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Response to AronRa vid "WTF is a Kind!!!!"

Led Zeppelin

Active Member

It's impossible for anyone person to keep up with all of the relevant literature. So at the 35:00 mark begins a good explanation of some view points that might oppose mine If you are interested. As a Creationist, my views will always be biased towards what I see as a biblical creation account. So it should always be good for anyone to see the other side of the argument when it comes to this stuff.

In fairness to AronRa, that is one point that he would bring up that some Creationists will deny. Yes, real Creationists have a bias. That is the whole point of Creationism! I don't understand why some of us are afraid to admit that, but oh well.
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OH come on! Don't be like that!
Sorry, I've just never been that interested in genetics or evolution science.

I will say this in regards your general question about "kinds". I think a number of my fellow atheists spend way too much time trying to debunk this notion, when it really doesn't need it. In my very basic understanding of the issue, I think the whole notion of kinds was put forward as a rudimentary attempt to explain speciation. The recognized there were differences between animals and, using what knowledge they had at the time, were trying to define classes of creatures.

The problem now is that we have one side saying "It's in the bible, so it has to be completely true and accurate", while the other side is saying "We must throw away this idea and replace it with what we know now." It is, for my part, a silly argument.

Led Zeppelin

Active Member
Sorry, I've just never been that interested in genetics or evolution science.
I guess I don't really care about any of this stuff anymore either. It's not like anyone's ever going to ask me what the hell I think about it all anyway.

I will say this in regards your general question about "kinds". I think a number of my fellow atheists spend way too much time trying to debunk this notion, when it really doesn't need it. In my very basic understanding of the issue, I think the whole notion of kinds was put forward as a rudimentary attempt to explain speciation. The recognized there were differences between animals and, using what knowledge they had at the time, were trying to define classes of creatures.

The problem now is that we have one side saying "It's in the bible, so it has to be completely true and accurate", while the other side is saying "We must throw away this idea and replace it with what we know now." It is, for my part, a silly argument.
Yeah both sides are just way too demanding in wanting others to agree with everything they say. I sorta regret starting this thread now.