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Testing for the race of a criminal? Racist!


New Member

"Since the Baton Rouge case, DNAWitness has been used nationally in nearly 200 criminal investigations. In several, the science played a crucial role in narrowing the suspect field, ultimately leading to an arrest. But its success hasn't made the technology popular with law enforcement. Frudakis' company, DNAPrint, has yet to turn a profit and may not survive much longer.

Part of the problem is cost , basic tests run more than $1,000. But the real issue? DNAWitness touches on race and racial profiling , a subject with such a tortured history that people can't countenance the existence of the technology, even if they don't understand how it works. "

What is this crap? This isn't even mathematical modeling; this is a test on a piece of known evidence to obtain a result for a specific person. You might as well toss out video cameras since they can also tell you the race of a suspect. :roll: