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The Last Book You've read

Stephen King's 'salems lot. BTW, anyone know where you could find H.P.lovecraft books? He sounds like an excellent writer.
scalyblue said:
OO, discworld is win! Have you read "A song of ice and fire?"
I've got all the books sitting here, but I haven't had a chance to start reading them. Later today, I might post a picture of the giant stack of books I have lying around waiting to be read.
scalyblue said:
Have you read "A song of ice and fire?"
I started reading the first one (almost finished) I didn't like it at all. It just seemed to me the author didn't have a clear picture of where he was going with the story or what he was doing with the characters - I can't understand why this series is so popular.
The last book I read was A Brief History of The War of the Rose's. Ok not, the most indepth book on the subject that's out there, but it's just a simple concise quide to the events, which you can follow up in more detail later if you so choose.

Right now, I'm reading A Brief History of King Henry VIII and A Brief History of Time.
benjy85pb said:
The last book I read was A Brief History of The War of the Rose's. Ok not, the most indepth book on the subject that's out there, but it's just a simple concise quide to the events, which you can follow up in more detail later if you so choose.

Right now, I'm reading A Brief History of King Henry VIII and A Brief History of Time.

LOL quite fond of brief histories aren't you?

currently reading bertrand russell why i am not a christian, midnights children by salman rushdie and desolation road by ian mcdonald.

and just finished ayn rands the virtue of selfishness.

and i just recently took myself book shopping <3
obsidianavenger said:
benjy85pb said:
The last book I read was A Brief History of The War of the Rose's. Ok not, the most indepth book on the subject that's out there, but it's just a simple concise quide to the events, which you can follow up in more detail later if you so choose.

Right now, I'm reading A Brief History of King Henry VIII and A Brief History of Time.

LOL quite fond of brief histories aren't you?

Lol Yeah I know. I'm just going through a phase with them at the moment. They're all done by the same publisher (except for Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time). I just find them to be nice concise reads of certain periods or peoples. After I've read them I can decide whether or not to follow up a certain period in more detail. But yes, I do enjoy them. :)
Just finished "Wizard's First Rule" as well as my fourth readthrough of "Lords of Chaos"
Finished reading? Cell by Stephen King. I like it. I first read it when I was about 14, it was pretty thrilling for me at that age, nowadays not as much, but I still thoroughly enjoy it.

Currently I'm reading Year Million: Science at the Far Edge of Knowledge and The Greatest Show on Earth by Richard Dawkins. I've been enjoying both very much so far, I'm sure I'll finish them very satisfied and thought provoked.
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I finished reading Watership Down and The Shining for the second times :D Brilliant books, I was thinking of reading WD a third time but I decided to catch up on this series called The Roman Mysteries instead. I mean okay they're a bit young for me now but I've been reading them for years and the series has only just finished. I love the characters and settings.
I just finished 'A Short History of Nearly Everything' by Bill Bryson. One of the most entertaining pop science books I've ever read. Yes, it contains a few mistakes, but Bryson makes up for it with his hilarious anecdotes about quirky scientists and failed experiments. A must.

I now turned to sci-fi, with Neil Stephenson's 'The Diamond Age' (and loving it), and Orson Scott Card's Ender saga on the shelves. Also can't wait to read Stephen King's 'Under the Dome'. Uhh, so little time...
Just finished reading Freedom, the sequel to Daemon, by Daniel Suarez. Loved em both.

Didn't like Under the Dome very much. It was okay... I think I may have just read too much Stephen King in the last few years. Love him, but need to take a break.

Loved what Sanderson did with the Wheel of Time, Gathering Storm was even better than I had hoped.

Currently reading Dave Eggers The Wild Things and Zeithoun... On shelf is Infinity of lists, eco and probably I'll read greatest show at some point.
I just got done reading all of the chronicles of Narnia and am about to finish reading the 'His Dark Materials' trilogy
Aught3 said:
^Which did you enjoy more?

I liked the stories about the same; but I like Lewis's writing style more. I'm Borderline A.D.D. and, as such, Pullman doesn't keep my attention for as long as I would like.
Just finished Richard Dawkins book "A Devil's Chaplain" and moved on to Terry Pratchetts "Unseen Academicals"