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Why I want YOU to pray

Hello all, long time troll, first time posting. Let me just say thank you for affording myself and others the ability to view the forum without making an account. I have directed several people here.

I have just made this account (it is my only account, I am not in disguise nor will I ever be) and do not wish to pull quotes even though I read every post on this thread.

I just have this to say. It sounds to me like you are trying to imply that we need to find a personal correction for a lack of resolve. We all have different means for that goal. I suppose that if you think that you are seeking counsel or help from a deity then you are accomplishing nothing as many previously stated. If you are implying that when YOU pray that you are talking to yourself, then you are attempting to do nothing but reason with yourself. All semantics aside, whatever works for you and good luck with that.

I noticed that many people have hash tags with their favorite quote. This is mine.

" Anyone who challenges the prevailing orthodoxy finds himself silenced with surprising effectiveness. A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing. " - George Orwell
In case our new member would like to know what you're on about...
Gramarye@shell~$orwell -h

-d -- direct quote                           directly quote George Orwell
-p -- paraphrase                             give the general gist of a particular Orwell phrase
-m -- mangled phrase                         mangle George Orwell terminology
-w -- wargarble                              apply "Orwellian" to whatever suits your mood
-h -- help

Please refer to man pages for further details

Gramarye@shell~$orwell -m -w Judges

loading... done.

Oh noes! Two people on the same site at the same time on the internet! :lol:
This thread is funny. Here's why:

First, the hi-lariaous, ironic, and sarcastic responses to the OP. Then, the simpleton's accusations of people on here having so much frothing and uncontainable hatred for god, prayer, and theists. Accusing an atheist of hating these things is exactly the same as accusing anyone else of hating Master Yoda, the force, and Jedis.

You get it? It's a big effing joke.
Gramarye said:
Yeah... one following the other in the vain hope of achieving Forum Overlord status.


I believe I've already addressed persecution complexes in another thread.

Prole, give the new guy some slack please. I promise you can annoy the next newbie.
Prolescum said:
In case our new member would like to know what you're on about...
Gramarye@shell~$orwell -h

-d -- direct quote                           directly quote George Orwell
-p -- paraphrase                             give the general gist of a particular Orwell phrase
-m -- mangled phrase                         mangle George Orwell terminology
-w -- wargarble                              apply "Orwellian" to whatever suits your mood
-h -- help

Please refer to man pages for further details

Gramarye@shell~$orwell -m -w Judges

loading... done.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
13 shades of win
looking back at the whole topic, the only thing we can say about prayer (and also from the thread makers 1st post), is that prayer is nothing more then 'positive' wishfull thinking.

and that's really the problem with it cause just thinking doesn't solve problems.
it requires actions based upon those thoughts that create results, though not all are good results.
And the only reason to get around that would be by envoking: psycho-kenesis, better known as telepathy.
I understand your meaning; but this is hardly between "me" and "you" or "us and "them." In the end, we must divulge for ourselves whether or not belief or supposed 'proof'' exists, and which of those we'd rather put emphasis toward. You seemed to somehow mimic original and non Achemical ideas in previous posts; enough said for this stuff, anyway. ;)

I only hope that every individual is judged mostly upon their last argument; and arguments are easily remade. :D