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Who was that Youtuber...


New Member
There was a guy, I can see him but I can't think of his name, who used to do videos (maybe still does?) showing how to recreate "supernatural" effects with camera tricks and/or photoshop. I always thought it was really interesting.

Does this ring a bell for anyone? iirc he had a really angular jaw and nose, and kind of frizzy hair? I think?

I'm pretty sure he frequented here at one point, or maybe irc, cause I remember him directing me to his video...so I don't know if he's even well known.
DepricatedZero said:
There was a guy, I can see him but I can't think of his name, who used to do videos (maybe still does?) showing how to recreate "supernatural" effects with camera tricks and/or photoshop. I always thought it was really interesting.

Does this ring a bell for anyone? iirc he had a really angular jaw and nose, and kind of frizzy hair? I think?

I'm pretty sure he frequented here at one point, or maybe irc, cause I remember him directing me to his video...so I don't know if he's even well known.

Sadly no :(

I've been searching and searching and I can't remember his name. I swear he frequented here too.

Hm, he um...hm...oh he did a video where he cut open one of those stupid power bracelets like "look it's a piece of plastic with a STICKER" and even searching on that hasn't helped :/

Does that ring any bells? Maybe I'm describing him wrong and misremembering his face.

I think he was a graphics design student and that's why he was doing those types of videos, to practice?
His disappearance from YouTube was like....magic

Sorry not helping. I know ;)
Well damn. Sorry I could not be more help. The only other user on YouTube that springs to mind is verklagekasper, which I doubt it is him you are talking about.
Unfortunately I don't recall ever posting his stuff here, but I think he occasionally popped in chat and I talked to him there and that's how I found his channel. No idea.

I've spent a great deal of time searching, unfortunately the descriptors I have are so generic it hurts.
So hours amid days of searching have turned up the following:

The user I was looking for is/was Chattiestspike2

He has taken all of his stuff down. :(

No idea when or why, but that's disappointing.
DepricatedZero said:
So hours amid days of searching have turned up the following:

The user I was looking for is/was Chattiestspike2

He has taken all of his stuff down. :(

No idea when or why, but that's disappointing.

Well that sucks. The way you described his material, I was interested in watching.
Now that I'm home I'm looking around to see if I can find anything left behind. He was pretty cool. His stuff was interesting and amusing. At one point he made a hoax ghost or ufo video (forget which) and posted it as if it were a real video. Let it ride for like 3 months and then replaced it with a video demonstrating how to recreate the hoax.

Here's the original of the Hoax, that's the only thing he still has up at all.

And this...that's him lol, see - angular face, kinda frizzy curly hair.

Oh cool look. So it looks like the videos aren't gone, just unlisted. So here's the power bracelet one I mentioned earlier.
[video removed - pm for link]

Gonna see if I can find a way to dig up his unlisted videos (privately)...maybe I can get in touch with him. I'm guessing he graduated and hid his channel so it didn't come up when potential employers were researching him. I hid a lot of stuff when I was job hunting. Might be he was getting harassed or stalked, though, too. Anyway, reaching out to him, we'll see if I hear from him. I'm gonna link him to this thread and invite him to talk here if he's inclined. And yes, he is a member, though it's been years since he posted it looks like.
Chattiestspike2 User Profile

aside: I'm leaving these here for you guys because, well, I trust members of the League not to be douchenozzles on youtube or to him, but I'm going to respect his privacy and choice to unlist these and remove them from this post so they don't appear on google later.