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Surely everyone has heard the explanation of why the concept of heaven and infinity sounds incredibly scary and depressing. Suffice it to say that finiteness and change are the very things that make things good. The sweet just is not as sweet without the sour.

In addition, the utopia and harmony in heaven is unobtainable without losing human identity and thus requires that the person 'going' to heaven is not the same person on Earth and contradicts itself.

So, if heaven does not exist, VFX is wasting his precious life. If it does, he is dooming himself to torture. Either way, who the hell gives a shit? He has made it so abundantly clear that he is a hopeless cause - a waste.
we all know VFX is a bad guy and forcing the law upon him might do him some good. his flock, however, are just ignorant fools and they need saving. just think of the vast amounts of money VFX is getting from his mindless flock.

we must stop this, preferably by the law. or maybe another page on firstgivings, for Sick Kids Hospital and get his flock to donate there directly, instead of through him. after all, if they are supporting him, because of his claimed support for Sick Kids, then they might as well do so directly.
VFX is clearly trying to be the digital Ray Comfort or Kent Hovind. So much of his work is directly plagiarized from those two sources that pointing out his intellectual dishonesty should suffice to discredit him with all but his fanatical, and as it turns out murdering suicidal fans.
And as if there was any doubt, he went ahead and upped the amount he needs to live to almost double for this month. He also tripled the suggested donation amount from $1, to $3.

Anyone hear $1500+ next month?
that is pathetic and VFX is a prick but let him have his money from he's drones, i couldn't care less. he can do with he's bitches whatever he wants and whatever they allow, it's their call. i don't put my nose in other people's business.
It's not so much the fact he's getting money, after all the whole of organised religion is based of the adage "There's one born every minute."
The thing we have a problem with is that the snivelling toad decided to abuse the good name of an actual charity to get that money, which is a crime if I am not mistaken.

It also reveals more evidence that he cannot accept when he's made a mistake. Did anybody else notice how, after people tried to remind him he had an obligation to do what he said he would, he claimed "atheists are trying to get the government" to take money from him. Apparently the sick kids hospital he donated money to is the government now? Or did he slip that in to make his donors think the evil government wanted to take his money.
Can't do anything about stupidity, unfortunately.

Actually you can, and WE HAVE!

believe it or not, our little video project has converted a few people I know, because they never knew how much information there is about Evolution! It's kind of why I've been so zealous about them lately :)

Perhaps, VFX is too far in the hole, but often stupidity comes from a lack of interest in learning the truth, and if you show them how interesting the truth really is, they can come to like learning.
^Oh, well that's good.

I was really meaning the kind of total stupidity that leads you to donate money to VFX, I'm sure that kind of stupidity is immune to reason and education :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm assuming VFX is in America. depending on whether or not his parents claim him as a defendant on their tax forms he can deduct up to 50% of his AGI (adjusted gross income) [if he donated that much to a legit charity] or the standard deduction of 5,600, plus 3,650$ for a personal exemption. His AGI would increase by how ever much he got from anything, including the donations from his viewers. So if he makes more than about 9,350 he will have a tax liability, however he will most likely have a VERY limited tax burden, so either the IRS will over look it, or he'll just have to actually pay it. The reason Hovind is in prison is because he has YEARS of tens of thousands, if not thousands, of dollars of tax evasion. VFX wouldn't be sent to prison, especially since he'll have to keep this ministry up for a few more months before he even has anything to worry about...

if he gets past 30,000 I'd say he has something to worry about in regards to an audit

I made the assumption that you were talking about creationists in general. my bad!

But yes, the vids are apparently magical.
Even though I've been debating for years with some of these people, they only actually listen when it's told to them on youtube... :roll:

Personally I blame it on your accent... there is something about English/Australian/New Zealander accents that Americans can't help to believe every word they hear! :lol: :lol: :lol:
He's updated his home page with his excuses and the letter he wants donors who sent money for Sick Kids Hospital to allow him to use the money for whatever purpose he likes,after the event.

He includes these lies abouat atheists:

"As it stands, in particular atheists on youtube, have tried to use this entire misunderstanding against me, accusing me of all kinds of nasty things, such as trying to steal money. The people claiming I am doing things illegal are not the people who donated to me, but are people who hate my youtube videos for preaching from The Bible. They purposefully are trying to get me into legal trouble when I am confident I have not betrayed my word. I asked for 500 people to donate 1$, and this request was not met. That means I am not under any obligation by my own words to donate any amount to charity."

There is no mention of Sick Kids Hospital.

And the final sentence shows just what a dishonest sleaze he is.

Of course he's never done anything nasty, illegal, unethical or dishonest himself.

Like lying about atheists and "evolutionists" ever since his first videos.

Like filing false DMCAS under penalty of perjury, vote rigging and false flagging.

Like repeatedly lying.

Like broken promises that anything over $500 donated would go to Sick Kids Hospital. Amounting to fraud and obtaining money under false pretences.

He also offers to return donations people sent him before he retracted that promise. Which is an admission he did wrong.

Presumably this will be by voiding the credit card transaction. But he's already spent the money.

And I'm not even sure a letter to an "anonymous" pseudonym would count as a legal contract.
"believe it or not, our little video project has converted a few people I know, because they never knew how much information there is about Evolution! It's kind of why I've been so zealous about them lately :)"

Perhaps, VFX is too far in the hole, but often stupidity comes from a lack of interest in learning the truth, and if you show them how interesting the truth really is, they can come to like learning.[/quote]

Thank you for this information! I thought the YouTubers who made these brilliant educational videos were preaching to the converted.