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Settlers of Catan


New Member
We must play.

This came up in another thread but creating a new thread so as to not derail and to draw attention. It would be great to get a full group going for a game.
Prolescum said:

[snip] Or maybe we can start a thread to see if we can attain a full compliment of players... Linux users can find a version for their distro easily, windows peeps need GTK+ but there's a walkthrough for installing it

p.s. Prolescum now has the most badass avatar on the forum.

As an aside, I work third shift, so personally my availability is limited to when I get home at around 8am EST (GMT-5) til noon-ish. But I love to play, and I bet others do too. It's just hard to find players.
DepricatedZero said:
Prolescum now has the most badass avatar on the forum.

Thanks, I made it myself :) . With some image theft from the internet...
As an aside, I work third shift, so personally my availability is limited to when I get home at around 8am EST (GMT-5) til noon-ish. But I love to play, and I bet others do too. It's just hard to find players.

Okay, I'd have to organise the day before we play then, because that's during the afternoon in t'UK. Unless it's a weekend, of course. Sundays are almost always good for me.

To make it easier for anyone who wants to play, the details are below.
The meta server will be pioneers.debian.net (should be the default option)

When you open up the client, you must join a private game (not the public one).

The Server host will be Prolescum (don't know if capitalization is necessary, but my computer has a capital P so better to note it here :) )

The server port will be 5558.

These details only apply if I am hosting the game; if you are the server, you should make sure the players add the particulars of your setup (and don't forget to allow connections through your firewall and router).

We can have up to 6 players during any one game and can discuss specific rules and expansions before we start up.

Linux users: Install by your preferred method. Package details.

Windows users: You can find the pioneers file here. You'll also need GTK+ 2 (if you have GIMP installed, you already have it) from here.

Firstly, install GTK+ and then reboot (not sure why, but apparently this is a windows thing). Install Pioneers and start it up. If it says GTK+ isn't installed, you need to add the correct directory to your path, which is C:\Program Files\Common Files\GTK\2.0\bin.
You can do that by right-clicking 'My Computer', Properties > Advanced tab > Environment Variables. You'll find your path variable in the bottom box - highlight and edit to the path above.

Thanks to this guy for the guide.

OS X users: You can use Fink (<--details), although there may be another way that I'm unaware of.

If anyone is interested but hasn't played before, I'd be more than happy to write a how-to post...

The ultimate entry-level eurogame. Enjoy, kids. Call me when you want to play something strategic. :-/
TheFlyingBastard said:
The ultimate entry-level eurogame. Enjoy, kids. Call me when you want to play something strategic. :-/

Wow, thanks for making the effort to post. I will certainly be calling you should I be lacking some meaty, well constructed condescension and need a fill-up. :roll:
Would you like to join us in a game, despite it not being strategic enough like Risk or Axis and Allies? ;)
Prolescum said:
Would you like to join us in a game, despite it not being strategic enough like Risk or Axis and Allies? ;)
I lol'd

TFB find us a place to play Supremecy and I'll beat you this time next year.
DepricatedZero said:
Prolescum said:
Would you like to join us in a game, despite it not being strategic enough like Risk or Axis and Allies? ;)
I lol'd

TFB find us a place to play Supremecy and I'll beat you this time next year.

I'd be up for that. I haven't seen an online version, though.
I could definitely get into playing this once in a while, I've tried the board game version once or twice. I may need a refresh on the rules at some point, but I remember it being pretty fun.

One thing is bugging me though, any idea how to change the interface language? For some reason it's installed as my OS base language instead of my OS in-use language (just like Office appears to do. GRRR!).
Undeath said:
I could definitely get into playing this once in a while, I've tried the board game version once or twice. I may need a refresh on the rules at some point, but I remember it being pretty fun.

One thing is bugging me though, any idea how to change the interface language? For some reason it's installed as my OS base language instead of my OS in-use language (just like Office appears to do. GRRR!).

I can't help you there, I'm afraid. Perhaps changing your system locale.

I'll write up a quick rules page somewhere and post it up here :) .
Well, I found the easiest workaround was just to delete the other language directories, then it defaults to english :p

I can't seem to find the option to adjust system locale - I can only change my input and display languages, and all the programs that go by language take it from the input instead of the display :/
Not sure, mate. You could have a look in /usr/share/dictionary-common or /etc/sysconfig/language_package_name or /etc/profile.d/ or whichever variant thereabouts in your distro, there's bound to be a config file. Not really my area of expertise. Not that I even have any in this field... :D
Prolescum said:
TheFlyingBastard said:
The ultimate entry-level eurogame. Enjoy, kids. Call me when you want to play something strategic. :-/
Wow, thanks for making the effort to post. I will certainly be calling you should I be lacking some meaty, well constructed condescension and need a fill-up. :roll:
I apologize, I didn't mean it to come across as condescending. I just meant to say that I'm willing to play a boardgame as long as it's not as Euro as Catan. I'm more into Ameritrash with the gorge of doom down the middle of the board and manuals the size of epic tomes.
Prolescum said:
Would you like to join us in a game, despite it not being strategic enough like Risk or Axis and Allies? ;)
I see your Axis & Allies and raise you a Dune. ;)
DepricatedZero said:
I lol'd
TFB find us a place to play Supremecy and I'll beat you this time next year.
Supremacy... Haven't played that one yet so you're going to have to teach me that one. Isn't that the game that invariably ends in nuclear winter? I can't find an online version right now, but I'll keep looking. If I find one, I'll shoot you a message, alright?
TheFlyingBastard said:
I apologize, I didn't mean it to come across as condescending. I just meant to say that I'm willing to play a boardgame as long as it's not as Euro as Catan. I'm more into Ameritrash with the gorge of doom down the middle of the board and manuals the size of epic tomes.

Lol, fair enough. It could still be fun, though (there is a chat window... ;) )

I see your Axis & Allies and raise you a Dune. ;)

Dune 2000 and you're on!
Undeath said:
I could definitely get into playing this once in a while, I've tried the board game version once or twice. I may need a refresh on the rules at some point, but I remember it being pretty fun.

Okay, I made this http://adultdave.co.uk/pioneers. Hope it's clear :D
Definitely a fun game. I also highly suggest Carcassonne for anyone that likes Settlers of Catan.

I'd be in on occasion. I'd also recommend http://www.brettspielwelt.de/ . They have Catan, Puerto Rico, Dominion (no shuffling required!) and a quite a few others.
TheFlyingBastard said:
Prolescum said:
Dune 2000 and you're on!
Dune 2000 is an RTS PC game, not a board game. >:-(

Yes, but you can't come round to my house; it's bloody miles away.
TheStoasterRisen said:
Definitely a fun game. I also highly suggest Carcassonne for anyone that likes Settlers of Catan.


It is fun, but not with 'the tower' expansion.

So those up for a game of pioneers next weekend say aye...
TheFlyingBastard said:
That;s fine, we can use VASSAL. I have built my own module for it. Skype optional.

Oh fair enough. I loved Dune 2000, though.

I'll download it and have a go before I agree to embarrass myself :)

How long is a game usually?