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The stupidest thing a creatonist has ever said to you

I hope someone has not already posted something similar.
Scientists assume the earth is billions of years old based primarily on carbon dating... carbon dating assumes that the speed of light has always been constant, but we have no evidence to support this. In fact, there is evidence that supports that the speed of light was significantly faster than it is now, and that carbon dating when adjusted for a rapidly decreasing speed of light does support an earth that is 8,000 years old.

Found a couple more via carm's forums, http://www.christiandiscussionforums.org. There is an awesome thread titled "How do cavemen fit into the bible? please help me ! proffessor burnt me in class!"
Scientists assume the earth is billions of years old based primarily on carbon dating... carbon dating assumes that the speed of light has always been constant, but we have no evidence to support this. In fact, there is evidence that supports that the speed of light was significantly faster than it is now, and that carbon dating when adjusted for a rapidly decreasing speed of light does support an earth that is 8,000 years old.

The major problem is that he does come across like he knows what he's talking about. It's all Kent Hovinds fault. I've seen the after effects of his videos all over that site. Especially when it comes to dating methods. The whole circular, "they know how old a fossil is because of what layer it's found and they know how old the layer is because of the fossil", reasoning comes up all the time. It's a little sad.
Salv said:
There is an awesome thread titled "How do cavemen fit into the bible? please help me ! proffessor burnt me in class!"

They wrote the bible, that's how they fit in. :D

Another one: I explained to a guy in close detail why humans are apes per definition, even if evolution is not true. I went through the whole taxonomy of how we have animal cells, mammary glands, etc. There, that ought to teach him a lesson. Or so I thought. What was his brilliant reply?

"Listen if you put a monkey baby and a human baby together then the human baby will act like a? monkey but the monkey will never be or act like a human. So if we are on a higher evolutionary level then please tell me why the monkey will not act like a human?"

rulezdaworld0 said:
Not that it isn't all absolute bo****ks but, what is the thing that made you laugh, cry, or generally cry for the human race that a creationist has ever said to you?

That personal experience is enough to believe in god.
This is not from a creationist as such, although I'm never sure where the line between a creationist and a believer is located .


Her 'I used to be an atheist'

Me ' So what happened ?'

Her 'I prayed for my ankle to get better, and the next day it was healed'.

Me; sotto voce 'Oh for fucks sake !'
asianlife53 said:
Her 'I used to be an atheist'

Me ' So what happened ?'

Her 'I prayed for my ankle to get better, and the next day it was healed'.

Me; sotto voce 'Oh for fucks sake !'

Me: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spontaneous_remission
Mithcoriel said:
Salv said:
There is an awesome thread titled "How do cavemen fit into the bible? please help me ! proffessor burnt me in class!"

They wrote the bible, that's how they fit in. :D

Another one: I explained to a guy in close detail why humans are apes per definition, even if evolution is not true. I went through the whole taxonomy of how we have animal cells, mammary glands, etc. There, that ought to teach him a lesson. Or so I thought. What was his brilliant reply?

"Listen if you put a monkey baby and a human baby together then the human baby will act like a? monkey but the monkey will never be or act like a human. So if we are on a higher evolutionary level then please tell me why the monkey will not act like a human?"

my head hurts now...

did he just argue that moneys > humans?
Healing rocks

I love the ability to heal

wish we could regrow limbs, though :|

Good thing god heals all the amputees, right? otherwise they'd be fucked
The Fundies also fail maths forever:
fstdt.com said:
[Pro-abstinence blog]

When you play with fire, there is a 50/50 chance something will go wrong, and nine times out of ten it does.
Wainscotting said:
The Fundies also fail maths forever:
fstdt.com said:
[Pro-abstinence blog]

When you play with fire, there is a 50/50 chance something will go wrong, and nine times out of ten it does.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Fundie: "Look. The fact is, we are above animals. We are better than them in every way. God gave us dominion over them. This is true. It's a fact. So it must also be a fact, then, that we were created above the animals 6000 years ago."

Me: "And 5000 years ago a global flood wiped out everything on the planet."

Fundie: "Yes."

Me: "So how are we here? How are all these animals here? What about all the plants? Noah didn't take any plants on to his giant ark."

Fundie: "Don't ask questions about the mysteries of God. God works above us. Certain things we should not question. That is one of them."

Me: *walks away*

NateHevens said:
Me: "And 5000 years ago a global flood wiped out everything on the planet."

Ha ha, I quite like Bill Hicks's one word question, "Dinosaurs?", when it comes to the 6K year old earth.

As far as I know they believed the flood was 2K bc? They talk about the three Adams. Adam, Noah and Jesus, each separated by 2K years? Anyway, it's all so fking ridiculous. For any of it to be plausable, which of course it isn't, you'd have to believe some omnipotent being flung shit around in order to cover up its tracks. I.e. Flood the world, make the water disappear, make everything appear as if a flood never occured, grow some new plants and scatter some new animals around. To try and reconcile everything, is just fking nuts. It's difficult to understand how people can believe this sort of shit is beyond me. Although, I did believe in all this sort of thing before, but when presented with the evidence it was clear the Bible has it's flaws.
kf00kaha said:
Watcher said:
"Scientists compared the DNA of humans and DIRT and found that they were so similar it was almost scary!"

-Heard from a preacher in a Southern Baptist church

Well, the story goes that god created Adam from dust (dirt), so I'm not so sure what this preacher is so upset about... ;)

Might add that this statement is highly ironic, in case somebody wonders...

I suppose the flaw is the idea that dirt can have DNA in the first place.
Chirios said:
kf00kaha said:
Might add that this statement is highly ironic, in case somebody wonders...

I suppose the flaw is the idea that dirt can have DNA in the first place.

That's the flaw, but it's ironic because a lot of creationists have been spouting that atheists believe life came about via lightning striking a puddle mud, Ben Stein, or Kent Hovind's "Atheists believe we all evolved from rocks".
"If you believe in a rock, you automatically believe in god" (paraphrased). I actually laughed out loud, and he got slightly cross with me. I then explained that when you have reproduction with variation, evolution intrinsically follows. I got a blank stare.

Oh, and I was wearing my kickass darwin t-shirt drawn in the same style as Obama's campaign posters with "Change over time" written on it.
This guy had a picture of a turd in his vid and i commented by asking ''That turd you shoved looked complex but did it have a intelligent designer?''

His reply:
The turd? Of course it shows design. And the alimentary tract it came from? Does that show design? Or "apparent design"?

His youtube chanal and site:

:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: