.

hmm does this counts for me aswell? anyways I found the site funny, as it is clearly a joke, aimed to the people who actually accuse obama of being hitler. ohyea, hitler didn't only do bad things.. offcourse it was a workless racist prick, but that doesn't means that he did a ''few'' good things.
I don't care much for the people connecting obama with hitler, there fools.