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The Last Book You've read


New Member
Okay i'm with "Life of Henry the IV"

a book about life the King of france henry the fourth, by Heny Mann. I strongly reccomend reading it, if u of course like historic novels. The main character himself is very interesting.
The Wheel of Time: The Eye of the World.

Awesome book series - if anyone likes Eragon, Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, etc. should read it!
Still waiting for them to finish the final book in that series irmerk.: Hope it doesn't suffer too much by being assembled posthumously.

Last book I read was Daemon by Daniel Suarez - very cool cyber-punk book similar in style to Snow Crash, though not set in the future. I enjoyed it quite a bit - definitely fun.
Oh snap! You read the series, so far? All of my friends have and are pushing me to. I am literally so slow at it even though I usually go through books fast. I love it so far, though.

My contention? Lan is Rand's father. Yes, I know, I figured it out without even reading the second book. Do not thank me. I. Am. Genius.
Last book I finished was Richard Dawkins' Unweaving the Rainbow it wasn't bad - had some interesting ideas. If you like his other stuff you'll probably like this one as well.

The book I'm reading atm is called A History of the World in Six Glasses by Tom Standage. It's very well written, a light history of civilisation from the viewpoint of six important drinks. Haven't got that far into it so can't really recommend it yet.
Oh, and I would like to take this time to recommend some cool books just in case no one has heard of them (unlikely) ;)

Cat's Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut
Skinny Legs and All - Tom Robbins
Another Roadside Attraction - Tom Robbins

Crimes Against Logic - Jamie Whyte
The Undercover Economist - Tim Harford
Freakonomics - Steven Levitt
Ishmael - Daniel Quinn
Deer Hunting with Jesus - Joe Bageant
Lamb - Christopher Moore
Eragon - Christopher Paolini

Do it. They are seriously good, funny and fantasy books.
Right now I'm finishing up Guns, Germs and Steel. Basically a book on culture and how certain civilizations became dominant in the world. Pretty interesting read if you can get past the first 100 pages or so because it seemed so intuitive that you thought the rest of the book would be just like that.

One particularly good bit was when the author described religion and government's relationship as one of co-dependence; basically that religion was used mainly for the promotion of the monarch's authority from the divine and then the monarchy pays the church. I wonder what religion's main purpose is now, seeing that they no longer maintain this function...
Fallen Dragon by Peter F Hamilton. Loved the (probably not unexpected) paradoxical twist at the end.

Waiting for him to finish the Void trilogy so I can read them all in one go. I hate starting a series and then having to reread the bloody things because i have forgotten the characters or what was going on. The Wheel of time was the worst for that with over 2 years between books in some cases and then (I now read) 14 books in the series (they have now gone and split the last book into a trilogy). I swear i have read Eye of the World at least 8 times and I'm getting a little sick of it...
World War Z by Max Brooks

Granted it was the audio version which was COMPLETELY AMAZINGLY AWESOME AND HAD MARK HAMIL IN IT!

Ehhem... pardon that.

I suggest reading it or listening to it. It has a full ensemble cast so every character has a different and amazingly skilled voice actor. Many of them have been around the block more than a few times, some are screen actors (not big name ones who were just hired for star power but for their skill) most are voice actors.

Before that was The God Delusion but we all know who :)

I have to add I hate Wheel of Time. I read the first three books, thought all the characters sucked noodled (the women folk were the worst in my mind) and the fact that over three very large books not much happened... well I figured I gave it the old college try and stopped reading.

Now I'm working through The Book of Five rings by Miyamoto Musashi and The Art of War by Sun Tzu, the second one being an audio book. I like audio books because then I can listen to a good book while working out, riding my bike or playing on the PC :)

If you haven't read it I demand you read World War Z. Its one of the most amazing books I've ever read! Even my dad and brothers liked it and those three couldn't BE any more diverse!
I'm one of those audio book people. I'm currently listening to Contagious by Scott Sigler, which comes out a chapter at a time as a free podcast.

If you've never listened to an audio book before, I direct you to http://www.podiobooks.com/ where you can download free audio books, including the very super classic Flatland.
ImprobableJoe said:
I'm one of those audio book people. I'm currently listening to Contagious by Scott Sigler, which comes out a chapter at a time as a free podcast.

If you've never listened to an audio book before, I direct you to http://www.podiobooks.com/ where you can download free audio books, including the very super classic Flatland.

Thanks! I'll so fav that.
ImprobableJoe said:
If you've never listened to an audio book before, I direct you to http://www.podiobooks.com/ where you can download free audio books, including the very super classic Flatland.

You've read Flatland? That book is so awesome.
Otokogoroshi said:
Thanks! I'll so fav that.
Groovy... my advice would be to start with the Scott Sigler stuff... read by the author, and the author is pretty good at reading his own stuff. The best of it is that it is "hard science fiction" in that there is no supernatural nonsense involved, and most of the horror is based in weird mutations and alien genetics.
I just finished The Road by Cormac McCarthy. Amazing book.

Before that was The God Delusion. Also fantastic.
Honestly, I don't know what was the last book I've finished... At the moment, I'm reading Jean-Phillipe Rameau's Treatise on Harmony again. I think, though, that the last novel I've read all the way through was Jordan's Lord of Chaos (yet again). I'm about in the middle of Path of Daggers (again, sigh), have to get back into that one... I'm patiently waiting the first installment of A Memory of Light, which is called, errr, let me check... Ah, yes, The Gathering Storm. Aughablarghablaaaahhhh, too many books to read, so little tiiiiime...
The Gulag Archipelago (abridged) by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Incredibly good read, with a scathing denunciation of the Soviet System. I recommend the abridged version as the regular is a 3 volume set ranging around 1600 pages.