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Violent extremists are outraged when others object to them

King Tyrant Lizard

New Member
arg-fallbackName="King Tyrant Lizard"/>
So, I was reading this highly informative and amusing article:


And I've come to the conclusion that you can't really blame the Muslims or Jews for feigning deep distress when we criticise their murderous agendas when the effect is that we feel terribly sorry and crawl into a hole. It must be a source of never ending amusement to them.

Some choice quotes from the article:

"While we are on the subject of gullibility, what I'd like to know is why this Binyam Mohamed is taken at his word when he claims he underwent medieval torture in the hands of the Americans in cahoots with the Brits."

"The other thing I'd like to know is why I, a poor little Greek boy, cannot insult militant Muslims who boo British troops in Luton by calling them towelheads, yet they can call the troops murderers and child killers?"

"being called a towel is less of an insult than being called a murderer"

"Muslims vilify Christians and Jews, seek death for apostates, call for Jihad against the West, yet only Taki is silenced for pointing out the fact that they wear tablecloths on their heads. A Dutch MP is banned from entering England, and a British MP is banned from entering Canada (lucky him), both men judged to be dangerous to the peace, as ridiculous an excuse as the one about Madoff's wife not being in on the con."

"Freedom of speech is not for everyone, certainly not for those who dare point out that militant Islam is the greatest danger to our way of life in the past two centuries, and that what Israel is doing to the Palestinians constitutes war crimes and genocide."
I thought you were referring to whining from Fox News fans... it is the same sort of complaining for being called out for their racism. I mean, really. Radical Islam isn't a threat to any country's lifestyle. The stupid overreaction from right-wing goons of other religions seems to be the real problem.
King Tyrant Lizard said:
Except those of every modern western nation.
Do you wet yourself during these paranoid and completely unrealistic fantasies of Islamic takeovers of Western countries?
arg-fallbackName="King Tyrant Lizard"/>
I just think about those riots in Europe, and then use my pattern detection abilities to predict the future of those nations as the numbers of Muslims in them increases...
King Tyrant Lizard said:
I just think about those riots in Europe, and then use my pattern detection abilities to predict the future of those nations as the numbers of Muslims in them increases...
I just think about bigger riots all over the world, having nothing to do with Muslims, and how the world somehow survived... and then I start laughing at people who are hiding under their beds over nonexistent threats. Then I stop laughing, because I realize that you people are serious, and are stockpiling weapons, and poisoning our culture with cowardice and bigotry.
King Tyrant Lizard said:
I just think about those riots in Europe, and then use my pattern detection abilities to predict the future of those nations as the numbers of Muslims in them increases...

And ofcourse all 'teh_Muzlemz' wil all be radical fundamentalists bent on world domination and the destruction of the West. Really, you clearly have no clue what you're talking about and should not bathe in NWO swimmingpool quite so often.

Rhysz said:
And ofcourse all 'teh_Muzlemz' wil all be radical fundamentalists bent on world domination and the destruction of the West. Really, you clearly have no clue what you're talking about and should not bathe in NWO swimmingpool quite so often.

The shame is that there IS legitimate criticism of radical fundamentalism. It can often get lost in equally radical anti-Muslim fear and hate, which doesn't do anyone any good. When it becomes a case of "Muslim extremists vs. anti-Muslim extremists" it is hard to show how the West holds the higher ground.
The shame is that there IS legitimate criticism of radical fundamentalism. It can often get lost in equally radical anti-Muslim fear and hate, which doesn't do anyone any good. When it becomes a case of "Muslim extremists vs. anti-Muslim extremists" it is hard to show how the West holds the higher ground.

"When one fights monsters one should be carefull to not become a monster" (Paraphrased)

I think we're completely in agreement on this mate. Although, I'm not exactly one for taking the 'moral high ground'. I have no problem with criticism of islam, here, I think we're not dealing with Islam per sé but rather with islamo-fascism. The main point I wanted to bring up was Tyrant's WorldNetDaily worthy ignorant post.

My position is that the best weapon we have against ANY form of fundamentalis is simply Reason. I hope that clarifies my previous post a bit.


Rhysz said:
"When one fights monsters one should be carefull to not become a monster" (Paraphrased)

I think we're completely in agreement on this mate. Although I'm not exactly one for taking the 'moral high ground'.

The problem with the "moral high ground" is that none of us is pure, and when we talk about nations it is even more true. It is perfectly normal and desired to say that some countries are better than others when it comes to certain objectively measured standards. It is wrong to pretend that we are purely and always just, and that other nations are purely evil and always unjust... because that path leads to discrimination on one hand, and ignoring our problems on the other hand.
ImprobableJoe said:
The problem with the "moral high ground" is that none of us is pure, and when we talk about nations it is even more true. It is perfectly normal and desired to say that some countries are better than others when it comes to certain objectively measured standards. It is wrong to pretend that we are purely and always just, and that other nations are purely evil and always unjust... because that path leads to discrimination on one hand, and ignoring our problems on the other hand.

I find little to no fault in that Joe. I dislike 'the moral high ground'because it implies that one side is better than the other which only polarises the debate IMhO. I can contend that I consider some postions simply 'wrong' or 'misguided' etc. I find no disagreement between us.

Rhysz said:
I find little to no fault in that Joe. I dislike 'the moral high ground'because it implies that one side is better than the other which only polarises the debate IMhO. I can contend that I consider some postions simply 'wrong' or 'misguided' etc. I find no disagreement between us.

I find little in the way of disagreement either... that's no reason to let the conversation die.

What's really interesting is that most Muslims agree with us in general. The only way the extremists get new converts is by demonizing the West, and we play into that when we spew anti-Muslim stupidity, or pretend that Muslims are trying to take over the world, or have any chance of actually doing so.
ImprobableJoe said:
I find little in the way of disagreement either... that's no reason to let the conversation die.

What's really interesting is that most Muslims agree with us in general. The only way the extremists get new converts is by demonizing the West, and we play into that when we spew anti-Muslim stupidity, or pretend that Muslims are trying to take over the world, or have any chance of actually doing so.

I think moderate muslims should pick the side they want to be on, but I wouldn't force the issue. Personally, I'm still not sure if moderates are 'enablers' like some claim. I think they're allies and I have no problem with people holding beliefs, I don't care if the worship the yellow broccoli God but keep it to yourself as much as possible pls. Anti-muslim (other denominations/cults apply her) is, at best, counter-productive. When you alienate the moderates you're giving up the largest group of 'swing- votes'. This is way a person like Geert Wilders is doing us a disservice. I think Islamo-fascism IS trying to take over the world, moderate muslims (who are just caught in between) just want to get on with their lives.

arg-fallbackName="King Tyrant Lizard"/>
The overwhelming majority of moderate Muslims' views are far closer to those of extremist muslims than to those of westerners. Further, Islamic society and modern western society are incompatible. They have opposing cultural and social goals and this will lead to conflict. As of right now, most westerners aren't brave enough to admit that such a contrast between these competing socities exists, or in many cases that there is even a conflict. That is the point, and the danger. You accuse me of hiding under a blanket, but that is what it looks like you do when you non-chalantly brush aside all the world's problems.

As for one side having the moral high ground, it really doesn't matter. The fact is that we live in a world of social and political strife. One side of this stand-off is motivated and gearing up to fight for its idealogical goals, the other side is unmotivated and gearing up to step down.
Rhysz said:
I think moderate muslims should pick the side they want to be on, but I wouldn't force the issue. Personally, I'm still not sure if moderates are 'enablers' like some claim. I think they're allies and I have no problem with people holding beliefs, I don't care if the worship the yellow broccoli God but keep it to yourself as much as possible pls. Anti-muslim (other denominations/cults apply her) is, at best, counter-productive. When you alienate the moderates you're giving up the largest group of 'swing- votes'. This is way a person like Geert Wilders is doing us a disservice. I think Islamo-fascism IS trying to take over the world, moderate muslims (who are just caught in between) just want to get on with their lives.

Most of them HAVE chosen a side... how many attacks on America have you seen? Take the number of attacks, figure up the number of actual attackers, factor in the billion-plus Muslims worldwide, and tell me what percentage of Muslims have engaged in anti-Western attacks.
King Tyrant Lizard said:
The overwhelming majority of moderate Muslims' views are far closer to those of extremist muslims than to those of westerners.

Well, I'd love to see you back that up with some actual evidence, a study. I'd setlle for anecdotal evidence at this point.
Further, Islamic society and modern western society are incompatible.

[sarcasm]Clearly, QED, and let's just leave it at that. You're doing well.......[/sarcasm]
They have opposing cultural and social goals and this will lead to conflict. As of right now, most westerners aren't brave enough to admit that such a contrast between these competing socities exists, or in many cases that there is even a conflict.

Yes, because teh-ev0l_Muzlemz have this plot that they want to destroy everyting the West did.
That is the point, and the danger. You accuse me of hiding under a blanket, but that is what it looks like you do when you non-chalantly brush aside all the world's problems.

I admire your gall sir! Not thinking every muslem is bent on theocratic islamo-fascist theocracy surely MUST be a rejection of other problems like AIDS, global warming, the credit crunch and all sorts of other things. One of us is caually ignoring what people in islamic countries achieved, I wonder who? I find your generalisations offensive.

As for one side having the moral high ground, it really doesn't matter. The fact is that we live in a world of social and political strife. One side of this stand-off is motivated and gearing up to fight for its idealogical goals, the other side is unmotivated and gearing up to step down.

Ugh, if you would have been a bit more moderate we'd have found some common ground. I'd happily join you in questioning the 'dhimmi' attitude in the west. Unfortunately, again you choose to throw a large group of people into one group and expect to get away with it, you aren't. Reported.


ImprobableJoe said:
Most of them HAVE chosen a side... how many attacks on America have you seen? Take the number of attacks, figure up the number of actual attackers, factor in the billion-plus Muslims worldwide, and tell me what percentage of Muslims have engaged in anti-Western attacks.

Again, I'm not sure of what you're trying to say. I think islamic-us relations are a bit different from what we experience in Urp, but in no way do I support the discrimination of muslems, I hope that much is clear.

Rhysz said:
Again, I'm not sure of what you're trying to say. I think islamic-us relations are a bit different from what we experience in Urp, but in no way do I support the discrimination of muslems, I hope that much is clear.

My point is that there are a billion-plus Muslims in the world. If they were engaged in a take-over of the West, we would know it. It isn't a billion against the West, it is a few thousand, less than 1%, who are causing all of the trouble. They don't have the numbers or the resources to fundamentally change the culture of the billion-plus people who count as part of "the West."
ImprobableJoe said:
My point is that there are a billion-plus Muslims in the world. If they were engaged in a take-over of the West, we would know it. It isn't a billion against the West, it is a few thousand, less than 1%, who are causing all of the trouble. They don't have the numbers or the resources to fundamentally change the culture of the billion-plus people who count as part of "the West."

Then you should be quoting Tyrant and not me. I thought I made it crystal clear that I completely agree with you on this.

arg-fallbackName="King Tyrant Lizard"/>
ImprobableJoe said:
My point is that there are a billion-plus Muslims in the world. If they were engaged in a take-over of the West, we would know it.

They are, however, they are smart. Instead of attacking overtly and getting blasted by our supperior weapons technology, they are doing it cleverly by slowly immegrating, subverting our values, and finally becoming a majority or sufficient plurallity to vote themselves into power.