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Do ethics matter anymore?

Two months after getting a new radio installed in my car, mostly paid for by my dying uncle as a Christmas gift some asshole broke into my car and stole it. Worse yet it was parked in front of my house. I felt violated and cried and refused to even leave the house for several days. Every time I looked in the car my heart broke and I just felt sick.

However downloading music off of the net is hardly a big deal. A lot of my music shockingly come from the artists themselves. Do I speed? Yes. Primarily because otherwise I'd be run off the road by people who get pissed when I only go five over the speed limit.

Go fuck yourself Joe. Way to claim my over reacting and ignore the fact that you instantly jump from 'download music off the net' (regardless of its source) to instantly 'what other ETHICAL failings do you have?' that's a bullshit move and it is exactly like what creationists do. Assume one failing and suggest many others. That is exactly what you did and exactly what you do. You did it in the other thread when you instantly ignored the harm of the DMCA and other bullshit copyright laws that are fucking people over. Not just people who download music but people not at all even related to that area. Hardly fair there.

I am not going to feel guilty about downloading music, mostly because barely any of it is actually something I could physically get my hands on. Secondly because free access to music also leads to better profits for the bands themselves.

Outside of trivial bullshit, like going five over the speed limit, downloading the occasional song I don't even come close to breaking any laws or even trespassing on anyone's moral toes... Unless you consider blasphemy unethical in that case I'm the freakin' Hitler of blasphemy.

How the fuck does downloading a random song even come close to a loosening of ethical behavior? The fact that that is even ON your list of no-nos is shocking and a bit laughable.

Let me see... something that actually causes harm... vs. something that doesn't hurt anyone and has so many variants that it's impossible to lump people together. IE yeah there are some people who are stealing dipshits that download full albums and never support the artists. Those people are leeches. However please do NOT lump me in in any way with those fucktards just because some of my music IS downloaded off the net.

With me its like the whole Paint Shop Pro 6 issue. It's not like I'm actually ripping them off since they'd never get my (non existent) money anyway and I only used it for personal bullshit.

Yes, stealing is wrong. But look at it this way.

If I take a loaf of bread from someone I'm literally taking something physical from them. They had the loaf and now its gone. Meaning they no longer can eat it or sell it for money. That is a big deal.

Now with digital music it doesn't even compare to the loaf. It can be copied an infinite number of times. It doesn't exist in a physical sense and is impossible to even keep track of. This is a pro and con situation. The musician can sell it an infinite number of times for minimal work, great! However a single copy can be purchased by one person then distributed endlessly to friends or put online to download.

At this point its impossible to tell what will happen. Even if a million people download that song without paying the musician there is a very good chance a large number of those people will buy the CDs, download more of their songs from iTunes, buy their shirts, go to their concerts. No one is able to guesstimate if there even is any loss of revenue from the musician! It would all be smoke! Bullshit guesses! However the gain TO the musician is easily seen. Their music is heard by more people and if the musician is popular they gain A LOT.

I didn't dismiss the other options by the way. I do use them. I go to sites where you can hear the music. The Russian band I mentioned before... they have their entire albums available online to listen to. I listened to it, liked it and bought it.

Another example. A song from the game Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. I heard it, loved it, downloaded it and the moment I actually found and import copy of the full sound track I dropped the 30$ on it and snatched it up like a druggy finding free heroin.

How is that a loss? How is that anything bad? How is that even slightly unethical? No one lost anything! NO ONE. Fuck if anything I lost hard drive space and someone else lost a little bit of bandwidth. The artist... completely out of this loop. But I liked them so I supported them. Like any good fan.

I'm not making excuses because I don't need to. You're the one who assumes that if someone downloads music their instantly a thief and no better than those cunts who never buy music.

BTW I really hate when people download movies. To me that's way worse than music. It's lazy, they're missing out of the fun of actually seeing it in theater and enjoying it on a big screen and a disgusting amount of money goes into making those. At least an artist gets to sell t-shirts and tickets to concerts. With a movie (unless they're the rare one with merch) all they have is the movie ticket sales and DVD sales so its a direct theft.
So, moving on...

Yesterday a doctor who provides late-term abortions, one of only three doctors doing it in America, was assassinated by a right-wing religious radical inside his church. The more extreme "pro-life" activists are either celebrating this murder, or mourning that they weren't allowed to execute him legally. Of course, these are not exactly "fringe" movements with dozens of members, but organizations with millions of members supporting the murders of doctors. The media doesn't want to mess with it, the right-wingers are whining about political terrorism like this being "politicized" against them...

Somehow, all of this is ethical behavior? And no one has to take responsibility? Not Fox News and the right-wing noise machine, that spends every day claiming other people are pure evil and must be stopped by any means necessary, with the minimum legal disclaimers to avoid criminal charges? I have been reading interviews with people who are members of the extremist organizations who support murdering doctors... the media talks to them like they are normal, when the police should be rounding them up and interrogating them. How about all the churches that spend time and money to call abortion murder, and drum up violent, aggressive emotional responses in order to fill their bank accounts? No one is to blame, and this is an isolated incident of one nut? The reason they get away with it is because the moderate Christians circle the wagons every time one of their own commits a terrorist act. Instead of being responsible for their behavior, and the behavior of the groups they belong to, they spread the lie that each act of terrorism is isolated from every other.

The whole goddamned thing makes me sick.
Congrats with your 1000+ posts, G.I. Joe (yes, the G stands for Grumpy :D )

It's a broad and complex topic, but I'll try to give a (partial) take on it. I think one reason is the relentless pace at which society is changing. I'm nearly 32, and I see how my own town has changed since my childhood. 20 years ago, I visited my neighbours, had dinner with them, and played with their kids. Every summer I bought cherries and strawberries from a sweet old lady down my street. Those days are gone. The local farmers couldn't compete with the big concerns, the shipyard where my dad worked went bankrupt due to competition with Asia,... Today, I don't know my neighbours anymore. The sense of a community, where everbody knew everybody, is gone. Migration from Africa and the Middle East have complicated things further, and people sometimes don't recognize their own neighbourhood anymore - which is sadly exploited by nationalist parties.

Back then, the world was big. Life was simpler. Not that I have a romantic view of the past, I'm not an old fart yet. But I think many people have the feeling that they're part of a rat race, and they don't know how to cope with the enormous rate at which the world seems to change. There's an (irrational) fear that things are getting out of control. And the media aren't helping either. I don't know if there's more crime today than before; more importantly, we see more. Whether it's a genocide in Africa, a shooting in California, an earthquake in China, or global warming - we all get to see it. We're overloaded with information, and possibly too much to take.

This alienates people. They seeks shelter, which leads to idividualism, anonymity, "me against the world", "leave me alone". Or, alternatively, people are attracted to religions or cults, to regain the feeling that they're not alone, and that 'wiser persons' can make sense of it all. I've seen tv-programs where actors on the street fake a heart attack, or a harrassment, and watch the reactions of people passing by. All too often, people just walk on, pretending not to see it. "it's none of my business". A very sad development.

And this lack of social control gives some people the impression that they can do whatever they want. Freedom has turned into 'freedom to do what I want to do', and that others should mind their own business. To adress the 'cyber crimes', a lot has to do with this feeling of anonymity. It doesn't really feel like a crime, and there's a general idea that people will get away with it, since "everybody's doing it".
Pulsar said:
Congrats with your 1000+ posts, G.I. Joe (yes, the G stands for Grumpy :D )
Fair enough... :cool:
It's a broad and complex topic, but I'll try to give a (partial) take on it. I think one reason is the relentless pace at which society is changing. I'm nearly 32, and I see how my own town has changed since my childhood. 20 years ago, I visited my neighbours, had dinner with them, and played with their kids. Every summer I bought cherries and strawberries from a sweet old lady down my street. Those days are gone. The local farmers couldn't compete with the big concerns, the shipyard where my dad worked went bankrupt due to competition with Asia,... Today, I don't know my neighbours anymore. The sense of a community, where everbody knew everybody, is gone. Migration from Africa and the Middle East have complicated things further, and people sometimes don't recognize their own neighbourhood anymore - which is sadly exploited by nationalist parties.

Back then, the world was big. Life was simpler. Not that I have a romantic view of the past, I'm not an old fart yet. But I think many people have the feeling that they're part of a rat race, and they don't know how to cope with the enormous rate at which the world seems to change. There's an (irrational) fear that things are getting out of control. And the media aren't helping either. I don't know if there's more crime today than before; more importantly, we see more. Whether it's a genocide in Africa, a shooting in California, an earthquake in China, or global warming - we all get to see it. We're overloaded with information, and possibly too much to take.

This alienates people. They seeks shelter, which leads to idividualism, anonymity, "me against the world", "leave me alone". Or, alternatively, people are attracted to religions or cults, to regain the feeling that they're not alone, and that 'wiser persons' can make sense of it all. I've seen tv-programs where actors on the street fake a heart attack, or a harrassment, and watch the reactions of people passing by. All too often, people just walk on, pretending not to see it. "it's none of my business". A very sad development.
It is odd, as we've gained access to a bigger and bigger world, so many of us have pulled in our sense of community to include less and less of the world. Far from expanded horizons creating less of an "us and them" mentality, it seems to have created even more isolation.
And this lack of social control gives some people the impression that they can do whatever they want. Freedom has turned into 'freedom to do what I want to do', and that others should mind their own business. To adress the 'cyber crimes', a lot has to do with this feeling of anonymity. It doesn't really feel like a crime, and there's a general idea that people will get away with it, since "everybody's doing it".
That seems to be something that scales up. Look at my examples: people speed because the cops can't catch everyone, people cheat on their spouses because most marriages end in divorce anyway, and why not torture prisoners if you know that when they start prosecuting people it will reach the level of folks who cannot go to jail (all rich, mostly old white people in positions of power.) And after it scales up, it cascades down. Everyone is getting away with something, so it gets to the point that people believe THAT'S what ethics means: doing what you can get away with.
Otokogoroshi said:
Thanks for ignoring my earlier post and dismissing me Joe.
No problem. I aim to please! :D

Or, more accurately, when I see a fire, I don't pour gasoline on it.
Otokogoroshi said:
I feel like mentioning that yes, I do download music illegally. Why? So I can know if I actually want to spend money on the damned CD. If I like the music, I go out and buy the CD. If I don't I delete it because well... why clog up my hard drive with bad music?

Why not go to a store and listen there? Most music stores have listening stations. Or you could go to itunes or somewhere posting small clips, or the myspace, or see if it's on Youtube. Do you without fail buy the cd after downloading an album you like?
Th1sWasATriumph said:
Why not go to a store and listen there? Most music stores have listening stations. Or you could go to itunes or somewhere posting small clips, or the myspace, or see if it's on Youtube. Do you without fail buy the cd after downloading an album you like?

I don't leave my house... or when I do I only go to 'safe areas' where I don't have panic attacks. Sadly no record stores are in the safe zone for me.

However with some of the bands I do go to iTunes and other places. However not all the bands I like have that. Some of my favorite bands are from other countries and iTunes doesn't always have their music.

The good thing about iTunes is that I can download just a song if it turns out there one of those bands with one good song on an otherwise sucky album.

A really great band that's music is hard to come by is 'The Pillows'. Thankfully I manged to hunt down a single CD of theirs. The rest is out of my reach T_T


Take a listen these guys rock.
Otokogoroshi said:
I don't leave my house... or when I do I only go to 'safe areas' where I don't have panic attacks.
That sucks, have you tried therapy/medication?
GoodKat said:
That sucks, have you tried therapy/medication?

Yeah I'm taking Lexapro which is like apparently the super best for both depression and anxiety but I haven't gotten into therapy yet... Sadly the only doctor 'near' me who takes my insurance lives across town... and by across town I mean several cities over and a half hour drive one way in no traffic :?

I'm still trying to get up the nerve to even call him. *sigh*
Otokogoroshi said:
Yeah I'm taking Lexapro which is like apparently the super best for both depression and anxiety but I haven't gotten into therapy yet... Sadly the only doctor 'near' me who takes my insurance lives across town... and by across town I mean several cities over and a half hour drive one way in no traffic :?

I'm still trying to get up the nerve to even call him. *sigh*
You might could get a friend to.
GoodKat said:
You might could get a friend to.

Sadly my closest friend just left for Basic so I'm going to be mostly alone for the next few months :x Another friend is in the Navy and is currently sailing around some unknown east Asian area and my third closest friend spends in spare time with a boyfriend who lives waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay far away.

So ya'll are one of my biggest contacts with the outside world :p feel special.
Otokogoroshi said:
Sadly my closest friend just left for Basic so I'm going to be mostly alone for the next few months :x Another friend is in the Navy and is currently sailing around some unknown east Asian area and my third closest friend spends in spare time with a boyfriend who lives waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay far away.

So ya'll are one of my biggest contacts with the outside world :p feel special.
Well this is quite a pickle, Email maybe? I always find that much less stressful and personal than calling someone.
Otokogoroshi said:
HAha, my email is pretty easy to remember its just this name with @gmail.com.
No, I meant Emailing the therapist instead of calling him/her.
Otokogoroshi said:
I don't leave my house... or when I do I only go to 'safe areas' where I don't have panic attacks. Sadly no record stores are in the safe zone for me.
Yeah... I think that our opinion of your downloading patterns are the least of your worries, don't you?