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Recent content by 5810Singer

  1. 5

    Differences between races and / or cultures

    @Baranduin Cheers mate. :) Thank you for correcting some of my misapprehensions about Spanish society and history. ;) I'm aware that Rosa isn't a typical Spaniard either, and in a way that was very much my point,....TBH I don't really have any fixed view of the Spanish, I take people as...
  2. 5

    Akiane Kramarik

    The article you linked to has the same author as the bullshit, "snake-oil" "self-help" articles,.....and you still think it's a reliable source? I'm not claiming anything for, or against Akiane Kramarik, I'm pointing out that the article you linked to is unreliable.
  3. 5

    Akiane Kramarik

    BTW Case,...have you noticed that the author of the article you linked to, "riotgrrrl", is also the author of the three "self-help" articles that I left links to? Reliable witness? Conflict of interest? Someone who'll write any bullshit she can copypasta from somewhere as long as it agrees with...
  4. 5

    Akiane Kramarik

    WHAT ADVERTISING? The part I quoted is the end of the article you linked to! Get it?
  5. 5

    Akiane Kramarik

    Did you read ALL of that article Case? Including the part at the end where it seamlessly turns into this: "How you can maximise your potential, and achieve what you want out of life?" Which is followed by these three links: http://hubpages.com/hub/Become-a-fully-functioning-person-in-2009...
  6. 5

    What kind of fallacy is this?

    Point taken about "false dichotomy", and I can see where you're coming from with argumentum ad ignorantiam, but Jotto seems to be asking if there is a specific term for describing a phenomenon (singular),...as though it were phenomena (plural). Is there a term for this that you know of Hack?
  7. 5

    David Mitchell's Soapbox

    Et la:
  8. 5

    Differences between races and / or cultures

    Or in other words,...no matter how laughably fallacious and over-generalised your statements are, you will always claim to be in the right about them. If you were as laid-back and free-thinking as you claim to be, then you would have the capacity to admit your errors.
  9. 5

    Famous for being famous

    Hmmm....I'm thinking "It's kinda hard to look up someone's skirt when they're wearing trousers..."
  10. 5

    What kind of fallacy is this?

    I'm not sure where it fits, but I'm pretty sure it's known as "false dichotomy".
  11. 5

    Adolf Hitler was a leftist/Socialist/marxist?

    Unless I'm very much mistaken the notion that "national-socialism" was in some way truly socialist, was fostered and nurtured by far right Republicans in the US post WW2. Arguably the main reason for such a fudging of political boundaries was to demonise the new Eastern Bloc, and Soviet Union...
  12. 5

    Differences between races and / or cultures

    @Worldquest My ex gf Rosa was from Valencia. She's sexually repressed, and shy about her body to extraordinary extremes,...she won't even look at her naked body in the mirror, this is a consequence of her repressive Catholic upbringing. She's a school-teacher, very obsessive about having...
  13. 5

    The Wilcock Challenge, Revisited!

    @Gnug What's the mechanism that causes people to believe in conspiracy theories? There were a number of wall-posters that were very popular during the 90s,...two of the most popular used to hang in Fox Mulder's office,...one had the motto "The truth is out there.",....and the other one said "I...
  14. 5

    What's your attitude to money?

    Money is a system of representational tokens, used to represent human labour and natural resources. Any other view of money is deluded.
  15. 5

    Atheist fundamentalism?

    @Popovich You are obviously my intellectual, moral, and social superior, I bow to you in deepest regret for having appeared in your field of vision.