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PP: This forum has no PP thread.


New Member
This forum needs a Pet Peeve thread.
Now you won't have to make a new thread every time there is something annoying or pissing you off.
Just in case some of you still don't get it:
Example from my main forum.

PP: I have this zit in my ear. It hurts.

PP2: It started raining on top of all the snow. And it is supposedly going to start freezing again soon.
For reasons of longevity, I prefer a fuck right off thread, as in:

FRO @ shoelaces that untie themselves regardless of the complexity of knot

FRO @ multiple perambulators on buses whose owners can't be arsed to fold them up

FRO @ christmas-tinted episodes of Dr Who

FRO @ secret santa
The point is that it is about recent PPs, rants about things that have happened recently, sad things, commenting on other people's PPs, etc.

If you just have a thread about what pisses you off then the thread will die within weeks.
On my main forum, the PP thread have been going on for nearly 1 1/2 years and has 400 pages of PPs.
It would have been older and longer was it not for that the forum had crashed sometime before I joined, eradicating the original thread.
We even have an Anti-Peeves thread for good things.

How does it have such a longevity?
Bad and annoying shit happens to all of us, all the time.

With the PP thread, you won't get a forum flooded with threads with simple rants
BrainBlow said:
The point is that it is about recent PPs, rants about things that have happened recently, sad things, commenting on other people's PPs, etc.

So, not pet peeves then (by definition a particular issue you have, not an ongoing list of recently annoying things). There probably is one of those, ignored and lonely at the bottom of a sub-forum.
If you just have a thread about what pisses you off then the thread will die within weeks.

Read that back to yourself shortly after reading your sentence quoted above it...
On my main forum, the PP thread have been going on for nearly 1 1/2 years and has 400 pages of PPs.

Thereby nullifying your previous sentence.
It would have been older and longer was it not for that the forum had crashed sometime before I joined, eradicating the original thread.

I didn't even look at it, I'll be honest. I did glance at the link, however. Those two sentences are connected.
We even have an Anti-Peeves thread for good things.

Clever naming scheme.
How does it have such a longevity?
Bad and annoying shit happens to all of us, all the time.

Hence fuck right off @, not pet peeves. I'm all about being clear, and preferably, concise.
With the PP thread, you won't get a forum flooded with threads with simple rants


I'm not arguing the against case, I seriously don't give a toss either way. My pet peeves will offend some on these (and other) boards, so it's probably best if I just duck out now and leave you to your mild aggravations...
People that behave like cunts when they are drunk / people that can't handle their drink and ruin everyone else's night by making them carry them around and clean up their vomit.

Censoring internet abbreviations LMBO!!1!11! (something my religious friends do... It just irks me)

Mylar gift wrap. (you can't just tear into it, you have to reverse wrap it to get it off)

Guys on facebook who comment on or "like" everything a chick posts. Its not going to get you laid, fucking stop it!!!

"Live Laugh Love"

"i'll pray for you" Not because of its religious nature, but because its lazy as fuck and doesn't help the situation.

Youtube edits, you know the ones where they say half of a phrase and then splice in another segment to complete the phrase because they're just too fucking lazy to redo the scene without fucking it up in the first place?

Youtube videos that are 3 minutes long with a 1.5 minute long intro. Fuck you!

Political ads. Just, just.... fuck it...

Little Shreds of paper that the vacuum can't pick up.

Clam shell packaging

Republicans (just their rhetoric makes me feel like I've just dropped a few IQ points)

Going out somewhere and walking into a fart cloud that someone left behind... Just, fucking, gross.

That one guy who is always around the girl you have a thing for.

Dull razor blades. Not sharp enough to cut anything except your fucking hand :evil:

Running out of windshield washer fluid. You always end up with a huge smear which only makes it worse.

Going to the laundromat.

I'll have to post more later.
Actually, I know of a couple pet peeve threads, but they kinda got lost. I said something about absolutes, I think. :D