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Is there any NON-RELIGIOUS reason to be a homophobe?

The truth though is, almost no one is assaulted in this way. Instead its a fear built into them by other people who make stupid jokes and say 'ewwwww', and systematically associate homosexuality with ostracization... It's origins can probably be traced back to religion and the crazy creationist mindset of it being a sinful thing that is condemned in bible. This feeling is then passed on to their children, who pass it on to other children by saying homophobic things(calling the nerdy kid gay, associating anything bad with gay, using homosexual as an insult)... So I believe the whole thing to be largely religiously motivated in that sense.

Undoubtedly there are some other factors that go in, male in group forming in teenage years is ultimately going to lead to some homophobic tendencies simply because sexuality is often such a large part of that and being different in that way can lead to serious obstacles perhaps.
There will be no rational reason, as by definition, a phobia is strictly an irrational fear of something.

Homophobia is more of a specific xenophobia.
TheJilvin said:
I hope that a pedophile breaks into your house, masturbates on your face against your will throws feces all over your walls, and burns your house down so that you can show how much you "respect" his "superiority" over those who are moral.

Why must it be a paedophile? There is nothing really in the rest of that sentence that would require a paedophile over any other type of pervert.
As many have pointed out there are multiple numerous reasons that are not related to religion but none of them are rational.

However people in general are not very good at rational thinking (especially when it comes to love and strong emotions), which partially explains why homophobia is difficult to get rid off even if we disregard the religious zealots.
Jotto999 said:
It's not like they are raping straight men as we walk down the street...it's not like they are destroying anything, or affecting us in any way. There is absolutely zero reason to be a homophobe.

This is absolutely correct but come to think about it one cause of homophibia might actually stem from the fact that when people think of gays they usually instantly think of gay sex like many here have said. This might lead - in sexually insecure persons - to the fear of being "raped" - either physically or becoming attacted to them "against one's will" (which I think is somewhat impossible). So what I'm saying is what has been said before: Those who deeply hate/fear gays might often be gays themselves.

But still: there are no logical reasons for hating gays. Besides, how many phobias have a any sort of logical/rational source at all?

I was attending a conference recently and two interesting pieces of research were just released back in January, I think. The first is this: the most healthy demographic population in the United States are young, celebrated homosexuals. In other words, if parents embrace and celebrate a child's sexuality, the child is more likely to achieve long term goals, less likely to become addicted to drugs, less likely to victimized by violent crimes, and so on... This group of people represents about 3% of gay children in the US and their long term success is greater than accepted heterosexuals, interestingly enough. (This was New England Pediatrics, I believe.)

The second little datum (NEP also, I think) is that there are two prevailing reasons why parents don't support their children's sexuality. The first is ignorance of homosexuality... so simply being cultural unaware of the gay lifestyle, etc. This is pretty forgivable in my mind. That first reaction of "it's a choice" is entirely based on being unaware of all the research that suggests otherwise. I can't blame a person for being ignorant. So, then why don't they educate themselves? Well, here we get to number two: most parents are reluctant to give up their dreams about their children.

It strikes me that there's a biological aspect here... parents want their children to, for example, carry on their work. Carry on the blood line. Defend the family name, and so on. This is a challenge for parents of homosexuals because those outcomes are threatened in some sense. The family name is a good example because if you had a son, he might opt to change his name to his partner's. It's happened!

Anyway, that's as close to and as a current and explanation as I can offer.

theowarner said:
the most healthy demographic population in the United States are young, celebrated homosexuals.
Hmm, come to think of it, my gay cousin has a lot more going for him than anyone else in my immediate family, although I'm not sure what his parents' attitude toward his sexuality is. His brother is one of the most "holier than thou" people I have ever met, he even disgusts my fundie father.
I am gay and proud of what I am. I was recently a victim of a hate crime, and the united states has no nation wide hate crime laws. I am new to this site and I am glad that this site does not allow people like me to feel inferior. This site banned blackmetaljesus for his hateful remarks aagianst people like me, and I am glad. I think have finally found a forum were I can be accepted for who I am. I am now affraid to leave the house because my town does not like people like me, I get a double take of ridicule from people here in the american bible belt, one I am gay, two, I am an atheist. My good tidings go to the people who maintain this site and I give the british government five stars for being tolerant to gays. I hope our new american president will do the right thing and pass equal rights to gays and pass laws protecting them from unfair treatment. Peace to all of you.
atheistmind82 said:
I am gay and proud of what I am. I was recently a victim of a hate crime, and the united states has no nation wide hate crime laws. I am new to this site and I am glad that this site does not allow people like me to feel inferior. This site banned blackmetaljesus for his hateful remarks aagianst people like me, and I am glad. I think have finally found a forum were I can be accepted for who I am. I am now affraid to leave the house because my town does not like people like me, I get a double take of ridicule from people here in the american bible belt, one I am gay, two, I am an atheist. My good tidings go to the people who maintain this site and I give the british government five stars for being tolerant to gays. I hope our new american president will do the right thing and pass equal rights to gays and pass laws protecting them from unfair treatment. Peace to all of you.
Hello and welcome. Gay and atheist in the Bible belt? I'm so very sorry. Now if only your were black/hispanic/middle-eastern, then people could REALLY pile the hate on.

So what do you think of hate crime laws, do you think racist or homophobic motivation should be considered in court? I honestly haven't formed an opinion on it. My ideal would be for there to be no need for it because racial and sexual discrimination are viewed as so ridiculous, that the public shame is punishment enough.
Well to your question on hate crime lawsa, yes I think they should be in place. I was recently a victim of a hate crime and it has affected me a great deal. The person who assaulted me is only being charged with a class b misdermeaner battery. I dont know what he will get out of it, but if there was a hate crime to charge him with, I think I would get more justice. His hearing was friday, I will call the victim's advocate at the prosecuter's office to see what went down on the case. If you want me to I will keep you posted on what kind of sentence he gets.
I would worry if Obama rushes to quickly to pass blanket hate crime laws. For starters if the people are not ready, and Christians/Family first advocates see it as persecution it will only cause them to go underground and make it harder to address the underlying issues of these hate crimes. The other reason is we've seen how easy it is for vague laws on hate speech are to be abused, alot of issues with the spread of Islam in Europe are beautiful examples.

re your attack, again I am saddened to hear of it. What the attacker deserves I guess should be based on his personality and his likelihood of reoffending vs the possibility of some level of rehabilitation. Is he violent towards many people or is it purely towards gays? I think you'll find in alot of cases of this kind of thing these people aren't particularly pleasant in general.