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What do you think about Islam?


New Member
With all of this drama over South Park, censorship, and radical Islam, plus the new flame war which seems to be brewing between Thunderf00t, antybu86, UNFFwildcard, and DawahFilms it would seem that when it comes to Islam people seem to have either one view point or the other. So what do you guys think? What's your opinion radical Islam versus moderate Islam? Do you think moderates provide cover for the extremists? What do you think of the Muslims which hang out at tLoR? And what do you think about all this internet drama?

By the way, while I don't have any reason to defend Thunderf00t, I do resent being referred to as belonging to a "troop of loyal flying monkeys" I need to say this FUCK YOU UNFFwildcard!
I think Islam is a stain on the world, divisive, bigoted, jealous and full of hatred, and it would be infinitely better if it was expunged.

Everything you need to know about Islam is summed up in Sharia law and the penalty for apostesy.
Don-Sama said:
The same as Christianity but still lacking 200/300 years progress.

what progress?
i wouldn't call "galeileo was right after all" after 500 years progress.

as for opinion of the muslim faith, for some it may be the only method to make them behave somewhat like human beings.
for those i would make an exception that they can practice their religion freely, as long as nobody is harmed physically and mentally.
for fundamentalism, i make no expection. it must be fought to the bone to protect freedom, knowledge and the planet.

this is the position i hold for ALL religions, no exceptions.
If you want to know what real Islam is, just look at what the fundamentalists are doing. After all, fundamentalism itself means to follow everything taught by what the fundamentalist believes in. The so called moderates only exist because either they are ignorant of much of their holy text, or they choose to ignore it for the sake of blending in with the free world. And the moderates are not able to voice out anything against the fundamentalists because well, when they examine their holy text, it seems that they themselves ought to be fundamentalists!
It's same crap as Christianism, just in much worse hands.

the discrimination that is done under flag on Islam is, in my opinion, cultural thing (forgot the word). I think that Muslim nations are fundamentalists all by themselves, so if you could swap the religion between west and Muslim world, nothing would change.
haha anon1986sing, I like the tag.
It says "haha, in your face" at the same time, shooting off it's nose.
What's your opinion radical Islam versus moderate Islam?
Personally the moderates can be as bad if not worse then the extremists (It is the same for any religion)
Because you know the extremist merely wants to see you burn in hell for all eternity
fair enough I think I can handle that and at least we know where we stand
but the moderates?
will they support the extremists? turn a blind eye? help you against them?
they are too wishy washy
Do you think moderates provide cover for the extremists?
if the moderates opposed the extremists then the problem would be alot less
particularly when the moderates are the clear majority
What do you think of the Muslims which hang out at tLoR?
I haven't been there all that long so have no opinion
And what do you think about all this internet drama?
They made an fuss
people spoke out against them
and they simply proved all of their critics 100% correct with their radical response
I think they are unreasonable and irrational, I wouldn't be surprised if a significant percent of them believed in witchcraft.
Many moderate Muslims are 9-11 truthers. They think that the US deliberately attacked itself in order to start a war with predominantly Islamic countries like Afghanistan. These moderated support the extremists in their attacks on both military and civilian targets. They also provide funding, new recruits, and intellectual succor to the forces of extreme Islam. Tackling the problem of moderate Muslims who support violence is one of the most important tasks for moving forward with the Islamic world. Countering 9-11 truthers can help the troops abroad.
I think people make a mistake when they blame 9-11 soley on religion. Obviously, US and UK foreign policy has played a huge role in fueling much of the hostility. Unfortunately, since 9-11 foreign policy has only been made much worse and is likely to fuel much more hostility from that region.

That is not to defend islamic belief or to imply that 9-11 was an "inside job." I don't buy any of that. Only that US imperialist policies need to be critized much more harshly and there needs to be more responsibility taken there, not just on radical islam.

As for what I think of Islam, well just like Christianity it's all based on a fairy tale. It's nonsense. What do you do about it though, that's the difficult question. You can't force people to give up their beliefs, that never works. You would create a very violent resistance if you tried to force people to give up their beliefs and in the end you would not be successful.

Obviously, you want to change their minds by any peaceful means possible and you have to understand their environment - what is it about their environment that is causing them to cling onto their beliefs?

The future is going to have lots of difficulty if we don't figure out a way to end all this hostility and bring about a peaceful global society based on science and human well-being.
Disney said:
I think people make a mistake when they blame 9-11 solely on religion. Obviously, US and UK foreign policy has played a huge role in fueling much of the hostility. Unfortunately, since 9-11 foreign policy has only been made much worse and is likely to fuel much more hostility from that region.
Well the thing is, what about foreign policy are you willing to change in order to please Bin Laden? Some of the things that did not go his (the fascist Islamic) way are: Somalia, Kashmir, Bosnia, the Philippines and East Timor. Personally, I support all of the NATO, US, UK, and even Indian positions in these cases. One where I don't is Israel, however the goal of Bin Laden is to destroy Israel which I find completely unacceptable even as I recognise the crimes of the Israeli government. In any case, which of these regions are you willing give over to the forces of Islamism to keep a fanatic terrorist happy? Bin Laden's forces had carried out multiple attacks, including 9-11, as a result of the US' position on these issues all before the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Clearly it was time for Al Qaeda and Bin Laden to be stopped, firmly. But now we have people saying that the resistance to Islamic terrorists is the cause of terrorism. Are you willing to just roll over and accept the plan of world domination that comes from Bin Laden and his ilk? If not, perhaps you should support the foreign policies of the US and UK which are actively working to protect average Muslim citizens from the forces of Islamist government.
Well, I'm not willing to change any foreign policy to please Osama. The goal is to find a workable solution to bridge the differences between nations. War is not a workable solution.

Our civil rights have deteroriated since 9-11. I don't feel anymore secure, I don't know about you. Millions of lives have been loss. We are spending billions and billions of dollars that we really don't have to fund these wars. And now due to the torture and all the destruction that has been wrought, you're very likely to find that Al Qaeda has only gotten stronger in numbers. And, oh yes, we still haven't caught Osama.

Bottomline is that what we are doing is not working.
I agree with many of the above: the main reason it's worse than Christianity isn't that its book is any worse, but that it's managed to insulate itself against any infiltration of western liberalism and ethical philosophy. Their ethics are stuck in the iron age and they're determined to keep it that way.
Disney said:
Well, I'm not willing to change any foreign policy to please Osama. The goal is to find a workable solution to bridge the differences between nations. War is not a workable solution.

Our civil rights have deteroriated since 9-11. I don't feel anymore secure, I don't know about you. Millions of lives have been loss. We are spending billions and billions of dollars that we really don't have to fund these wars. And now due to the torture and all the destruction that has been wrought, you're very likely to find that Al Qaeda has only gotten stronger in numbers. And, oh yes, we still haven't caught Osama.

Bottomline is that what we are doing is not working.
I agree with you that in magic-happy-land everyone would be friends and would be able to work out their differences peacefully. But we live in a very different place called reality and in reality sometimes people try to kill you. They put you in a situation where the choice is between defending yourself and your principles or letting those willing to instigate the use of force have their own way at all times. The forces of Islamo-fascism want to conquer a new Muslim empire that is to extend around the entire world. We say no, you are not allowed to do that and if you try we will stop you.

As I said earlier, reaching out to moderate Muslims and countering 'The Narrative' is an important part of improving relations with the Middle East, but so is preventing terrorism, fascism, and theocracy. Those forces are here, now, and they want to take over the world one region at a time. Are you going to stand up, or roll over?

Have millions of lives been lost? No, I would consider one million to be a high estimate. Still a tragedy but let's be accurate here. That's what was lost, but for those that are still alive and for those still to come, so much has been gained. Iraq has moved into the post-Saddam era and Afghanistan is rid of the Taliban. Civil rights and freedoms have already improved immensely in both countries. Recently an actual election was held in Iraq which the incumbent political party declared was rigged - now that's progress of a kind!

Is the cost billions and billions? Yes, it's a very high cost. Obviously, how your country handles its expenditure is its business. If you can put a price on freedom, pulling out because of the high cost might be a legitimate reason.

Did Bush curtail American rights? Yep, but seems fairly unrelated to whether conducting an invasion and liberation of Afghanistan or Iraq was justified.

On the last point, no, Bin Laden has not been found but surely being hunted through the mountains of Afghanistan is taking up a lot of his time and reasources. The surest way not to find him is to stop looking.
nemesiss said:
for those i would make an exception that they can practice their religion freely, as long as nobody is harmed physically and mentally...this is the position i hold for ALL religions, no exceptions.

So I take you seem to be one of the few people here who have a higher opinion of moderate Muslims who openly condemn the actions of the fundies?