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O'Reilly lauches pre-emptive strike in the war on Christmas

Sorry, I do not really have time to respond at the moment ut mentioning this moron O'Reilly I have to say something.

I am not an american as I presume alot of you are here, I am swedish, United States is what we would call a third world country, or possible a really really backwards first world country, so when I see these americans claiming that their nation is 'the best' and yadayadayada and other ignorant bullshit, I get pissed off, Ignorance is one thing, but spewing once ignorance as the average american and people like O'Reilly do, I mean, I dont attack Russians Chinese or North Koreans (I consider North Korea and U.S very similar in their isolation and belief they are 'the best') because they do not open their mouth and spew crap like this, but COMEONE.....

Besides that, and I apologize If I offended any americans here having a hard time accepting that their nation is a joke, but Christmas is not a Christian holiday. We had it for thousands of years (the celebrations) and it goes further back then the pagans, I think its original origine is related to the stars, presumably seen as gods or somesuch as they once thought, Either way, What is this WAR on CHRISTMAS? Do Americans like O'Reilly not know that Christmas was hijacked by Christians and taken from the Pagans whom previously took it from their own societies ad infinitum?

I am SWEDISH, Therefore I do not believe in gods and such, and yet i ENJOY CHRISTMAS... Christmas is not the time of a none existant deity called Jesus, no, its a Human Concept which we have given a meaning to ourselfs, people believing in gods use it as a confrimation for their gods that do not exist, others enjoy having a good time with their family or friends, I and most of the Swedes enjoy Christmas and yet we are some o the most Atheist people on the planet, BECAUSE RELIGION IS NOT RELEVANT TO THE CELEBRATION.

If it was, Christmas would NOT BE CHRISTIAN..... I dont get it.. Sorry, I just needed to air. That Idiot O'Reilly reminds me of how and what you americans 'believe', its just so strange, I see more logical people in Muslim countries (which I lived in) then in the U.S (which I lived in). It is just spooky.

I apologize once again.
LillSnopp, I feel it is my duty to point out the glaring errors in your argument:

'Origin' has no 'e', 'ourselves' has no 'f' and 'than' compares items whereas 'then' denotes sequential events.
On one hand I gotta agree it's a bit retarded to call a Christmas tree, holiday tree...on the other hand I find the issue overwhelmingly irrelevant
LillSnopp said:
Sorry, I do not really have time to respond at the moment ut mentioning this moron O'Reilly I have to say something.

I am not an american as I presume alot of you are here, I am swedish, United States is what we would call a third world country, or possible a really really backwards first world country, so when I see these americans claiming that their nation is 'the best' and yadayadayada and other ignorant bullshit, I get pissed off, Ignorance is one thing, but spewing once ignorance as the average american and people like O'Reilly do, I mean, I dont attack Russians Chinese or North Koreans (I consider North Korea and U.S very similar in their isolation and belief they are 'the best') because they do not open their mouth and spew crap like this, but COMEONE..
See, the problem with your position is that America has tones more smart, rational people than Sweden has. Your country is the size of a single American city. So, we've also got bigger, louder pockets of stupid here too. We've got millions of reasonable folks who look at O'Reilly and think he's an idiot, and enough millions of people to allow him a national platform to make our country look bad.
Lillsnoop, could you please lay off the America-hate a little? We get it, you think we're a third-world country, but you don't need to stress the point in every single post you make.
jeez, has big and stupid nothing better to do... is he running out of ways to blame obama for anything?
i just face palmed...

the tree itself is not from germany... though i shouldnt be surprised.
its a germanic tradition during the celebration of the midwinter (period when the days are the shortest) that the days are growning longer again and spring is soon upon us. it was incorporated by americans, but by christians to asimilate the germanic people into the christian dogma. seriously, ever seen a pincone tree grow in the middle east on its own?

and that this nonsense is costing americans their tax dollars, shouldn't they feel outraged that this way people are wasting resources which could help their economy...?! jeez... /rant
Eidolon said:
LillSnopp said:
I am SWEDISH, Therefore I do not believe in gods and such

I didn't realize Swede was a synonym for atheist.

It *sort of* is. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_atheism ;)

Go Sweden!
So first they criticise a politician for responding to the opinion of his constituents, then Bill patronises both women, and they round it off by saying that only Christians should get their way and that tax dollars should be spent on lawsuits to enforce and promote a religious holiday. These people are jokes. Sterilise them please!
I couldn't care less if a Christmas tree is a 'holiday tree' but this sounds horribly similar to the thinly-veiled racism in England where a false story was passed around in the newspapers and tabloids saying that Christmas lights and decorations could no longer be called 'Christmas' decorations/lights etc due to those immigrants who are taking all our jobs, you can probably work out the rest of the story (typical bigoted and unfounded bollocks).

It was plainly false and was just created and blown out of proportion to provide some ammunition to use against the hated minority du jour, seems like Bill O'Reilly is using the same tactic, bring up a tiny thing (or make one up) and blame it on those nasty atheists because atheists gaining power and actually displaying their non-belief is just disgusting. They have far too many rights, Christians only get their tax-free churches and displays, their ability to wear symbols of Christianity in the open without creating a shitstorm, obviously an atheist christmas display would be wrong but a Jesus/baby in the manger BS display is fine.
Why the fuck does it matter? What, exactly, is so important about it?

Hell, I agree. It's a Christmas tree. This "it's called a Holiday to include everybody!" PC bullshit is just that... bullshit.

But it's not bullshit because it's a Christian country. It's bullshit because it's not important! The Christians themselves shouldn't care because there was no tree at Jesus's birth. The tree is, quite frankly, part of "consumerism, the commercialization of an ancient religion, and the westernization of a dead Palestinian, press-ganged into selling Playstations and beer" (~Tim Minchin, White Wine in the Sun").

I will never understand this. Ever.

Why do people care? Seriously?
It is sort of dejà  vu.

Like a month ago there was a commentary in an official document from the Catalonian Schools Council considering to replace the names of Christmas and Holy Week (spanish for easter) with "winter and spring holidays".

The Christian PTA's Confederation jumped over them with analogous arguments (and some more), and made the hell of it. A week later we knew that the traditional names will be the official ones (at least till the next elections).

And that in Catalonia, the most secular region in Spain :?

It's so stupid... :7
LillSnopp said:
Sorry, I do not really have time to respond at the moment ut mentioning this moron O'Reilly I have to say something.

I am not an american as I presume alot of you are here, I am swedish, United States is what we would call a third world country, or possible a really really backwards first world country, so when I see these americans claiming that their nation is 'the best' and yadayadayada and other ignorant bullshit, I get pissed off, Ignorance is one thing, but spewing once ignorance as the average american and people like O'Reilly do, I mean, I dont attack Russians Chinese or North Koreans (I consider North Korea and U.S very similar in their isolation and belief they are 'the best') because they do not open their mouth and spew crap like this, but COMEONE.....

Besides that, and I apologize If I offended any americans here having a hard time accepting that their nation is a joke, but Christmas is not a Christian holiday. We had it for thousands of years (the celebrations) and it goes further back then the pagans, I think its original origine is related to the stars, presumably seen as gods or somesuch as they once thought, Either way, What is this WAR on CHRISTMAS? Do Americans like O'Reilly not know that Christmas was hijacked by Christians and taken from the Pagans whom previously took it from their own societies ad infinitum?

I am SWEDISH, Therefore I do not believe in gods and such, and yet i ENJOY CHRISTMAS... Christmas is not the time of a none existant deity called Jesus, no, its a Human Concept which we have given a meaning to ourselfs, people believing in gods use it as a confrimation for their gods that do not exist, others enjoy having a good time with their family or friends, I and most of the Swedes enjoy Christmas and yet we are some o the most Atheist people on the planet, BECAUSE RELIGION IS NOT RELEVANT TO THE CELEBRATION.

If it was, Christmas would NOT BE CHRISTIAN..... I dont get it.. Sorry, I just needed to air. That Idiot O'Reilly reminds me of how and what you americans 'believe', its just so strange, I see more logical people in Muslim countries (which I lived in) then in the U.S (which I lived in). It is just spooky.

I apologize once again.

I, being a fellow Swede, must say I heartilly disagree. The respect Sweden and the majority of its citizens hold for the United States is higher than that of most other countries - the countries and respective people's may have their differences (other than size and population) but up to this point I am yet to find an american that I can't have a sensible conversation with (Unless they happen to be zealous theists that is :>). Christmas hail from paganism, indeed, but that is no reason to make a huge deal about it LillSnopp.

Why you choose a nick that means "LittlePenis" is also beyond me.

You behave like you're taking personal offense from this man, take a chill pill and laugh at the idiocy instead of spewing forth inane nonsense and in the process make enemies amongst our rational friends here at LoR. Enjoy christmas as you do, or "Jul" (which is a pagan word for a midwinter celebration), and just be thankful that this could not happen over here. Mr. ORLY is an idiot, granted, but having a fit over it won't solve anything, especially since you're not even living in the bloody country it's happening in, in the first place.

Regarding the war on Christmas, I feel sorry for those who have to experience this first-hand, but I personally shall start calling it the Darwintree. Might as well take it once step further :>
Baranduin said:
It is sort of dejà  vu.

Like a month ago there was a commentary in an official document from the Catalonian Schools Council considering to replace the names of Christmas and Holy Week (spanish for easter) with "winter and spring holidays".

The Christian PTA's Confederation jumped over them with analogous arguments (and some more), and made the hell of it. A week later we knew that the traditional names will be the official ones (at least till the next elections).

And that in Catalonia, the most secular region in Spain :?

It's so stupid... :7
Eh, at my university and at most schools I've been to or known people at, they officially call it "winter break".
Why did they bring up atheism? I have yet to find one Atheist pushing for it to be called a holiday tree. All the people I know that are atheists celebrate Christmas. They just don't celebrate it as Jesus's birth.
LillSnopp said:
Sorry, I do not really have time to respond at the moment ut mentioning this moron O'Reilly I have to say something.

I am not an american as I presume alot of you are here, I am swedish, United States is what we would call a third world country, or possible a really really backwards first world country, so when I see these americans claiming that their nation is 'the best' and yadayadayada and other ignorant bullshit, I get pissed off, Ignorance is one thing, but spewing once ignorance as the average american and people like O'Reilly do, I mean, I dont attack Russians Chinese or North Koreans (I consider North Korea and U.S very similar in their isolation and belief they are 'the best') because they do not open their mouth and spew crap like this, but COMEONE.....

Besides that, and I apologize If I offended any americans here having a hard time accepting that their nation is a joke, but Christmas is not a Christian holiday. We had it for thousands of years (the celebrations) and it goes further back then the pagans, I think its original origine is related to the stars, presumably seen as gods or somesuch as they once thought, Either way, What is this WAR on CHRISTMAS? Do Americans like O'Reilly not know that Christmas was hijacked by Christians and taken from the Pagans whom previously took it from their own societies ad infinitum?

I am SWEDISH, Therefore I do not believe in gods and such, and yet i ENJOY CHRISTMAS... Christmas is not the time of a none existant deity called Jesus, no, its a Human Concept which we have given a meaning to ourselfs, people believing in gods use it as a confrimation for their gods that do not exist, others enjoy having a good time with their family or friends, I and most of the Swedes enjoy Christmas and yet we are some o the most Atheist people on the planet, BECAUSE RELIGION IS NOT RELEVANT TO THE CELEBRATION.

If it was, Christmas would NOT BE CHRISTIAN..... I dont get it.. Sorry, I just needed to air. That Idiot O'Reilly reminds me of how and what you americans 'believe', its just so strange, I see more logical people in Muslim countries (which I lived in) then in the U.S (which I lived in). It is just spooky.

I apologize once again.

Who are you pointing the finger at exaclty? All 300 million of us? As if we ALL believe this nonsense? As if we are ALL the same? Well I say to you, this is too big and diverse of a country to be putting us all in the same category. Careful with that "YOU Americans.." bullshit. If you lived here, then you know that we are not all the same.

If I had your logic I could say: You Europeans, all seem to think we are the all alike. Christian, arrogant, gluttonous, gun toting, fuckfaces. You Europeans criticize and hate this "joke" of a nation , until your neck of the woods needs aid of some kind. Then we are not so bad.

As for the Christmas issue. We are free to worship who or what we want and celebrate whatever Religious holidays we want, out side of our places of government, and that is the way it should be. But, it kills me that we still have unabashed leaders in government that still fight so hard to keep what little religion that is allowed in the state, and call that patriotic. To be clear, it is un-American for our government to have Christmas trees put up in our government buildings. A Christmas tree belongs in a government building as much as a Menorah, or kinaras. It's that simple.
Call it Christmas, call it Yule, call it Hitler/Mussolini Day... as long as I get the presents, I'm good. :lol: