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I need help coming out as an Athiest

Being an atheist and "coming out" makes it sound like being an atheist is some sort of perverse lifestyle. Being an atheist is being of a particular opinion. It's like admitting to your die-hard liberal parents that you have decided to become a republican (no offense). I think a healthy household has room for healthy debate and certainly a debate about the existence of a God is part of the healthy type of dialogue that should take place in a home.

With that said, I don't think there needs to be a "coming out", but there should be a growing discussion about your thoughts on the matter of a God (or lack thereof). It will also give an opportunity for you to explain to your mom that being an atheist is not being the son of Satan (I think my mother still thinks that and I'm nearly 50 years old). Discussion and debate without fighting are your best recourse.
Diamondpoint1964 said:
Being an atheist and "coming out" makes it sound like being an atheist is some sort of perverse lifestyle. Being an atheist is being of a particular opinion. It's like admitting to your die-hard liberal parents that you have decided to become a republican (no offense). I think a healthy household has room for healthy debate and certainly a debate about the existence of a God is part of the healthy type of dialogue that should take place in a home.

With that said, I don't think there needs to be a "coming out", but there should be a growing discussion about your thoughts on the matter of a God (or lack thereof). It will also give an opportunity for you to explain to your mom that being an atheist is not being the son of Satan (I think my mother still thinks that and I'm nearly 50 years old). Discussion and debate without fighting are your best recourse.

Keep in mind though that saying "I'm thinking critically about the existence of god" is going to sound to a religious parent like "I'm really considering hell as my permanent vacation place, while you bask in the joys of heaven and I also would love to disgrace you and the family by displaying my obvious rejection of your pathetically stupid beliefs in front of your friends, which will also display to them how bad you are at bringing up children."... It's kind of hard to break that to someone.
Exmortis said:
You scare me.

I do my best... soon when I am all grown up I am going to hunt down all my aquantinces, kill them, flay them, eat their flesh and then take their skulls to add to my throne as I look down on the world, conquered by my unstoppable army 'The League of Reason'... and I am going to start with online aquantinces first. (que suspensful music)

I formally withdraw my offers of acquaintanceship with you.
Dak said:
So, I've (as of this summer) deconverted from Judaism to Athiesm (pretty strong). I'm young, still in High School, so I'm still under my parents' dominion. My father is non-religious, but my mother is pretty religious (not creationist or pro-life, though). I know my dad won't have any issue with me being an athiest, but I have no clue how to broach the subject with my mom without getting her pissed. I've described myself as a Scientific Naturalist at one point, but it didn't seem to even register with my mom. She still forces me to go to religious (sunday) school (I don't really mind it though, got friends there).

How should I get around to admitting it to my mom that I'm no longer Jewish?

Maybe you could tell your dad, and tell him to gradually mention it to her, and get her used to the idea. Then, if and when she starts mentioning it to you, you'll know that she knows.