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Steroids, Working Out, Weight Loss

No1Mensan said:
The first law of thermodynamics proves that all calories are equal. A calorie is a unit of energy, energy can't be created or destroyed so 1 calorie cannot = more than 1 calorie or less than 1 calorie. Saying that there are different types of calories that are more readily available than others does not change the energy balance equation. Stop shifting the burden of proof and show how you can lose weight while on a calorie surplus by orthodox means.
It has not to do with them being readily available, it has to do with how your body processes (or fails to process) different calories. What you are eating matters just as much how much of it you are eating.

Even within your overly simplistic view of diet, cutting sugar (specifically fructose) is a very good idea for it will quickly eliminate large amounts of calories from your diet.
No1Mensan said:
Ah, I think we've found the source of the problem: do not listen to nutritionists. Listen to dietitians. I'm a nutritionist, because I just decided to call myself one, 10 seconds ago. You can be a nutritionist to: decide to call yourself one right now and you are a nutritionist.
Just so that no one looking for information gets too confused I'll post a non-calorie focused plan to lose weight:
1. Eat clean foods (=nothing processed), eat more veggies
2. Make sure you get a steady stream of fats and protein throughout the day
3. Start eating incrementally less, make small weekly changes
4. Sooner or later you'll start losing weight

Doesn't need to be any more complicated than that.
No1Mensan said:
An Ad Hominem followed by a blanket statement, you are doing well. Pennies in all likelihood won't even be digested and would go straight through and I count calories wasted as calories out. Counting calories provides a very good indication of whether or not you will lose weight, and you'll find most if not all nutritionists would suggest doing this. If you want to discuss this further do it by PM.
You aren't discussing, you're just running your mouth and hoping we'll somehow forget reality so that we'll agree with you.

Plus, you don't know what an "ad hominem" is, or what a blanket statement is, which is ANOTHER way you show ignorance. You should have stopped while you were only a whole lot behind. Now it is just tragic. :facepalm:
ImprobableJoe said:
No1Mensan said:
An Ad Hominem followed by a blanket statement, you are doing well. Pennies in all likelihood won't even be digested and would go straight through and I count calories wasted as calories out. Counting calories provides a very good indication of whether or not you will lose weight, and you'll find most if not all nutritionists would suggest doing this. If you want to discuss this further do it by PM.
You aren't discussing, you're just running your mouth and hoping we'll somehow forget reality so that we'll agree with you.

Plus, you don't know what an "ad hominem" is, or what a blanket statement is, which is ANOTHER way you show ignorance. You should have stopped while you were only a whole lot behind. Now it is just tragic. :facepalm:
No1Mensan said:
There's ANOTHER word you don't know the meaning of, but it IS an ad hominem attack. :lol: :lol:

Keep digging kiddo.

No, on second thought, just stop. I'm not going to contribute any more to your embarrassment, and neither should you.
Krpi said:
Just so that no one looking for information gets too confused I'll post a non-calorie focused plan to lose weight:
1. Eat clean foods (=nothing processed), eat more veggies
2. Make sure you get a steady stream of fats and protein throughout the day
3. Start eating incrementally less, make small weekly changes
4. Sooner or later you'll start losing weight

Doesn't need to be any more complicated than that.
Much more reasonable. If I could ad, the focus of point 3 should be "healthy substitution". Switch pop for milk or milk for water. Also, try to roughly figure out your Basal Metabolic Rate plus your average activity calories burnt. Actively subtract about 200-300 calories as you lose weight until reaching the optimal body composition.

Note: there is more leeway depending on how high your BF% is. The higher the %, the faster you can lose weight without concern for "muscle wasting".
Krpi said:
Just so that no one looking for information gets too confused I'll post a non-calorie focused plan to lose weight:
1. Eat clean foods (=nothing processed), eat more veggies
2. Make sure you get a steady stream of fats and protein throughout the day
3. Start eating incrementally less, make small weekly changes
4. Sooner or later you'll start losing weight

Doesn't need to be any more complicated than that.
Completely reasonable. Add in daily exercise above and beyond whatever your normal is, and weight loss is almost assured.
ImprobableJoe said:
No1Mensan said:
There's ANOTHER word you don't know the meaning of, but it IS an ad hominem attack. :lol: :lol:

Keep digging kiddo.

No, on second thought, just stop. I'm not going to contribute any more to your embarrassment, and neither should you.
I do know the meaning of it and it describes you and your contribution in this thread perfectly. And you might as well carry on and show everyone exactly what kind of person you are, you clearly are a Juvenile little troll who spends too much time on 4Chan.

And one more word of advise learn about something before commneting on it.