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Sex work

I'm not suggesting a true 'ID card' system in the sense that I think you're thinking (ie the Australia Card), what I'm proposing is a voluntary system encouraged by the government (ie in terms of having a legitemate, unfakeable card, reduced test costs etc), where any potential sexual partners could choose to or not to ask to see it, when say deciding one night stands or other forms of sexual relationships.

This would also be useful in terms of issues like blood donations (ie if you can prove you were tested STD free 6 months ago, that would cut down alot of wasted money from taking blood donations only to find out they're contaminated, and risks of false negatives). Besides, getting screened isn't that costly tmk, I've had a full asymptomatic STD panel twice, tmk it was around 40-50 dollars.

The beauty of this system is also it factors in foreigners, ie if they wish to have sex they need to take the standardised test, this would prevent a relapse caused by foreigners once the disease had been eradicated within the country.

My attitude is there's little excuse for why this issue has not been addressed yet, diseases like AIDS are easy to track and control the spread of, and alot of the problem has been due to fear of knowing (ie I'd rather not know if I have it or not), fear of stigma (ie AIDS = gay, junkie or slut), and religious or sexual moralist BS. If a hard line policy was taken, AIDS transmittion could be eliminated in say 3 years or less.

To address your specific comments, the idea is... leave it at home = girl doesn't wanna take the chance = no sex. And my point is the honour system isn't working, with something like 10% or more of Australians between 18-32 will contract chlamydia... which considering this is a very treateable and cureable disease (and the longer it exists in population, the more likely to become resistant to this treatment), there is no real excuse for spreading it... either you didn't get tested, didn't bother getting treated, or don't care if you have it or not... so, honour system = fail!
nbarrett100 said:
I would never pay for sex but you can't stop people doing it so IMO it should be made legal for the safety of the workers.

Agree, if it legalist, the workers gets protection from the law.
Homunclus said:
It's not up to the state to legislate moral. Prostitution is a profession, simple as that

This is absolutely true, I just wish the state would find better consensus with that concept.
atheismforthewin said:
"It's not up to the state to legislate moral. Prostitution is a profession, simple as that" -Homunclus

This is absolutely true, I just wish the state would find better consensus with that concept.
If the state doesn't legislate based on what is right and wrong, then what do they legislate based on?
Other professions: Drug dealer, Assassin, Scam Artist, etc.

Not that I am saying prostitution should definitively be illegal, but these statements are not even remotely good arguments for legality.
Ozymandyus said:
If the state doesn't legislate based on what is right and wrong, then what do they legislate based on?
Other professions: Drug dealer, Assassin, Scam Artist, etc.

Not that I am saying prostitution should definitively be illegal, but these statements are not even remotely good arguments for legality.
I think "directly harmful to others" is a better criterion. It's far less subjective than morality, or "right" versus "wrong".

I could say more, but it's a holiday and there's barbecue to be eaten.
I don't see why prostitution should be illegal in the U.S. if abortion is legal. A woman has a right to choose, so why can't she spread 'em for money?