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I watched this film last night and wondered what you guys think about it? Admittedly I knew vaguely what this was about but I generally ignore the media as much as possible. So I wasn't aware of how this story broke, the extents of the evil involved, nor of the massive cover up. To put it mildly it made me sick. I have to wonder how anyone can watch this and still think god exists. If his entire institution is designed to diddle little boys one would think it wouldn't take reporters to bring it to light. He did smite numerous cities for being abhorrent did he not? There can be no excuse made nor any apologetic constructed to square this with a god who gives a shit about humans. If he exists he's a supreme bastard to allow this to continue around the world for centuries in his name. If I hadn't known him to be imagination already I would have to conclude he's at best impotent and at worst evil. Every time I think I'm past the angry stage of unbelief I run across something else that is just utterly sickening that can be laid nowhere but at the feet of the monster these people call god or the institution they created as a result of their delusions.
I've just finished watching the film. It's very good.

What's really sickening is how the cover up wasn't done by the church alone but by other people too. Including parents and family of the raped children. Religion is poison.

Why is Catholic Church still legal?
Really is unfathomable isn't it? The whole institution. From deity, to clergy, to parishioner, to the legal system, to the press, to the families. Just sick. Protect the church and it's dogma at all costs. When they are willing to sell the souls of children there's nothing left they can say to defend their magic man. He either doesn't exist, doesn't care, or is complicit. Either way I don't understand people continuing to buy the lies. I can't make myself that afraid of death.
WarK said:
Why is Catholic Church still legal?

Mainly, because our society gives religion such a high status. It does not matter what the religion is or what it promotes. Up until the 70s the Mormon Church was openly bigoted to black people, until rather recently all the states in the U.S. allowed for vaccination exemptions simply for religious reasons, and still today different religious groups are openly bigoted to the LGBTQ community without much repercussion. For whatever reason, religion is seen only as a force for good no matter how much bad it does produce.

However, speaking to the main focus of this thread and as an apostate Catholic; this movie highlights the main reason why I wholeheartedly say FUCK Pope Francis. He can pay all the lip service he wants to being more progressive and liberal, yet I will not buy an ounce of it. He is the only person in the whole world that could bring an end to this over night by sitting on his throne at the Vatican and declaring that the Church will no longer hide pediphile priests and that they should be charged as criminals in whatever land they are found committing that atrocity in. Anything short of this can only be seen as evil.