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Shari'ah law makes sense

Visaki said:
About sharia law I have no problem saying that parts of it (I probably know about 2% of what sharia law includes) might be usable in a modern secular country. This is the same to all laws, if it can rationally be concluded to be a good law we can use it whatever the source.

The Stalin in you is showing.What you fail to realize,is Muslims kill atheists too.Atheists are killed in Muslim countries so atheists be quite about it, is against the law to reject Allah and there is coming a time when you will have to choose atheism or be beheaded,read Revelation in your bible,those who reject the mark of the beast are beheaded.God is going to allow your faith to be tested.
abelcainsbrother said:
No,because you have your mind made up.I don't think like you do it does not make sense to me to believe in a God that let's people get away with sin,if you think sin is not a big deal then that is your opinion.You are rejecting Jesus who can save you then getting mad at the thought of hell.You can not blame God for your decision.

If the God of the Bible exists then he created humans with the knowing outcome that they would sin. That is not a very cool and loving deity.
arg-fallbackName="Deleted member 619"/>
abelcainsbrother said:
read Revelation in your bible

Did that. While most of the rest of your stupid book of fuckwittery is merely stupid, what's actually revealed in revelation just how lunatic your idiotic fantasy is.

Shove your fucking preaching and vacuous threats up your fucking arse.
hackenslash said:
Did that. While most of the rest of your stupid book of fuckwittery is merely stupid, what's actually revealed in revelation just how lunatic your idiotic fantasy is.

Shove your fucking preaching and vacuous threats up your fucking arse.

Ouch! ;)
Abel, does it make sense to you to believe in a god who punishes all sins with eternal damnation? Also, most Christians do believe in a god that lets people get away with sin provided they accept Jesus or take communion or some such thing. Do you not think that?
tuxbox said:
abelcainsbrother said:
No,because you have your mind made up.I don't think like you do it does not make sense to me to believe in a God that let's people get away with sin,if you think sin is not a big deal then that is your opinion.You are rejecting Jesus who can save you then getting mad at the thought of hell.You can not blame God for your decision.

If the God of the Bible exists then he created humans with the knowing outcome that they would sin. That is not a very cool and loving deity.

The only way you could say this is if God had not sent Jesus and so we died in our sins and went to hell,you're trying to go around the way to heaven Jesus taught the way to heaven is narrow and few there be that find it.
SpecialFrog said:
Abel, does it make sense to you to believe in a god who punishes all sins with eternal damnation? Also, most Christians do believe in a god that lets people get away with sin provided they accept Jesus or take communion or some such thing. Do you not think that?

Yes,it makes sense.God is holy and no sin can be in his presence and it is only through the blood of Jesus that our sins can be washed away.Isaiah 1:18 "Come now,and let us reason together,saith the Lord:though your sins be as scarlet,they be red like crimson,they shall be as wool.

Other god's don't take sin seriously and so are not holy.Adam walked with God before he sinned and now because of Jesus we can again.
hackenslash said:
abelcainsbrother said:
read Revelation in your bible

Did that. While most of the rest of your stupid book of fuckwittery is merely stupid, what's actually revealed in revelation just how lunatic your idiotic fantasy is.

Shove your fucking preaching and vacuous threats up your fucking arse.

Yeah,and it is just coincidence that 2000 years ago John saw people beheaded for not taking the mark in the last days and we see ISIS beheading people.But it is coincidence?
abelcainsbrother said:
God is holy and no sin can be in his presence and it is only through the blood of Jesus that our sins can be washed away.
How is that not getting away with sin?
abelcainsbrother said:
The only way you could say this is if God had not sent Jesus and so we died in our sins and went to hell,you're trying to go around the way to heaven Jesus taught the way to heaven is narrow and few there be that find it.

So God creates humans, knowing they are going to sin, then thousands of years later It sends Itself to earth to become mortal so It could die for human sins that It created. Makes sense to me.
arg-fallbackName="Deleted member 619"/>
abelcainsbrother said:
Yeah,and it is just coincidence that 2000 years ago John saw people beheaded for not taking the mark in the last days and we see ISIS beheading people.But it is coincidence?

What, is it coincidence that morons will be morons? Seriously? People are fucking morons, often motivated by the same moronic shit, like the various idiotic death-cults that mandate decapitation for not being a fuckwit. What can you do?
Be grateful that you live in a country which does not require its citizens to adopt a specific world
view in order to literally save their own head. But decapitation under sedation is arguably one of
the more painless methods of non natural means of ending life. It was actually introduced in the
French Revolution as a humane alternative to other forms of execution so is actually better than
most of them with the possible exception of a firing squad. But one must be vertical for that and
I would much prefer to be horizontal were I given the choice as then I could be unconscious too
abelcainsbrother said:
The Stalin in you is showing.What you fail to realize,is Muslims kill atheists too.Atheists are killed in Muslim countries so atheists be quite about it, is against the law to reject Allah and there is coming a time when you will have to choose atheism or be beheaded,read Revelation in your bible,those who reject the mark of the beast are beheaded.God is going to allow your faith to be tested.
The what? Stalin was a totalitarian communist dictator to whom the good of the people meant little to nil but to whom the ideological dogma of his choise and personal power was the absolute authority. I'm saying that we should adopt laws that can rationally said to be good for both the society and the individual regardless of the source. You are not making sense, but that, of course, is nothing new.

Oh and christians have been waiting for the end times pretty much all the time since the 4th decade. They've been claiming the same things to be the signs mentioned on the same verses and they haven't been right yet. That's one crappy track record even for a religion.
abelcainsbrother said:
The Stalin in you is showing.What you fail to realize,is Muslims kill atheists too.Atheists are killed in Muslim countries so atheists be quite about it, is against the law to reject Allah and there is coming a time when you will have to choose atheism or be beheaded,read Revelation in your bible,those who reject the mark of the beast are beheaded.God is going to allow your faith to be tested.

First of all, the revelation doesn't mention beheading for those who reject the mark of the beast. Actually it doesn't mention any punishment other than you shouldn't buy or sell (and other punishments which are prescribed by God) . So you haven't read your own damn bible. You just reached far up your ass and pull it out.
A christian having the audacity to tell other people to go read the bible whilst not having done that themselves, but what else is new?
Go read your God damn bible!

Second of all, says the man who's religion was doing the exact same thing a couple of centuries ago for precisely the same reason.
abelcainsbrother said:
No,because you have your mind made up.I don't think like you do it does not make sense to me to believe in a God that let's people get away with sin,if you think sin is not a big deal then that is your opinion.You are rejecting Jesus who can save you then getting mad at the thought of hell.You can not blame God for your decision.

Once again, could you please clarify the difference between death threats and threats of eternal damnation after you die? Don't dodge the question. I'm asking 'YOU' what your take on this is, not what you think I beleive or think.
Mugnuts said:
abelcainsbrother said:
No,because you have your mind made up.I don't think like you do it does not make sense to me to believe in a God that let's people get away with sin,if you think sin is not a big deal then that is your opinion.You are rejecting Jesus who can save you then getting mad at the thought of hell.You can not blame God for your decision.

Once again, could you please clarify the difference between death threats and threats of eternal damnation after you die? Don't dodge the question. I'm asking 'YOU' what your take on this is, not what you think I beleive or think.

No because you don't know what Christianity teaches and so you are slandering Christianity based on a faulty understanding.If you don't believe that you will answer for your sins one day then believe that but you're going to answer for them and be punished for them.Jesus taught about hell more than he did heaven.I'm not going to try to change your mind or prove God is real because no Christian is told to do it and I do not play atheist talking point tactics because they are wrong.You have been warned and told hell is real so you have no excuse.
Visaki said:
abelcainsbrother said:
The Stalin in you is showing.What you fail to realize,is Muslims kill atheists too.Atheists are killed in Muslim countries so atheists be quite about it, is against the law to reject Allah and there is coming a time when you will have to choose atheism or be beheaded,read Revelation in your bible,those who reject the mark of the beast are beheaded.God is going to allow your faith to be tested.
The what? Stalin was a totalitarian communist dictator to whom the good of the people meant little to nil but to whom the ideological dogma of his choise and personal power was the absolute authority. I'm saying that we should adopt laws that can rationally said to be good for both the society and the individual regardless of the source. You are not making sense, but that, of course, is nothing new.

Oh and christians have been waiting for the end times pretty much all the time since the 4th decade. They've been claiming the same things to be the signs mentioned on the same verses and they haven't been right yet. That's one crappy track record even for a religion.

Stalin was an atheist leader,stop with the rewriting of 20 th century history.We know exactly what this atheist did.

Yes it is true that waiting for the return of Jesus for 2000 years but it does not make God's word wrong just because man has been wrong,it makes no different what a person believes they all have been wrong but Jesus still told us to watch and to look for signs of the times and when it tells us in Revelation that those who reject the mark of the beast are beheaded and we see Christians and people being beheaded we can see the spirit of Antichrist at work in the last days.

And and you don't even really have to be a bible scholar to see it,plus many more signs Jesus told us that in the last days before he comes back it would be as in the days of Lot and we know sodomy was going on in Sodom and Gamoorah and yet you think it is coincidence that sodomy is being pushed into our society in these last days.I could go on and on with signs that tell us we are in the last days .The spirit of Sodom is back today just like Jesus said.
Master_Ghost_Knight said:
abelcainsbrother said:
The Stalin in you is showing.What you fail to realize,is Muslims kill atheists too.Atheists are killed in Muslim countries so atheists be quite about it, is against the law to reject Allah and there is coming a time when you will have to choose atheism or be beheaded,read Revelation in your bible,those who reject the mark of the beast are beheaded.God is going to allow your faith to be tested.

First of all, the revelation doesn't mention beheading for those who reject the mark of the beast. Actually it doesn't mention any punishment other than you shouldn't buy or sell (and other punishments which are prescribed by God) . So you haven't read your own damn bible. You just reached far up your ass and pull it out.
A christian having the audacity to tell other people to go read the bible whilst not having done that themselves, but what else is new?
Go read your God damn bible!

Second of all, says the man who's religion was doing the exact same thing a couple of centuries ago for precisely the same reason.

What would make you think I would just make it up?How about you read Revelation 20:4.Now I am not saying the the mark of the beast is here now because it isn't I'm only saying the spirit of Anti-christ is already here.I'm just backing myself up,not trying to prove you wrong because I know you don't believe the bible anyway and you'll ignore this based on that and overlook you were wrong.
tuxbox said:
abelcainsbrother said:
The only way you could say this is if God had not sent Jesus and so we died in our sins and went to hell,you're trying to go around the way to heaven Jesus taught the way to heaven is narrow and few there be that find it.

So God creates humans, knowing they are going to sin, then thousands of years later It sends Itself to earth to become mortal so It could die for human sins that It created. Makes sense to me.

Let me ask you this.How do you know before Jesus came to this earth that those people who never heard of him would have believed in Jesus had they heard?Also before Jesus came you still had to have a blood sacrifice for your sins but Jesus changed all of that.You also do not know that God did not get his message to other nations before Jesus came.Would they have believed in YHWH before Jesus came? See you do not know this is why God should be the judge of mankind,not us.We can't play God.
abelcainsbrother said:
Let me ask you this.How do you know before Jesus came to this earth that those people who never heard of him would have believed in Jesus had they heard?

What people are you talking about?

abelcainsbrother said:
Also before Jesus came you still had to have a blood sacrifice for your sins but Jesus changed all of that.

A deity that requires a blood sacrifice because It messed up when It created humans is a dumbass and should not be worshiped.

abelcainsbrother said:
You also do not know that God did not get his message to other nations before Jesus came.Would they have believed in YHWH before Jesus came? See you do not know this is why God should be the judge of mankind,not us.We can't play God.

There is not any evidence that your God gave his message to anyone other than to the Jews thousands of years ago (I'm pretty sure he did not give them any message as well). So why would I believe otherwise? I'm not a big fan of guessing what God might have done. Also, I pretty sure if God exists and there is an afterlife, it will not be judging people for not believing It exists, because It has done a poor job of letting us know of his existence. While I might not be an atheist, I do believe the ones in this forum make a lot of sense when it comes to disproving the God of your Bible exists. I can also use my own reasoning skills to come to the same conclusion. That said, there is probably a Creator of the universe but I doubt It gives a flying frogs butt if we believe in Its existence and It definitely does not and did not require us to kill anything in order to cleanse us from sin. That said, it is very probable that if a Creator exists, It has very little to do with us. We are probably just a byproduct of the creation and there is no evidence that this Creator interacts with humans or any other creature on this planet.