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TC is at it again


New Member
How many times does this kid have to have his arse handed to him before he figures out he's on the wrong path.
He sounds Australian, We need a better education system here.
But wait, theres more! We'll include 5 more flarred ribs for FREE if you call within the next 5 minutes.

Seriously, do these goons ever realize that if *somehow* they were to disprove evolution in their wildest dreams, why we would jump to christianity/creationism instead of the so many other religions. All of the sudden I've become very confused as to what these people actually are wanting to do. :cry:
Oops, have i made a dick of myself on my first posting,
Is this kid a Poe?
It is established with certainty beyond reasonable doubt that this kid is just a troll. Whether he is a Poe or not has not been established.
Gawd bless Firefox (and the gimp) :D

Umm he does realize that if the neanderthal was an ancestor of ours and a link between humans and apes that the fact that the neanderthal has less fur than an ape would be a beneficial mutation right? He's also aware that the rib cage flaring out wasn't a mutation, they started that way and have since become less flared right?

Please someone tell me that TC is not really this stupid, I'd like to at least save some shred of hope that humanity can't produce this much stupid.
I may be mistaken, but that appears to be a European neanderthal he is using as a reference. It evolved to survive the harsh cold climate of Europe, not the African savannah.
i swear as i was watching this i was asking myself why he was drawing boobs on that skeleton
I encourage all of you to ignore this attention whore
You're right, since looking up his other vids and comments he seems like a nephilimfree wannabe, he's searching the net for stuff that, half sounds right to him, and then building on it, I'd be pretty sure he doesn't believe half the crap he spouts.
But he probably believes that he should attack his enemies with anything possible, any argument that he thinks would lessen his opponents position, he would think is valid . I guess we must consider he is still a child and has the emotional and behavioral patterns of a child, so he still has a playground mentality . A few people have the education and patience to discuss matters cordially with him put he tries to push their buttons and doesn't listen, RyuOni1989 is one guy i am subscribed to comes to mind.
IBSpify said:
i swear as i was watching this i was asking myself why he was drawing boobs on that skeleton
If you squint a litle bit you can see a small cock shoting jeez, the boobz are also balls.
Did TruthfulChristian really draw tits on a skeleton and call it hot in the name of Creationism? :shock: :shock:

That's one sick puppy! :lol:


If fur and a flarrrrred (F. L. A. R. R. R. R. R. E. D) ribcage are deadly in hot climates, I'd like to see TC to explain this:

kangaroos in volcanoes!
You must execute energy with a firing squad!
Cells hump eachother out.
Cells must pop into existance with the right nucleus, because if a bacteria pops into existance with a human nucleus then it is f*.
There might be something else other than evolution or God, since we don't know it therefore God wins.

:facepalm: OMFG! This shit just made a couple of my brain cells commit suicide.
I love how at the end he acknowledges that he's set up a false dichotomy ("or a third option but we don't know what that third option is") and then states that it doesn't mater and since one is wrong then god ("but since we don't know what that third option is god is correct")

Also, i didn't think it possible, but is he getting dumber?