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Your Political Compass

Hasn't this particular test been critized, among other things, for being left biased and more oriented with European politics than U.S. politics?
bluejatheist said:
Hasn't this particular test been critized, among other things, for being left biased and more oriented with European politics than U.S. politics?
So it is right biased?
http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Political_Compass#Criticism is where I've seen criticism. I don't have a position on this myself, was just pointing it out.
arg-fallbackName="Dogma's Demise"/>
I have to say, this test looks very simplistic and some statements are pretty strangely worded too, for example:

"Those with the ability to pay should have the right to higher standards of medical care ."

I mean how exactly is this supposed capture my views on healthcare accurately? It's not even about "right", it's simply a natural consequence of being wealthy. Wealthy people can hire the best private doctors, it's unavoidable unless you want to do something radical like ban all private healthcare and have the state run everything. And even then, what would happen is wealthy people would just bribe the doctors for preferential treatment.

My views on healthcare: There should be a centralized "socialistic" system that everyone can participate in whether or not they can pay for it. A society that lets people die/suffer from treatable diseases because they're poor quite frankly is an immoral one. But a private healthcare should also be allowed to exist and develop and if wealthier people are going to be better off so be it.
I'm about as left wing and liberal as you can get. I make the Lama look like a right Adolf.
arg-fallbackName=")O( Hytegia )O("/>
In America, I'm a Libertarian on issues of rights.

On this chart, apparently I'm as close to "Middle" as can be said.
Wasn't sure whether to necro or start a copycat thread. So I went for raising the dead (obviously).

I came across this test from another site and felt like taking it again so here is my current result.

Looks like I am closest to the Green political party (at least in the UK)

Yeah their question setup and algorithms seem a bit poo.

I'm apparently a libertarian centrist, whatever that means:
