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The Agonies of Hell


New Member
This is excerpt from an article in Moody Monthly:
Imagine the person who has just entered hell,a neighbor, relative, co-worker, friend. After a roar of physical pain blasts him, he spends his first moments wailing and gnashing his teeth. But after a season, he grows accustomed to the pain, not that it's become tolerable, but that his capacity for it has enlarged to comprehend it, yet not be consumed by it. Though he hurts, he is now able to think, and he instinctively looks about him. But as he looks, he sees only blackness.

In his past life he learned that if he looked long enough, a glow of light somewhere would yield definition to his surroundings. So he blinks and strains to focus his eyes, but his efforts yield only blackness. He turns and strains his eyes in another direction. He waits. He sees nothing but unyielding black ink. It clings to him, smothering and oppressing him.

Realizing that the darkness is not going to give way, he nervously begins to feel for something solid to get his bearings. He reaches for walls or rocks or trees or chairs; he stretches his legs to feel the ground and touches nothing.

Hell is a "bottomless pit" (Rev. 20:1, 2 KJV); however, the new occupant is slow to learn. In growing panic, he kicks his feet and waves his arms. He stretches and he lunges. But he finds nothing. After more feverish tries, he pauses from exhaustion, suspended in black. Suddenly, with a scream he kicks, twists, and lunges until he is again too exhausted to move.

He hangs there, alone with his pain. Unable to touch a solid object or see a solitary thing, he begins to weep.
His sobs choke through the darkness. They become weak, then lost in hell's roar.

As time passes, he begins to do what the rich man did,he again starts to think. His first thoughts are of hope. You see, he still thinks as he did on earth, where he kept himself alive with hope. When things got bad, he always found a way out. If he felt pain, he took medicine. If he were hungry, he ate food. If he lost love, there was more love to be found.

So he casts about in his mind for a plan to apply to the hope building in his chest. Of course, he thinks, Jesus, the God of love, can get me out of this.

He cries out with a surge, "Jesus, Jesus! You were right! Help me! Get me out of this!"

He waits, breathing hard with desperation. The sound of his voice slips into the darkness and is lost.

He tries again, "I believe, Jesus! I believe now! Save me from this!" Again the darkness smothers his words.

Our sinner is not unique. Everyone in hell believes.

When he wearies of appeals, he does next what anyone would do,assesses his situation and attempts to adapt. But then it hits him,this is forever.

Jesus made it very clear. He used the same words for "forever" to describe both heaven and hell.

Forever, he thinks, and his mind labors through the blackness until he aches. "Forever!" he whispers in wonder. The idea deepens, widens, and towers over him.

The awful truth spreads before him like endless, overlapping slats: When I put in ten thousand centuries of time here, I will not have accomplished on thing. I will not have one second less to spend here.

As the rich man pleaded for a drop of water, so, too, our new occupant entertains a similar ambition. In life he learned that even bad things could be tolerated if one could find temporary relief. Perhaps even hell, if one could rest from time to time, would be more tolerable.

He learns, though, that "The smoke of [his] torment goes up forever and ever; and [he has] no rest day and night" (Rev. 14:11 NASB).

What does Hell consist of?

1. Great Physical Pain
2. Darkness
3. Bottomless Pit
4. Isolation From Loved Ones

Even as I type this I can sense how cold this sounds...how cruel and uncaring I actually am...my heart does (even if it is faintly) long that you just one of you on here would be saved and this is why I post this dire warning.

You have no power over us. You're god does not exist. Assuming it did, it's evil. If it did have power, then why do we need to prove our loyalty to it, where it can, by the flick of its dick make each and everyone of us obey it without question. Or, it could show itself. Do you mean to say that your god is shy? @.@

I pity you for believing in your god, because he's threatening you with hell. That's dishonest. @.@ If it does threaten you with this eternal punishment, what assurance do you get that if you obey him, he will not throw you to hell for the sake of it?
Well you'd better hope that you picked the right denomination of Christianity then! I'm sure you have though, There's only 30,000+ of them and i'm SURE the one you happened to be born into was True(tm) Christianity.

But, In all seriousness, seriously

blood_pardon said:
This is excerpt from an article in Moody Monthly:
Imagine the person who has just entered hell,a neighbor, relative, co-worker, friend. After a roar of physical pain blasts him, he spends his first moments wailing and gnashing his teeth. But after a season, he grows accustomed to the pain, not that it's become tolerable, but that his capacity for it has enlarged to comprehend it, yet not be consumed by it. Though he hurts, he is now able to think, and he instinctively looks about him. But as he looks, he sees only blackness.

In his past life he learned that if he looked long enough, a glow of light somewhere would yield definition to his surroundings. So he blinks and strains to focus his eyes, but his efforts yield only blackness. He turns and strains his eyes in another direction. He waits. He sees nothing but unyielding black ink. It clings to him, smothering and oppressing him.

Realizing that the darkness is not going to give way, he nervously begins to feel for something solid to get his bearings. He reaches for walls or rocks or trees or chairs; he stretches his legs to feel the ground and touches nothing.

Hell is a "bottomless pit" (Rev. 20:1, 2 KJV); however, the new occupant is slow to learn. In growing panic, he kicks his feet and waves his arms. He stretches and he lunges. But he finds nothing. After more feverish tries, he pauses from exhaustion, suspended in black. Suddenly, with a scream he kicks, twists, and lunges until he is again too exhausted to move.

He hangs there, alone with his pain. Unable to touch a solid object or see a solitary thing, he begins to weep.
His sobs choke through the darkness. They become weak, then lost in hell's roar.

As time passes, he begins to do what the rich man did,he again starts to think. His first thoughts are of hope. You see, he still thinks as he did on earth, where he kept himself alive with hope. When things got bad, he always found a way out. If he felt pain, he took medicine. If he were hungry, he ate food. If he lost love, there was more love to be found.

So he casts about in his mind for a plan to apply to the hope building in his chest. Of course, he thinks, Jesus, the God of love, can get me out of this.

He cries out with a surge, "Jesus, Jesus! You were right! Help me! Get me out of this!"

He waits, breathing hard with desperation. The sound of his voice slips into the darkness and is lost.

He tries again, "I believe, Jesus! I believe now! Save me from this!" Again the darkness smothers his words.

Our sinner is not unique. Everyone in hell believes.

When he wearies of appeals, he does next what anyone would do,assesses his situation and attempts to adapt. But then it hits him,this is forever.

Jesus made it very clear. He used the same words for "forever" to describe both heaven and hell.

Forever, he thinks, and his mind labors through the blackness until he aches. "Forever!" he whispers in wonder. The idea deepens, widens, and towers over him.

The awful truth spreads before him like endless, overlapping slats: When I put in ten thousand centuries of time here, I will not have accomplished on thing. I will not have one second less to spend here.

As the rich man pleaded for a drop of water, so, too, our new occupant entertains a similar ambition. In life he learned that even bad things could be tolerated if one could find temporary relief. Perhaps even hell, if one could rest from time to time, would be more tolerable.

He learns, though, that "The smoke of [his] torment goes up forever and ever; and [he has] no rest day and night" (Rev. 14:11 NASB).

What does Hell consist of?

1. Great Physical Pain
2. Darkness
3. Bottomless Pit
4. Isolation From Loved Ones

Even as I type this I can sense how cold this sounds...how cruel and uncaring I actually am...my heart does (even if it is faintly) long that you just one of you on here would be saved and this is why I post this dire warning.

You know that mental image you just painted for yourself of what hell is going to be like and how cruel and cold you felt it was? Yeah imagine that you have to worship a being who would do such a thing while at the same time being able to fully comprehend how terrible it is for all eternity. Its not much of an alternative for a truly moral being such as yourself is it? Unless you feel like you can actually say in good conscience that this is justice in any real sense of the word then that is going to be your alternative...
blood_pardon said:
Our sinner is not unique. Everyone in hell believes.

Of course they would. In this hypothetical situation they would have what we do not have in the real world: Evidence that the crazy stories are true.
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The Zoroastrian hell is far worse:
"Indeed, they may also be forced to ingest and devour horrid things (their own corpses, flesh and excrement, menstrual fluids and semen, blood and brains from skulls of the dead and their own children). Other punishments may be even more gruesome, including hanging (particularly upside-down), dismemberment, decapitation, laceration, mutilation and self-mutilation by cutting, gnawing, devouring, gnashing, piercing, beating, tearing, trampling, stinging and dragging. The wicked are stabbed and pelted, and stretched on racks; they are forced to bear enormous burdens, perform painful and fruitless tasks; are burned and cooked in ovens, cauldrons and frying-pans; are cast down into heat, cold and smoke, snow and stench. They endure hunger and thirst; and they are forced to lick hot things or to defecate and masturbate continually; they are submerged in mud and turned into serpents; and also oddly bombarded with hedgehogs (a small spiny animal, native to Iran and popular as a pet among ancient Zoroastrians). In particular, the sense organs of the wicked are attacked: their eyes gouged out and their tongues pulled out; putrid substances are forced into their noses, eyes and mouths. Their sexual organs are also assaulted: their penises are gnawed and their breasts are gnashed and cut off." - Regarding The Book of Arda Viraf

All of this is done in the deepest, darkest pit, where people are packed so tightly that they crush one another, yet cannot see each other. The lamentations are endless and overpowering. And for each moment they endure this deepest darkest hell they wonder if not 9000 years have past.

If you find these sorts of things convincing then you should immediately convert.
I kind of like The Divine Comedy in this regard.
It paints a very vivid and threatening picture of hell. One must wonder what kind of sick fuck would dream up such things.
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TheFlyingBastard said:
I kind of like The Divine Comedy in this regard.
It paints a very vivid and threatening picture of hell. One must wonder what kind of sick fuck would dream up such things.
Oh, you should read the The Book of Arda Viraf then. It is probably the basis of Dante's work.
Fascinating and captivating though I'm sure that was:


Seriously though, I don't believe a word you wrote. You'll need to provide some evidence that it exists... and in the meantime, how do you know the Muslims haven't got it right? You might be pissing off Allah big time, but you gives a flying fuck? Not you and not me either.
Yeah, time for a reality check. The god of Christianity loves you so much that he would do that to you for not believing that he loves you.

I really forgot how utterly retarded this doctrine is.
You know, these theists have gone to great lengths of thought and imagination when it comes to the concept of their punishment. I won't muse on what that shows about your own mind, given the seeming enjoyment of torture, but- You have yet to describe your myth's reward to the same length. Maybe "peace" and "praising your deity." Perhaps you should focus your efforts on the reward, and its descriptions. For instance, my religion, following the Flying Spaghetti Monster, promises a beer volcano and a stripper factory, as long as I'm not a complete jerk. It even offers gradual redemption after your corporeal life ends, and doesn't require belief to even receive the reward. If I'm going to believe any myth, that sounds fun to me. Make me a better offer! Until then, I'm- ahem- very satisfied with my current long distance spiritual provider, and have no desire to switch providers at this time.
Stadred said:
You know, these theists have gone to great lengths of thought and imagination when it comes to the concept of their punishment. I won't muse on what that shows about your own mind, given the seeming enjoyment of torture, but- You have yet to describe your myth's reward to the same length. Maybe "peace" and "praising your deity." Perhaps you should focus your efforts on the reward, and its descriptions. For instance, my religion, following the Flying Spaghetti Monster, promises a beer volcano and a stripper factory, as long as I'm not a complete jerk. It even offers gradual redemption after your corporeal life ends, and doesn't require belief to even receive the reward. If I'm going to believe any myth, that sounds fun to me. Make me a better offer! Until then, I'm- ahem- very satisfied with my current long distance spiritual provider, and have no desire to switch providers at this time.

Heh, like it, though surely the desire for strippers is frowned upon if you have a significant other?
I have to be honest, my initial reaction was an overwhelming urge to tell you to fuck off.

I don't like threats.
Squawk said:
Heh, like it, though surely the desire for strippers is frowned upon if you have a significant other?

My wife is awesome. We both point out "hotness" in others, both male and female. She also says that we need to go to this "legs and eggs" place by our old college some time. I show her amusing porn on my side, she ogles Ronin on Stargate Atlantis... She's one in a googol, and we both like looking at the scenery. :-D
Stadred said:
Squawk said:
Heh, like it, though surely the desire for strippers is frowned upon if you have a significant other?

My wife is awesome. We both point out "hotness" in others, both male and female. She also says that we need to go to this "legs and eggs" place by our old college some time. I show her amusing porn on my side, she ogles Ronin on Stargate Atlantis... She's one in a googol, and we both like looking at the scenery. :-D

In all fairness my significant other is along the same lines, but I suspect she'd frown at the strippers thing.
Ok BP, let me inform you of something here, and this is coming from a former christian mind you and of the fundie variety (Seventh Day Adventist. Still makes me shudder with disgust...)

Posting this type of crap is not going to attract followers, fence sitters or otherwise, and it makes people like me scream "NEVER AGAIN!"
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Zoten001 said:
Ok BP, let me inform you of something here, and this is coming from a former christian mind you and of the fundie variety (Seventh Day Adventist. Still makes me shudder with disgust...)

Posting this type of crap is not going to attract followers, fence sitters or otherwise, and it makes people like me scream "NEVER AGAIN!"
Yeah no kidding. BP, if you really want to convert people, don't use this tactic.

Unless, of course, you're simply doing this to feed into your own martyr complex...
blood_pardon said:
Even as I type this I can sense how cold this sounds...how cruel and uncaring I actually am...my heart does (even if it is faintly) long that you just one of you on here would be saved and this is why I post this dire warning.

Yeah, why don't you go outside to play hide and go fuck yourself?

Get over it. Nobody gives a crap about your stupid threat of hell.