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Your political and religous views.

agnostic deist, middle of the road politicly, ( I'm against taking away peoples guns and a womans right to choose) no party really seems to fit me yet.
I am an Atheist. I went to a Christian (Episcopal) elementary school and I realized the tales the bible is pretty on. I guess if I *had* to classify myself in one US party, I'd say I'm a libertarian... but I don't like labels very much. I sometimes wonder if I'm a Nihilist, otherwise, I don't know what I am. :D
My religion is 'none'.

I largely make up my politics as I go along, but I'm rather fond of Anarchism.

Libertarian / Druii

For those who don't know a Druii is one who tries to explain the world around them by what they personally experience. We understand that everyone's experiences will be different. We accept that, while mankind continues to learn more about the universe around us, our views will change. The Druii religion falls in line with the scientific method quite well. While there are tales of old that might seem miraculous, they are presented as stories only. Mother Nature is our god, and she is a bitch!
ImprobableJoe said:
My political and religious views? The correct ones, of course!


I'm a socialistic atheist from Denmark
I don't really know about politics, definitely more left than right. but no clear party.

Religion, Atheist sort of, it's complicated right now.

Socially liberal, economically moderate. Atheist. I live in Ontario, Canada. Shoe-size: 10.
socialist with social democratic leanings, atheist with strong humanist undertones. BC Canada: hat size 6&7/8ths
Eastern US; Socially liberal, economically center-right. I'd be a libertarian if the US libertarian party could field a candidate who wasn't a republican in disguise.

I call myself a humanist because I think what I believe in is more important than what I don't. Ignosticism is pretty cool too.

Can you still be an apatheist if you don't care about God but do care about the wingnuts following him?
classical liberal-libertarian; agnostic atheist (philosophically= logical positivist); USA
Politically, its complicated. Someone else described it perfectly, I would call myself a libertarian but it ends up spun in with republicans, which I am not fond of. So I will call myself a fiscally-semi-conservative socially-liberal independent. Hows that?

No religion. Atheism isn't a religion. I suppose I MIGHT call myself a naturalistic/scientific pantheist. But thats stretching it. Used to be a Roman Catholic. Then I decided to question it. Now I'm here.
Political Party: Libertarian

Religion: Atheist. Former Catholic, attended a Catholic school from kindergarten to eighth grade, stopped believing when I was ~12.

Country: Bible Belt, USA
RichardMNixon said:
Can you still be an apatheist if you don't care about God but do care about the wingnuts following him?

I'd say that's acting on rational concerns about people who are all too real.
No religion, I like Buddhism a lot though.
I'm ideally an anarchist-without-adjectives, which is a theory that without centralised government ordering our lives communities will emerge based on preference of individuals (anarcho-communist, market anarchist, etc.) and also which one(s) will survive without turning into 'chaos'. In terms of my preference of anarchic ideas, I'm a market anarchist. Of course, if that doesn't work out I am fairly happy on settling with some kind of minarchism; taxes being just enough for police and justice system (maybe some other services too but there aren't any I can think of that I wouldn't prefer on the free market). Obviously, politicians earn as much as binmen or maybe politics is done part time by people who care.
I'm starting to waffle on so let's just say:
libertarian and atheist.