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Feminism or batshit insane-ism?

televator said:
Ironic how in combating sexism, some women have turned to vilifying all males as aggressive rapists and murderers....which is sexist.

They became that which they originally hated. Wait till human cloning becomes legal, they may choose to get rid of men altogether. They will, instead, clone themselves.

I know, it's a sf allegation, but you never know. :p
Nautyskin said:
lrkun said:
Girls will be girls. Maybe they just experienced a situation wherein they were left by their boyfriends for another girl. ^-^
Although I loved this response, and I also think it might likely hold some truth (her dad beat/raped her or beat/raped her mother, or she was raped by a man or her mother told her all men are rapists because she was raped or her mother's mother was raped .. WHATEVER) it doesn't really excuse this kind of blatant and vicious sexism.
I don't know if we should really be guessing about someone's personal situation when we really have no idea. I mean, maybe she's just a really awful person.
lrkun said:
Girls will be girls. Maybe they just experienced a situation wherein they were left by their boyfriends for another girl. ^-^

It seems like there is a high proportion of women who have experienced abuse on those blogs; rape, domestic violence, verbal abuse, controlling spouse etc. Some, if not many, of these people may require or are undergoing serious therapy. I do not think they are coming from a balanced perspective, and they close themselves off in their own continually self-reinforcing memetic sphere. They only allow agreement and positive feedback, so they create a happy death spiral: http://lesswrong.com/lw/ln/resist_the_happy_death_spiral/

Although in this case its a sad hate spiral.
Aught3 said:
I don't know if we should really be guessing about someone's personal situation when we really have no idea. I mean, maybe she's just a really awful person.
Well... the latest post over there is racist as well as sexist, so "awful person" seems to apply:

Zetetic said:
lrkun said:
Girls will be girls. Maybe they just experienced a situation wherein they were left by their boyfriends for another girl. ^-^

It seems like there is a high proportion of women who have experienced abuse on those blogs; rape, domestic violence, verbal abuse, controlling spouse etc. Some, if not many, of these people may require or are undergoing serious therapy. I do not think they are coming from a balanced perspective, and they close themselves off in their own continually self-reinforcing memetic sphere. They only allow agreement and positive feedback, so they create a happy death spiral: http://lesswrong.com/lw/ln/resist_the_happy_death_spiral/

Although in this case its a sad hate spiral.

I understand. It was foolish of me to generalize the situation.
Addendum: Stuart Armstrong gives closely related advice:

Cut up your Great Thingy into smaller independent ideas, and treat them as independent.

For instance a marxist would cut up Marx's Great Thingy into a theory of value of labour, a theory of the political relations between classes, a theory of wages, a theory on the ultimate political state of mankind. Then each of them should be assessed independently, and the truth or falsity of one should not halo on the others. If we can do that, we should be safe from the spiral, as each theory is too narrow to start a spiral on its own.

This, metaphorically, is like keeping subcritical masses of plutonium from coming together. Three Great Ideas are far less likely to drive you mad than one Great Idea. Armstrong's advice also helps promote specificity: As soon as someone says, "Publishing enough papers can cure your cancer," you ask, "Is that a benefit of the experimental method, and if so, at which stage of the experimental process is the cancer cured? Or is it a benefit of science as a social process, and if so, does it rely on individual scientists wanting to cure cancer, or can they be self-interested?" Hopefully this leads you away from the good or bad feeling, and toward noticing the confusion and lack of support.

Addendum 2: To summarize, you do avoid a Happy Death Spiral by (1) splitting the Great Idea into parts (2) treating every additional detail as burdensome (3) thinking about the specifics of the causal chain instead of the good or bad feelings (4) not rehearsing evidence (5) not adding happiness from claims that "you can't prove are wrong"; but not by (6) refusing to admire anything too much (7) conducting a biased search for negative points until you feel unhappy again (8) forcibly shoving an idea into a safe box.

I found this gem within the link you posted. It's one way to counter the problem. Nice post.
lrkun said:
I understand. It was foolish of me to generalize the situation.

I guess. I thought that was just a joke. I was using your comment as a jumping off point for a hypothesis about their beliefs, as it hits lightly on what I suspect to be the problem.
Calling anyone who disagrees with her either rapists or collabrators is pure SCUM manifesto type nonsense. There is nothing wrong with the creation of minority spaces within a society (such as "safe spaces" ) but advocating that woman should seperate themselves from society and label any who stay as collabrators isn't really going to do anything to decrease the amount of misongyny in the world.

I think her views on latinos,jews and transsexuals are really telling really. She seems to be posioning the well really by airing her own hang ups about other groups on her blog instead of concentrating on feminist issues...which is interesting because there was a similar sort of attiude among some feminist towards lesbians (like herself) that has generally been seen as detriemental to the movement (the so called "lavender meance").