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What is it you enjoy?

buzzausa said:
Non solo. Io sono Italiano. Adesso vivo negli Stati Uniti ma sono nato e cresciuto in Italia.
Complimenti. Scrivi benissimo in Italiano :D
Grazie. Mi piace molto la cultura italiana, allora sono cominciato a studiare la lingua alcuni anni fa, a scuola serale. Devo dare un esame la settimana prossima. La materia che abbiamo visto questo anno ਠabbastanza pesante, spero che non sia troppo difficile... augurami buona fortuna!

I'll switch back to english now, before the moderators slap me :)
  • Travelling, especially with friends
    A good beer, whisky or wine
    Good food
    Sitting in a café with some friends for hours talking about anything
    Casual sports such as hockey, football (not american), volleyball, floorball
    History of any kind
    Having a good debate about religion, politics, history, economics etc
    Learning in general
    Just sitting somewhere, pondering the universe or myself or just about anything
    Coming up with stories... perhaps I'll write them down some day
    Dancing (trust me, the best possible way to hook up with girls)
    Driving at night with a good tune to listen too and a good friend to talk to
    "Sittin' on the dock of the bay, watching the tide rollin' out"
    Sleeping just that extra minute in the morning
    Taking my boat out into the archipelago or just lying in the sun at my parents summer house listening to the sea gulls screech
    Biking home late in the summer night at the time when you're just a bit drunk and you've got a varm summer breeze in your hair and you can just hear the life waking up in nature. Truly lovely... you feel really comfortable in a way and somehow all you'd want to do is lie down in the grass with a big smile on your face
Pulsar said:
Grazie. Mi piace molto la cultura italiana, allora sono cominciato a studiare la lingua alcuni anni fa, a scuola serale. Devo dare un esame la settimana prossima. La materia che abbiamo visto questo anno ਠabbastanza pesante, spero che non sia troppo difficile... augurami buona fortuna!
I'll switch back to english now, before the moderators slap me :)

Buona fortuna :D


oh.....I feel a slap coming..... :?