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The Valentich Disappearance


New Member
Im not big on UFOs, but I found this to be a little interesting. During the last seventeen seconds of open mic there was a series of metallic scraping sounds, and they have been unable to be identified.

To be honest, I believe this explanation:
Wikipedia said:
The possibility remains that Valentich staged his own disappearance: even taking into account a trip of between 30 and 45 minutes to Cape Otway, the aircraft still had enough fuel to fly 800 kilometres[12]; despite ideal conditions, at no time was the aircraft plotted on radar, casting doubts as to whether it was ever near Cape Otway[13]; and Melbourne Police received reports of a light aircraft making a mysterious landing not far from Cape Otway at the same time as Valentich's disappearance.[14].

Its the most plausible explanation given and makes a whole lot of sense.

Valentich was a UFO enthusiast (according to his father) so why WOULDNT he jump at the opportunity to incorporate UFO's into his disappearance?
Good point. I do think it odd that they never recovered the plane or found evidence of his whereabouts. But Australia is pretty huge, and in the confusion he probably had plenty of time to destroy it and remain hidden.
Considering this was the late 70's, I don't find it entirely impossible that he could of left Australia all together undetected. And although there would of been a search in the local area...I doubt that any other government, or police force, anywhere else on earth was looking for him. all he had to do was slip one, relatively small, net.

If he wanted to disappear...he could of.
Like leaving Australia is hard :p, apart from the dual pseudo citizenship between NZ and Aus (meaning he could catch a plane/boat to NZ and get all the same rights/work/treatment as if a New Zealand citizen). ATM there is a large problem with people leaving Australia... regardless, anything that isn't concrete evidence in the case of UFO's, I simply ignore...
If it's true? cool, there are other intelligent life forms out there and they can easily traverse interstellar space... if not... nothing changes.
How about a plausible explanation for this one :