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Recent content by ExplorerAtHeart

  1. E

    We Humans Are Capable of Greatness

    This is Carl Sagan reading from his book, "Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space". Director Michael Marantz shoots the timelapse for this piece, composes the music and edits. "It will not be we who reach Alpha Centauri, and the other nearby stars, it will be a species very like...
  2. E

    Attracting The Rich by Taxing Them Less?

    People are not stupid about money/planning ahead. They are ignorant. The schools do not teach people how to be financially smart.
  3. E

    Uglify Your Stuff

    Here's an article about making your stuff more secure by making it look really bad. http://www.wisebread.com/uglify-your-stuff-to-keep-it-safe
  4. E

    Voyager 2 working for 12,000 Days!! Let's celebrate!

    The Voyagers are great! Soon they will begin their silent journey through the vast open.
  5. E

    Yay! First image of alien planet confirmed

    You need something 70 times the mass of Jupiter to make a star. And even that is a really weak red dwarf.
  6. E

    Richard Dawkins and the atheist school

    Why not a university of reality. (Based on real evidence from reality)
  7. E

    Romance of the 'Natural' world.

    Humanity is Nature trying to develop a sentience to preserve and spread the biosphere. We are doing ok, Humanity is a constantly evolving entity. There will be rough spots and errors along the way.
  8. E

    A challenge. Using my fathers viewpoint to answer easy Q's

    Re: A challenge. Using my fathers viewpoint to answer easy Q As long as reality is reality and i can have my access to reality im fine. Id rather accept the universe as it is (shown by evidence) than persist in delusion.
  9. E

    Best. Jeopardy. Category. EVER.

    Best. Jeopardy. Category. EVER., Really Funny ^^
  10. E

    Project M

    Its NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in partnership with General Motors.
  11. E

    A day in the life of a closet-atheist.

    Once you are 18 you can get out of there. Plan so you can leave the house on or right after your birthday.
  12. E

    Project M

    Project By JPL as a short term substitute to human exploration of the moon. *Fixed It.
  13. E

    The most retarded thing someone said to me this year...

    I remember i went on this christian camping trip for a week.(forced by parents) There was this girl there who was convinced that blood was blue. She also had an obsession with cows..