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  1. S

    Why are you NOT vegetarian

    I completely reject the vegan assertion that the consumption of meat is somehow immoral. You would first have to demonstrate that eating meat is immoral before I would have any need to rationalise my participation in meat - eating.
  2. S

    Sequels that were better than the first.

    Re: Sequels that was better then the first. I enjoyed Star Trek II, Terminator 2 and Aliens more than the proceeding films.
  3. S

    And this is why religion is dangerous

    a very overt case of Religion as child abuse. Unfortunately religious families won't notice or tend to dismiss the subtle kinds.
  4. S

    UFO: footages, disclosure, archaeological anomalies

    "Factually"? A youtube video of a history channel show? Do you have any references for anything in that video? You have also once again failed heavily in your aeronautical knowledge, because the Nighthawk was not a fighter aircraft. Look, get your story straight, either "government agencies...
  5. S

    The Wikipedia Game...

    Mazamet! Roman Catholic Kshatriya --> Catholic Church --> French Wars of Religion --> France --> Communes of France --> Lists of communes of France --> Communes of the Tarn department --> Mazamet
  6. S

    Gun Facts

    Don't make massive claims without supporting them with facts - that's a creotard tactic.
  7. S

    Arc Survival?

    Surely anyone who writes, "hey presto" can't be genuine!
  8. S

    Magnetic Experience

    I just got this ad on Facebook: Magnetic Therapy Experience Of all the bullshit on their website, that really took the cake. Now as far as I'm aware Magnetic Therapy has little to no scientific research supporting it, but then I came across this: Magnet Therapy Gets Boost from Real Study This...
  9. S

    Gun Facts

    I first fired a gun not long after my 3rd birthday - I don't remember it, of course, but there are photographs of me shooting the Ruger T22 benchrested down at the club. For as long as I can remember, I was taught gun safety by principle and drill. I can remember being quite frustrated as a 7...
  10. S

    Gun Facts

    All reasons why "Self Defence" is not a legal reason to own a firearm here in Australia. So instead people join gun clubs and own them for "sporting." There are a few people at my club who joined for that reason - I'm sure there are many more I haven't talked too, judging from the huge number...
  11. S

    Gun Facts

    You're assuming that it's only your wallet at stake. Your life could be on the line too.
  12. S

    UFO: footages, disclosure, archaeological anomalies

    Your point being? Did I ever claim otherwise? Let's have a look at what you've claimed so far: (1) you claim that the Germans had advanced aeronautical prowess due to having access to ancient texts <i></i> I pointed out that Germany, the UK and Italy all developed jet technology...
  13. S

    Gun Facts

    Does it even really matter? Anyway, the point is if the USA had sensible, strict guns laws like we do here in Aus they wouldn't have problems with mass shooting every other Tuesday. Now I'm an ISSF pistol shooter and those laws make life as a sporting shooter a bit painful at times - but...
  14. S

    Gun Facts

    I wasn't saying there was any logical inconsistancy in what he was saying; I just thought it humorous for someone to say "these bullshit slogans make my blood boil" and then procede to spout a very similar kind of slogan.
  15. S

    Gun Facts

    What an utter load of tripe. "The thing about crime is, criminals are better at it than you are." This from the guy who said: You like to have your cake and eat it, don't you? As I mentioned before, there is no debate where both sides are choc a bloc full of bullshit like gun laws!
  16. S

    Gun Facts

    You're absolutely right mate - no debate is fought with more bullshit statistics on boths sides than gun laws!
  17. S

    Gun Facts

    There's some interesting stuff there, for example how hangun homicides in the UK peaked in 2000 - 3 years after the handgun ban! If I had the time I'd like to go through and read this through properly.
  18. S

    UFO: footages, disclosure, archaeological anomalies

    Incorrect! The Gloster E.28/39 first flew on 15 May 1941, more than a year before the Me-262, which first flew on 18 July 1942. About 5 seconds on wikipedia would have told you this, yet you can't even be bothered to do that. You are right, this is contextually negligible, but if you can't be...
  19. S

    Saint Pope John Paul II

    Yeah, he's my favourite Pope though. Had he not been a religious fanatic I reckon he would have been a pretty cool bloke.
  20. S

    Christopher Hitchens on Tea

    I lol'd. But sadly I'm just not man enough to take mine "Tea. Earl Grey. Hot" like my hero Captain Picard.