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Why do people dislike us so? D:

arg-fallbackName="Independent Vision"/>
There are very many explanations as to why some might dislike this place and the people who frequent it.

Some might experience feelings of intellectual inadequacy, being challenged into actually thinking for ones self not to mention the fact that some people are insanely thin-skinned.

That is not taking into consideration the legends about baby eating, immoral, evil atheists that are concocted by everyone from Christians to Celtic recons these days. It's quite amusing the horror tales I've heard. :lol:

There are many more explanations, of coarse...

I don't see a problem with the name, though. If people think that's pretentious... that's their problem.
Independent Vision said:
I don't see a problem with the name, though. If people think that's pretentious... that's their problem.

Yeah! well said. Anyone without a sense of humor enough to understand the LoR title is a bit of a joke should get boned anyway.
MRaverz said:
With all that League of Treason stuff from before and shanedk slagging us off in his last video, I have to ask the question.

Why are there so many people out there who don't like this forums and those who use it? :?
It means that they don't like how the members think, or they don't hold the same viewpoints as compared to the majority of the members here.
Hello everyone.

My take on it is this: one of the best ways to hide from reason is to lay down a thick smokescreen of (unreasonable) hate, dislike and anger. This way, you spend your entire time attacking those whose views differ from yours and you condition your mind to reject everything they say outright, like a knee-jerk response.

This way, you can spend your life hating the worldviews of others instead of loving your own. It works, but I think it's a little like the dark side of the force...it carries with it penalties and turns you into a bitter angry person who cannot be reasoned with because dispelling the hate through understanding would take too much of their core and cause them to make too many changes that, while uncomfortable, would ultimately be better for them.
As for the "League of Reason" name, I personally love it. I am a new member here and - although I came for the content - I think the title helps this forum, too. I don't think "League of Reason" can symbolize anything offensive unless it is put there by the eye of the beholder. Like many here, I am a former christian (26 years living the big con) and when you compare the title of this forum to the witty little "snippets" that are slapped up weekly on the letterboards of churches (Only God can fill the hole in your heart, God is the only way to be happy, etc etc etc ad nauseam ) , you see that the title LoR is there to simply convey what this forum represents (an association of people that employ reason to shape their world view) and not to point out the "shortcomings" of those that don't share the same view.

The truth only hurts when it has to pull out a lie from its rightful resting place. As such, I think it causes people to wince when they see that atheists are not agents of anarchy and that they are not amoral. Their books say that we cannot be organized or happy or productive or complete. I think this forum is a billboard that proudly shows that we actually CAN (and better than those with a deity abuse problem). If you spent your life building a huge construction crane to pick up a cupcake in front of you because you believed that the cupcake could not be picked up any other way and then, as your are in the middle of your project, someone just walked up and picked it up, ate it and then looked at you with a huge smile on his face, would you be happy? Probably not. You'd be pissed that you spent all of that time constructing something to do what you could have actually done yourself if you just believed in your own abilities. That, I think, is why people dislike the LoR, its members and atheists in general....
lrkun said:
It means that they don't like how the members think, or they don't hold the same viewpoints as compared to the majority of the members here.

Or, in the case of some folks, they hold all of the "majority" views except on one or two points. Then when they hit a point of contention, things turn ugly I suspect because they are so used to people agreeing with them about everything else that it throws them for a loop that their less supportable claims are attacked. Or look at the reactions to Phil Plait's "don't be a dick" nonsense, or the sort of "let's hug a theist" attitude coming from the NCSE.

I think what happens is that while some folks hate the LoR because we as a group tend to stand against nonsense like theism and woo woo medical claims, other folks get pissed off at us because there's one point of disagreement. Then they look at us and think "how could they be so blind, when they are so smart about other things? They must just be a bunch of ASSHOLES!!"
Great post Devron, and welcome to the boards.

I also agree with FSA, this is the internet.
Devron said:
The truth only hurts when it has to pull out a lie from its rightful resting place.
This simple but powerful quote is giving me lots of think about. Thanks. By the way, welcome to LoR.
perhaps it has to do with the people we attract.

you got the arrogant teens, who thinks they know everything
you got the religious numb-nuts, who want to convert us.
you got the hyper senstive smug jerks, who they have trouble dealing with people that don't agree with them.
you got conspircay brainiac, wearing his aluminium hat who thinks he can save us from doom.
you got the loon, that is just.... FUCKING NUTS!!

and i think we can get a larger list then this in which we can group anyone who comes here... and some which can be placed in more then one.
The video I mentioned:

AndromedasWake said:
What? I thought they all just disliked me!

It's happened to others?! :eek:

Perhaps people think you speak for us?
MRaverz said:
]Perhaps people think you speak for us?

It has been plainy and painfully demonstrated that some people do.

Also... I like how Shane didn't comment on the "volatile and short-tempered" at all.
MRaverz said:
The video I mentioned:
I tried to get shanedk to clarify, but apparently I'm a liar because AW once said something that disagreed with what I said...
borrofburi said:
I tried to get shanedk to clarify, but apparently I'm a liar because AW once said something that disagreed with what I said...
Wow, he sounds like a real prince of a guy.
borrofburi said:
MRaverz said:
The video I mentioned:
I tried to get shanedk to clarify, but apparently I'm a liar because AW once said something that disagreed with what I said...

Wha...? Now I'm very confused. Please start at the beginning. :facepalm:
More and more this is looking like Shanedk thinks that everyone on this forum is against him.

I'm assuming it's because he said something stupid, but can't admit that he was called out on it. It's really unlikely that we simply dislike discussion, otherwise we wouldn't be here and discussions wouldn't regularly take place..
MRaverz said:
More and more this is looking like Shanedk thinks that everyone on this forum is against him.

I'm assuming it's because he said something stupid, but can't admit that he was called out on it. It's really unlikely that we simply dislike discussion, otherwise we wouldn't be here and discussions wouldn't regularly take place..
Well, I think it was more like he said something stupid, a bunch of people called him out on it, he reacted badly, a few of us reacted badly as well, and I'm sure at some point the mods stepped in and told EVERYONE to STFU and stop flaming each other. I know I slapped the iggy on him, so I missed the big meltdown at the end. I think that he expected everyone who participated in the flaming to get banned except for him, so that he could treat this site like his YT page, where he gets to decide the rules and who stays and goes.

When he didn't get his way, I guess he stomped off in a huff. Tellingly, for all of his whining and complaining... as far as I know he's still a member here, not at all banned, and could rejoin the discussion any time he wants to. For all the bitching about how we're collectively of one view and don't encourage or allow debate and conversation, hardly anyone ever gets banned and threads almost never get locked. I guess some people think that their views are above criticism, even when those views are considered by many folks to be worthy of contempt, and if LoR doesn't moderate threads to suit their delicate sensibilities then we're bad, bad folks.
AndromedasWake said:
borrofburi said:
I tried to get shanedk to clarify, but apparently I'm a liar because AW once said something that disagreed with what I said...
Wha...? Now I'm very confused. Please start at the beginning. :facepalm:
It's a very long conversation, and I think we're both severely misunderstanding each other. I tried to make a singular point, which is that even if you, AW, are an evil jackass lying piece of shit, it is not justifiable to say that LoR as a group is evil, or that all of the members of LoR are evil, or whatever he's saying because I kind of lost track of it (and he seems to purposefully ignore every request for clarification that I make).

He seems to slur LoR as a whole because of his feud with a few members, so if MGK says something stupid then LoR as a whole is stupid; my comment was only meant to say that he seems to do this and he should stop. It was, perhaps, far more barbed than it should have been....

At this point I'm just trying to figure out wth his point is...
Shanedk claims we were being abusive, seconds after he called me an idiot and a liar.

Hypocrite much?