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The GOP party platform


New Member
Here it is in all it's inglorious form (pdf)

if this thing manages to get put into practice come after the elections. You can almost kiss goodbye to any hopes of the secular state you want. Here's one segment of it:
The first provision of the First Amendment concerns freedom of religion. That guarantee reflected Thomas Jefferson's Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, which declared that no one should "suffer on account of his religious opinion or belief, but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion"¦." That assurance has never been more needed than it is today, as liberal elites try to drive religious beliefs,and religious believers,out of the public square. The Founders of the American Republic universally agree that democracy presupposes a moral people and that, in the words of George Washington's Farewell Address, "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports."

The most offensive instance of this war on religion has been the current Administration's attempt to compel faith-related institutions, as well as believing individuals, to contravene their deeply held religious, moral, or ethical beliefs regarding health services, traditional marriage, or abortion. This forcible secularization of religious and religiously affiliated organizations, including faith-based hospitals and colleges, has been in tandem with the current Administration's audacity in declaring which faithrelated activities are, or are not, protected by the First Amendment,an unprecedented aggression repudiated by a unanimous Supreme Court in its Hosanna-Tabor v. EEOC decision.

We pledge to respect the religious beliefs and rights of conscience of all Americans and to safeguard the independence of their institutions from government. We support the public display of the Ten Commandments as a reflection of our history and of our country's Judeo-Christian heritage, and we affirm the right of students to engage in prayer at public school events in public schools and to have equal access to public schools and other public facilities to accommodate religious freedom in the public square. We assert every citizen's right to apply religious values to public policy and the right of faith-based organizations to participate fully in public programs without renouncing their beliefs, removing religious symbols, or submitting to government-imposed hiring practices. We oppose government discrimination against businesses due to religious views. We support the First Amendment right of freedom of association of the Boy Scouts of America and other service organizations whose values are under assault and condemn the State blacklisting of religious groups which decline to arrange adoptions by same-sex couples. We condemn the hate campaigns, threats of violence, and vandalism by proponents of same-sex marriage against advocates of traditional marriage and call for a federal investigation into attempts to deny religious believers their civil rights.

I like how they like one part of the first amendment but then completely ignore the rest of it.

I don't even know what to say, I think this speaks for itself, no comment needed.
The Republican party has been losing the plot for some time. I'd be interested to know what those conservatives who traditionally voted Republican on fiscal grounds are voting for this year.
Speaking of which... http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/aug/30/paul-ryans-speech-audacious-untruths
Prolescum said:
Speaking of which... http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/aug/30/paul-ryans-speech-audacious-untruths

That speech would have been better with the family fortunes "ee errrr" buzzer.
arg-fallbackName=")O( Hytegia )O("/>
I'm three seconds away from walking to a Republican/Tea-Bagger rally in a shirt with a pentagram that says "RELIGIOUS FREEDOM" above it.

Or I've done 3 too many Irish Car Bombs tonight.

Either one makes this joke have a punch line.