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Bill Maher invites guests to talk about The "lab" origins of SARS-CoV-2 - aka "The coronavirus"

It's times like these that tempt me most toward the bottle...

But I still don't want to put my genetic ability to process alcohol – or lack thereof – to the test just yet.
arg-fallbackName="Deleted member 619"/>
Bigger worry on the horizon:

Here's study conducted after initial signs of brain pathologies in COVID patients with severe symptoms. In essence, they took a sampling from the 40K brain scans they had on file, invited patients back for reimaging. They noted a strong correlation between even mildly symptomatic COVID and a reduction in grey matter.

Even mild neurotropism is a huge deal in a developing brain, and we're proposing to let this crap rip through our children in a partially partially vaccinated population.

This could easily be the thalidomide of the generation, and this easing of restrictions isn't only imposing this on the UK, but on the globe. Unless, of course, Orwell was slightly less prescient than we give him credit for an. rather than Airstrip One, the island should be called Quarantine One.

Brain imaging before and after COVID-19 in UK Biobank - Douaud et al 2021
arg-fallbackName="Dragan Glas"/>

Another study shows that CoViD-19 makes lasting changes to blood cells, which may explain "long CoViD".

With regard to Javid, the new UK Health Minister, I saw an news item on the BBC that strangely seems to have disappeared from their site, about his saying that cases could rise to 100,000 a day(!).

Despite searching for it, I can only find links to it on other sites - the Guardian, etc. - such as here.

It now appears hidden in the text under a new title on the BBC site.

I wonder if they got a call from number 10?

Kindest regards,

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arg-fallbackName="Deleted member 619"/>
Thank you, James. That paper from MPI is interesting. Added t the resources in the post. I've expanded some of it now the blood ha cooled, and clarified and continued to add sources ss evidence grows.
arg-fallbackName="Dragan Glas"/>

Thanks Hack.

Another variant - Lambda - is becoming a variant of interest (VOI).

Kindest regards,

arg-fallbackName="Deleted member 619"/>
Aye. I had that one covered. Of particular interest because the mutations seem to be manifesting around the spike protein. That coul potentially be a new antigen in the very near future. Also, because it's all up in the spike protein, it could well be a spandrel for new structure, meaning a new strain.

Lambda looks like it responds to vaccines largely the same as alpha. Slightly quicker replication rate, which is another point of interest, because a rapid replication rate can overtake antibody production rate and set up a fitness gradient of yet another sort. Very minor selection during resampling and that could climb quickly.

I personally think Lambda and Delta are the lineages to watch, just on a fairly cursory reading of comparisons.
arg-fallbackName="Deleted member 619"/>
Far too insensitive to release into the wild, but a joke occurred to me that I think I can just about get away with here:

"Given the obvious difference between the way Western governments and Far Eastern countries have handled the pandemic and, in particular, the lethargy in taking measures, should the additional fatalities be classified as 'Occidental Death'?"