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One reason god is impossible


New Member
I had this thought, that I already made a small comedy video about on YT.

If I was god, omni everything, could do everything I wanted, knew everything in the past, present and the now... I would be bored out of my skulle and kill myself.

Wouldnt you?

I mean living for eternity wihtout ANYTHING new in your existence, would you go on living?

What would be the purpose?

Does this ominxxxxxx god thing make itself forget things to be able to not know all and have som experiences it does not now beforehand?

It simply does not make any sense at all.

Even an omnixxxxx being would get bored out of it's 'skull' if there was nopthing new, ever, wouldn't it?
Not really...if god is everything, if he is hole and complete then he doesn't need anything, entretainment included

The very fact that he created the universe proves he is not perfect, because it's obvious he has a purpose, an objective a goal...therefore he is not perfect. Because he longs for something

I mean...if you are already perfect, why would you create something imperfect? Or even create anything at all? Makes no fucking sense
Although I'm sure most of you have heard of Thunderf00t on youtube, I strongly urge anyone who hasn't to watch this playlist of a series he's made on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=AC3481305829426D

But anyways, Thunderf00t addressed this very problem with the idea of living forever in video #19 of the series. To save you the trouble of watching it (although you still should) he says, "Ahh...the snake-oil merchant peddling the promise of eternal life to the short sighted neurotic mortals, who can be seduced by the vacuous promise of eternal life. Eternal life would be no gift, but arguably one of the most horrific tortures that could be laid on a sentient being. I mean sure the first million years might be fun, but what about the next million and the billion after that and the trillion after that AND you still have eternity left. This is never going to end. There will NEVER be an end in sight. Eternal life is merely the poorly thought out fiction of mortals that have gotten greedy. Eternal life would be a curse. Without death there is no reason to do things, eternal life would rob you of purpose and this is how things would remain for eternity and eternity after that and eternity after that. I strongly urge you to accept your mortality; do not let your fear of your inevitable death make you waste your only mortal life pursuing phantasms and delusions. Look at yourself in the mirror. For billions of years those particles, which are currently looking back at you, have circulated in the universe, but for a brief moment they have coalesced in you. Rejoice in the impressive instant until they dissipate whence they came. Delight that you're a spark of life in the universe. Life is so much more vibrant and vivid without bronze-aged paranoid superstitions that cloud and contract the mind with some empty and undesirable promise that sparks can burn forever. Our time is finite, this gives our life meaning, this gives our life purpose, this gives our lives urgency. Live life today, SAVOR it!

Even though you posed this question in the fantasy, "if you were god," I feel it gets the same point across that being absolutely perfect and never dying would be useless because you have no purpose. Imperfections in our knowledge, appearance w/e, make us strive for things we naturally lack giving us a goal, a purpose, a reason to exist even if it as trivial as smelling like a celebrity or learning Calculus.

*Note: I personally wrote down Thunder00t's quote so if there are any misspellings or improper uses of punctuation I apologize, I'm not perfect...duh.
I have seen the vid you mention :)

IThere is not much of Thunderf00t's I havent seen yet.

And he is right , on my book, about the ternal life.

Allthough I wouldnt mind living 2-300 years, as I am a very curious human that feels I might miss out on somthing, but that's just me ;-)
Vogter2100 said:
Allthough I wouldnt mind living 2-300 years, as I am a very curious human that feels I might miss out on somthing, but that's just me ;-)

Totally agree I think it would be awesome to see where mankind is in another few hundred years, but ask yourself, would you really want to ride those hundred or so years out in anticipation only to be stuck in another rut of waiting to see what will happen next after that?
Imagine if you knew for sure that every morning would be suceded by another, and another, and another...If tomorrow will always come, why do things today?

After all, life is long...so why bother living?
This is a good point and one I've heard many times but religious people can always squeeze their way out and say that god works in mysterious ways.
Man, I don't think anything that comes out of Thunderf00t's mouth is dumb. He nails it on the head. I mean, I think I'd eventually get bored with eternal life, too. I think what is important is for us to try to enjoy the only life we ever get and to try to leave a positive legacy after we're gone, to try to be a person that people can think fondly of after we're gone.
Reminds me of a quote from Bab5

"To live on, ... is to leave behind joy, love, and companionship because we know it to be transitory; of the moment. We know it will turn to ash. Only those whose lives are brief can believe that love, is eternal."
GoodKat said:
The ultimate cop-out!

Yes, but when dealing with moral and other issues they always know what god would do or what he wants from us, just ask a hard question or point out a logical inconsistency and they'll say, well god just did it that way.
DarwinsOtherTheory said:
Yes, but when dealing with moral and other issues they always know what god would do or what he wants from us, just ask a hard question or point out a logical inconsistency and they'll say, well god just did it that way.
God works in mysterious ways(only when His actions make Him look like a lunatic/sadist/asshole/moron)
A perfect God is a god who is truly all-powerful and shows his mightiness. The greatest proof of god is that he does exactly this. The greatest challenge to any being is non-existence. Thus, to truly be all-powerful, god must not exist and must overcome non-existence to act. A non-existent being cannot act, since that would entail existence. Hence, God as a perfect, all-powerful being is impossible by the very definition of all-powerful. God is is a pefect being? Then god does not exist.
Why must god not exist to be perfect?

You are right but for the wrong reasons.
God can't be perfect to all things, as perfection is relative. Omnipotence is not required to be perfect, but omnipotence is also impossible.

Some could see existence as a flaw, and therefor would require perfect beings to not exist, while others could see non existence as a flaw as they are lacking something.
JacobEvans said:
Why must god not exist to be perfect?.

God must be non-existent to be truly all-powerful, as I said above. A perfect god, as described by Abrahamists, ,must be all=powerful as a part of 'his' perfection