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Why do you support Hillary?

tuxbox said:
thenexttodie said:
The woman who said Trump raped her when she was 13 has dropped her case. I don't think this is how the system should work.

She admitted that she made the whole thing up.
Citation needed. This is not the reason I have seen reported.
MarsCydonia said:
Citation needed. This is not the reason I have seen reported.

I saw it at a glance as I was scrolling my FB page a couple of days ago. I tried to locate it, with no success. So searched Bing news to see if I could find anything about the case. I snope.com and people.com and both of them say she dropped the case due to death threats.

My bad...
tuxbox said:
I saw it at a glance as I was scrolling my FB page a couple of days ago. I tried to locate it, with no success. So searched Bing news to see if I could find anything about the case. I snope.com and people.com and both of them say she dropped the case due to death threats.

My bad...

So what ever happened with this? Did the police arrest anyone who actually made these death threats against her? Or was it all just a bullshit story`?
Steelmage99 said:
Should Trump become president I believe he would been in for a somewhat rude awakening as to what the POTUS can actually do.

Actually, he can do everything he has talked about doing, as President. Right?
Dustnite said:
The case was dropped:
Right, we already know that.
Dustnite said:

I honestly do not know much about it. Sounds like they were selling people info on "get rich quick schemes" that you would here about on late night infomercials back in the 90's.

Get a loan to buy tons property and then quickly sell it again or lease it off. The profits come in faster than loan payments must go out.
The funny thing is, it actually works.
thenexttodie said:
Dustnite said:
The case was dropped:
Right, we already know that.
Dustnite said:

I honestly do not know much about it. Sounds like they were selling people info on "get rich quick schemes" that you would here about on late night infomercials back in the 90's.

Get a loan to buy tons property and then quickly sell it again or lease it off. The profits come in faster than loan payments must go out.
The funny thing is, it actually works.
Trump settled the "University" suit for 25 000 000$. But he still claims that he would have won in court and that he or his "university" didn't do anything wrong.
I don't support Hillary, I supported Trump. He seems to be the only candidate that actually cares about following the interests of his countrymen first.

Maybe Democrats should stop pandering to the regressive left and its "fuck America" agenda if they ever want to win another election. The social justice warrior phenomenon is getting out of hand. Enough.

Trump perfect? No, but nobody is.
Tree said:
I don't support Hillary, I supported Trump. He seems to be the only candidate that actually cares about following the interests of his countrymen first.

Maybe Democrats should stop pandering to the regressive left and its "fuck America" agenda if they ever want to win another election. The social justice warrior phenomenon is getting out of hand. Enough.

Trump perfect? No, but nobody is.

Please explain what you mean by "regressive left and its fuck America agenda", and the "social justice warrior phenomenon".

That will require a whole new topic with documented examples. I will try to make one in the near future.

But to summarize the regressive left to me are a particularly militant and radical section of the left who in the name of equality, in their minds anyway, have either done or turned a blind eye to some pretty racist and vile things. I also count among the regressive left people who just outright lie or cry wolf with poor evidence about someone else being a racist, sexist and what have you, people who undermine the nation state by insisting that illegal immigration should be tolerated as if the border didn't exist or doesn't matter, people who constantly shame the United States and exaggerate its past or current flaws while ignoring the failures of other countries, people who insist that non-whites can never be racist, people disrupt conservative speakers on college campuses or who try to ban them from speaking.

I don't necessarily view as regressive left support for universal healthcare, gun control or income inequality. I probably disagree in most cases, but I don't think they're necessarily crazy for it. I don't view genuine anti-racists as regressive provided they don't attack white people and don't try to impose ridiculous standards of what a non-racist person should be like that are only applied to whites while everyone else gets a pass. I don't believe in "micro-aggressions", that's silly. I don't believe in cultural appropriation, that's silly, nobody has a collective copyright on their culture. I don't believe that "manspreading" is a thing and I don't believe there is a rape culture in the US, that's hysterical. I don't believe that being oppressed, whether it's real oppression or imagined oppression, gives you a pass to act like a jackass or to respond with racism. I don't believe in reparations for slavery, that's silly since most whites didn't own slaves and many blacks came to America after slavery and in any other circumstance this would be WAY past the statute of limitations. If my great great great great grandpa kidnapped your great great great great grandpa guess what? Tough shit, my family doesn't owe you anything. Besides this sets the precedent that collective race blame is okay paving the way for actual white supremacists to argue their case. Someone could just as easily argue based on this logic that blacks owe whites reparations because the black population has had a higher crime rate than the white population in recent decades and that's silly. Why one stance is considered racist and the other isn't I have no idea.

I believe that the T in LGBT has gone way too far and is now imposing a totally subjective perception of reality on me that isn't backed by biology. Sorry but if you have a penis, you're not a woman to me. Period. And there are no 5025025827 genders, there are 2. I don't care how you live your life, but don't impose that perception of reality on me and don't tell me that I need to raise my kids in a "gender neutral" way or that I am unfairly "assigning gender" to my child based on his genitals. That's stupid. "xe" "xir" "hir" are not part of the English language, speak English.

I wouldn't say that Hillary Clinton is a regressive leftist I think she's more of an opportunist pandering to that crowd. She doesn't strike me as sincere, but then again actions matter more than intentions and she has dismissed at least a very large number of Trump supporters, half in fact, as just "racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic".
To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.

Calling people every "ist" and "phobic" word in the book is nothing but a thought terminating cliche to ignore legitimate issues.

Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.

This is whitewashing. The Islamic religion demonstrably teaches incredibly over-the-top regressive values about how a government should be run, how it should expand through conquest, how women should be treated, the status of non-believers who face humiliation and a protection tax. It's all in the books. Read the Qur'an, read the hadiths, read about Islamic jurisprudence, these are values antithetical to kind that founded America, they're antithetical to the progress that America has made since then in living up to its ideals, and also antithetical to the kind of cultures that modern Europe has. Saying that the ideology is peaceful is like saying that white nationalism is peaceful.

It would literally be the equivalent of Reagan saying during the Cold War:
Let's be clear: Communism is nor our adversary. Communists are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with tyranny, gulags or mass starvation.

If you're going to make excuses for an illiberal ideology in the name of liberalism, you're not a liberal, you're not for progress of any kind, you're a regressive leftist. Well an opportunist in her case because I don't think she's honest, nevertheless this willful ignorance will have dire consequences on foreign policy because you cannot combat an enemy you refuse to understand. Know your enemy, first rule of war. And even if you have no clue and no desire to act because you're deeply scared that in trying to stop terrorism you're going to turn into a tyrannical government, you still have to be honest at least.

First tell the truth, then worry about giving an opinion.

It would be one thing if she had said "There are problematic values within the Islamic religion, but the government doesn't have the authority to interfere with the religious freedom of its Muslim citizens. We must combat Islamic oppression and terrorism, but we have to be measured in our response so we don't infringe on the rights of Muslims of good will, moderates and reformers who don't mean us harm."

But that's not what she said is it? It isn't. Not even close.

Bernie Sanders for that matter hasn't been that far from a regressive. Quote:
When you’re white, you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto. You don’t know what it’s like to be poor. You don’t know what it’s like to be hassled when you walk down the street or you get dragged out of a car

Do I need to explain why this statement is stupid?

Here is a quote from a popular leftist Laci Green since I want to get into giving some examples of regressive leftists rather than just talking theoretically:
We are now under total Republican rule. Textbook fascism. Fuck you, white America. Fuck you, you racist, misogynist pieces of shit. G'night.

Now imagine if someone said after Obama's victories:
We are now under total Democrat rule. Textbook communism. Fuck you, black America. Fuck you, you racist, tyrannical pieces of shit. G'night.

I also recommend you check out Sargon of Akkad, Thunderf00t, Bearing, Veemonro, Hayesenberg just to name a few of the people who have documented regressive leftists over the years.

Take them with a grain of salt if you must, I'm not saying their commentary is always accurate or that they are in any sense an authority, but the people they quote, they quote accurately, literally caught on tape in most cases. Much of their recent content involves letting the regressive left debunk themselves and make a fool of themselves with their own words.

Here is another regressive getting triggered and crying wolf about "sexual harassment" because someone said to her "My name is Hugh Mungus".


Here is an anarchist regressive punching Richard Spencer:


Because tolerance or something cause that's how you fight white nationalists...

These are the kind of people that Democrats now pander to. As I said I am not a leftist, but I am concerned with the growing radicalization of the left.

We can disagree on a lot of issues constructively but let's stop this idiotic "fuck white people fuck America" stuff. If Trump is obligated to condemn the KKK and the alt right (which he did and never supported in the first place) why aren't sane leftists expected to repudiate their own crazies?