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The Flood

Chirios said:
does it annoy you guys when people try and justify the flood?
It depends... if it is some average theist repeating things they've heard, I'm a little annoyed. When it is people who have done massive amounts of research, and all they manage to do is quote-mine in order to justify their belief in a worldwide flood, I get pissed off.
orpiment99 said:
Would you happen to have a link for the source material on the conglomerate
This "fact" is I'm afraid, a 3rd party quote, that I haven't really verified any further. Here is the source. There are quotes from articles from talk.origins and magazines and literature. This particular conglomerate bit is from an old earth creationist Alan Hayward(to speed up the search through the doc). I do tend to rely on evidence given by a naturalist worldview supporter a bit more than I do with creationist evidence, wich is why I didn't check the source even when I had the name there.
GoodKat said:
Whoa, really? I didn't think all the cat species had developed that fast!

Edit: Wait a minute, Wikipedia says the family felidae originated around 25 million years ago.
I ment the whole notion as a ridicule to the superevolution it would require from an ark-survivor, the Original Cat, to evolve into the diversity of cats today. :) Of course cats are much older.
that they discard evolution for SUPERevolution on the grounds that evolution is impossible simply evidences the fact that they cannot be taken for anything other than mentally ill