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What do you recommend for a PS3.


New Member
I have a PS3. As I understand it, it is a fairly competent console. However it is complimented by an assortment of freaken retarded games, with the exclusion of a precious few.

Meanwhile, the Xbox gets an unending tide of impressive looking games.
... Or maybe I am just not looking in the right places.

Recommendations anyone?
It's a very competent console, but the processor is weird and difficult to program for.

Alan wake... or that other game that's very similar... One of those two came out for the PS3 and I really want to play them (I'm a PC... =/ I can't play either of them because they're console only). Also there was that other game kind of similar to prototype that came out at the same time involving electricity; it was either PS3 or xbox360 exclusive.

Sorry I can't help more than that, like I said, i game with PC, so what I remember is not PS3 games, but games that are console-only, which makes it difficult for me to recommend console games.
Exmortis said:
I have a PS3. As I understand it, it is a fairly competent console. However it is complimented by an assortment of freaken retarded games, with the exclusion of a precious few.

Meanwhile, the Xbox gets an unending tide of impressive looking games.
... Or maybe I am just not looking in the right places.

Recommendations anyone?

What does that mean? It pretty much has the same 3rd party library. The real differences are in the exclusives, which are really good in their own way on the PS3.

Strictly withing exclusives, I personally enjoyed Uncharted 2, MGS 4, the Ratchet and Clank games, and Killzone 2. There are others that many people seem to like as well. There's Infamous, Little Big Planet, Mod Nation Racers, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Demon Souls, the Motor Stom games, etc....

I'm also looking forward to GT5 coming in November, and The Last Guardian coming next year.
I'm not a big fan of consoles to begin with. That said, games that are good and that are also on the PS3 are: Prototype, Worms, and Bomber Man. Additionally, the availability of PS2 and PS1 games on the Playstation Network is pretty nice, so I can replay older games like Wild ARMS or Headhunter.

The only thing I ever readily used the PS3 for was to watch Netflix.
I own an Xbox 360, so I haven't played most of the PS3 games, but Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, God of War 3, Heavenly Swords and Infamous are some games I envy PS3 owners for. Consider renting some of the short single player games. Some people tend to buy every game they want. Just out of curiosity, what are the Xbox games in this unending tide? I thought PS3 and Xbox were rather equal this year. Except for shooter fans maybe.
I have Infamous actually. I liked the karma system, It was similar to a choice and consequence system.
Red Dead Redemption
God of War 3
Fallout: New Vegas
NHL 11 (If you even enjoy hockey or sports games in general.)
Little Big Planet
Bioshock 2
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
NBA2K11 is a brilliant basketball / sports game.

But I would check out Trine on the PSN store, it's wonderful.
I'm happy to say that I can now recommend Mass Effect 2 for the PS3 as well. I've already played it on the PC, but this is great for people who only play on PS3.