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Ok, so those of you who have seen a few of my other posts will remember how crazy my mother is. In a sentence she is "a brainwashed neocon hannitized ditto head", which means she listens to the neocon talk show host Rush Limbaugh, as well as the demon masquerading as a fat bastard Sean "the fucktard" Hannity at least 3 hours a day. She also claims that Obama is a socialist psychopath who is trying to take over the country and have it all run by the government.

She is now reading a book entitled "Liberal Fascism" and seems to practically worship it. When I first saw the cover I nearly face palmed myself to death. It has the stereotypical "walmart yellow smilyface" with a Hitler mustache sharpied in.

So yeah, my mom is now raving about how Fascist America is, and how it has been since the 20s. I seriously just want to curbstomp her sometimes.

After raving about this book and its message, she goes into one of her pro-life shpeals about how the pro-abortionists are deluded and only listen to propaganda and not the truth. Ironically, she starts to complain about something of which she has bought into time and time again.

She just doesn't seem to think for a second that there is any chance that she might be wrong. And what's really scary, doesn't think that a person can actually make an informed opinion on any matter, but must have been given the information somehow and then took it at the word. This is obviously a projection on her part, but explains alot about my parents who blame my Catholic university for "making me a liberal".

Oh well, rant over: needed to get that off my chest. my mom is such a sheep...
"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe. " - Frank Zappa

"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." - George Carlin
I've had a somewhat similar experiences with my parents. They're highly, highly religious. I was on the phone with my mother when Obama had just been elected. I was all chirpy saying "Oh yeah! Did you see Obama was elected?". She responded with "Oh yes, we were really sad when we heard the news. It's a bit sad isn't it?". I was like "erm...", her response took me completely by surprise.

They've basically surrounded themselves with christian books, tapes, videos and dvds. They'll only read christian books and only listen to christian music. Their home life and work life is basically church related. All their friends are christians. If you ask for advice they'll tell you to turn to god...etc.

It can be highly frustrating.
Salv said:
All their friends are christians. If you ask for advice they'll tell you to turn to god...etc.

my parents do the same. in fact, my mom has told me on a few occasions that the reason she has been such a lousy mom is that she had Mary, the mother of Jesus, be my mother.
This is even more evidence to how harmfull religion can be....

A little comment on politics:
I find it endlessly annoying when American conservatives (i.e. Christian/Republican fundies) complain about how horrible the world would become with the dreaded Liberals (such as Obama) in a position of power. Listening to them you would think that the Liberal Monster Obama will lead the USA into oblivion!

Why do I find it so annoying? Becouse all the evidence point to the contrary!
I live in Norway. Norway (and the rest of Scandinavia) is the most Liberal place on Planet Earth! (So liberal in fact, that the Democratic party in the USA would be classified as a conservative right-wing party in Norwegean politics!)

Yes! Increadibly, the Scandinavian nations are actualy run by their gouverments rather than by the corporation with the biggest budget!
And guess what? Scandinavia aint Communist hell! On the contrary, the Scandinavian countries has time and again been ranked as the best places to live on the entire planet!

Ofcourse, Scandinavia is also the least religious place on Earth (despite the fact that at least Norway and Sweden (dont know about the other countries) are NOT secular states!).
I guess this is why the religious crackers ignore our excistance... :p
Salv said:
They've basically surrounded themselves with christian books, tapes, videos and dvds. They'll only read christian books and only listen to christian music. Their home life and work life is basically church related. All their friends are christians. If you ask for advice they'll tell you to turn to god...etc.
I've noticed that many, many people do this. Not only Christians and conservatives, but many who would call themselves liberal simply refuse to read/listen to anything which presents an opposing viewpoint to their own. I have a hypothesis that people who do not fully understand WHY they have a belief actively attempt to avoid anything which may be contradictory to that belief and actively seek out those things which reinforce their belief.

When I was a teenager and tried to talk to my parents about the reasons I was an atheist, they would tell me that they didn't want to hear that kind of talk in their house. It seemed that the more reasoned and logical my claim, the more vehemently it was summarily rejected.

Oh man. I feel for you Darth.

I keep running into these conversative nutjobs that live on O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity etc etc. And I've noticed that most of these people don't think for themselves. And I'm not just saying that because our views are different. But when making arguments they don't back up it with any reasoning why and how they reach their conclusion. They simply parrot or just repeat their assertions but more loudly as if that makes a stronger point. Which is nicely illustrated by FOX NEWS' interviews where it's almost always a shouting match if they have a guest that opposes their conservative world view.

So yeah. Christianity and Conservatism go quite nicely together.
Icefire9atla said:
Sound like heaven! :D

There are, ofcourse, disadvantages to living here as there are disadvantages with most places but, in my opinions, the advantages outweigh them by far! :mrgreen:
Gnomesmusher said:
I've noticed that most of these people don't think for themselves. And I'm not just saying that because our views are different. But when making arguments they don't back up it with any reasoning why and how they reach their conclusion. They simply parrot or just repeat their assertions but more loudly as if that makes a stronger point. Which is nicely illustrated by FOX NEWS' interviews where it's almost always a shouting match if they have a guest that opposes their conservative world view.

they also always know better than the experts on matters in which they have spent no more time on than to form an opinion which means listening to someone else and repeating just as you said. This is usually along the lines of "Barrack Hussein Obama gonna kill us all, commie commie commie! Science and actual economics are icky but I know everything about them! Global what??? the world is cooling. Taxes make me mad so I'm gonna go teabag someone!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE IS AGAINST THE CONSERVATIVESSSS!!!! Liberalism<=>EVIL!!!!!!!!!!! oh, and I'm not fat, my metabolism is just that way"

Gosh is just pisses me off
darthrender2010 said:
So yeah, my mom is now raving about how Fascist America is, and how it has been since the 20s...After raving about this book and its message, she goes into one of her pro-life shpeals about how the pro-abortionists are deluded and only listen to propaganda and not the truth.
It's always quite fascinating to see these people who complain all the time about the lack of freedom turning around and demanding the gov to legislate moral
Kennethah81 said:
There are, ofcourse, disadvantages to living here as there are disadvantages with most places but, in my opinions, the advantages outweigh them by far! :mrgreen:

Disadvantages? Are you referring to our 106% income tax possibly? ;D. No I agree, there's no place like scandinavia for a guy like me.