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When I pray

I got a minute or so into his clusters of clusters of clusters thing and was wondering why he's going on about Hermeticism.

Then I hit the two minute mark ... is he just now realizing that he's not important?

And if he thinks a god created anything, doesn't that pretty much make him a creationist?

And then he claims other creationists don't think god cares?

I want my four and one-half minutes back...
The universe as been here long before we got here and it will still be here long after we are gone. How impact in the cosmic arena is so insignificant that there is no other common paralel that we could invoke to compare to it. The universe doesn't care about us, if you flourish you flourish, if you perish you perish, either you are week or strong, great or pity, cheritable or monstrous, the universe is indiffrent to you.
We are less than a spec of dust in a sea of dust, that trough many perils and acidents and agaist all odds and ranging winds came to here in this previledge position of being on top of the pile thinks that it has been specially put there unaware of the fact that there must be a spec of dust on top of the pile and whichever spec got that fortune would have tought the same.
The concept of being specially created by God and treasured by it is just unproportional, to think that he is worryed that you ate to much chocolate, that you couldn't win a bycicle in a rafle, that he is so anal about you doing sex or ofended if he is not praised every hour of every day is missing the bigger picture. God itself is all to human, to provincial, to small, to pety, to naive, to imature, to much obvious a human invention that I am insulted by what this idea tryed to do to me.
Our earth is but the merest speck, from an alien world our sun would be indistinguishable from all the other stars, there would be no indication that there was anything special about it. Our tiny planet is overwhelming dwarfed even when by at the scale of our galaxy, but we know there are billions of galaxies.

Do you think that out there in all that vastness, someone is actually listening to you? One of 7 billion homo sapiens on this planet. What about all those starving people who beg God every single day for a substantial meal, and never get an answer? All those whose lives are full or torment and suffering, all those who beg God for something better to come their way? Why doesn't he listen to them?

Do you really think he listens to you? Do you really think that he intervenes on this tiny planet? Or in your life?